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Episode 302
Gloria Chou - Gloria Chou PR

Combining PR and Paid Ads for Explosive eComm Growth

Learn the secrets behind securing free press coverage for eCommerce brands. Contrary to popular belief, free PR isn’t reserved only for companies that hire expensive PR agencies. Whether you're launching a new product or looking to boost your brand's visibility, this episode is packed with actionable insights that could make all of your other marketing efforts better.

Key topics covered:

  • The CPR (Credibility, Point of View, Relevance) method: A foolproof framework for crafting compelling pitches that grab journalists' attention.
  • How to approach gift guide pitches and maximize your chances of inclusion in coveted holiday roundups.
  • Strategies for leveraging product launches and press releases to create buzz and secure media coverage.
  • Tips for building and nurturing relationships with journalists, including how to use email tracking and follow-up techniques.
  • Cost-effective tools and resources for managing your own PR efforts, even without prior experience or agency support.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn how you can take control of your brand's narrative and secure valuable media coverage without breaking the bank. Gloria's practical advice and insider tips will empower you to become your brand's best advocate and unlock the untapped potential of PR for your eCommerce brand.



(00:00) Introduction 

(03:29) From Diplomat to PR

(08:00) PR Basics

(13:00) Gift Guides

(16:33) Crafting Your Pitch

(23:11) Building Media Relationships

(24:32) Finding Your Media Outlet

(27:27) Product Launches

(32:13) Founder Stories

(33:16) Case Studies

(34:26) Follow-Up Tips

(36:26) Tools & Resources

(37:30) Conclusion


Show Notes:


Connect With Brett: 


Past guests on eCommerce Evolution include Ezra Firestone, Steve Chou, Drew Sanocki, Jacques Spitzer, Jeremy Horowitz, Ryan Moran, Sean Frank, Andrew Youderian, Ryan McKenzie, Joseph Wilkins, Cody Wittick, Miki Agrawal, Justin Brooke, Nish Samantray, Kurt Elster, John Parkes, Chris Mercer, Rabah Rahil, Bear Handlon, Trevor Crump, Frederick Vallaeys, Preston Rutherford, Anthony Mink, Bill D’Allessandro, Bryan Porter and more




How can we disrupt that industry? Because here's the thing, if you keep paying an agency, the moment you stop paying them, they walk away with the relationships.


Well, hello and welcome to another edition of the E-Commerce Evolution podcast. I'm your host, Brett Curry, CEO of OMG Commerce, and today we're talking about a topic that I don't believe we've ever discussed on the podcast before, but it has tons of potential and I believe it's a missed opportunity for you, and that is pr, getting free press for your brand, for your product launches, and how you can leverage all of that to your benefit. Now, as you know, listening into the pod, I'm a paid ads guy. I love YouTube, I love Google, I love meta, Amazon, all of that works. All that is critical. But the best brands I know, the brands that truly scale and the brands that maintain that growth always have something other than paid ads working for them. It's either organic rankings or it's virality and lots of people just naturally talking about them or it's pr. And so can't wait to dive into this topic I have with me, Gloria Chou from Gloria Chou PR and the host of Small Business PR podcast. She's a wealth of knowledge. She's got a unique story and she's going to show you how to leverage PR for growth for your brand. And so with that, Gloria Chou, ladies and gentlemen, Gloria, how's it going? And welcome to the show.


Hey, thanks for having me. It's good. It's getting cold here in Brooklyn, so the seasons are changing.


I love it. I appreciate all seasons now of kind of like, Hey, let's enjoy every aspect of life. Don't like it as much when it's a hundred degrees in the Midwest and humid. Not my F, but dude, when it starts to cool off, I just get fired up. I got more energy, I feel more alive. So yep, I'm here for it. And you're in Brooklyn. One of my favorite spots, I'll actually be there in a few weeks, but what do you love so much about Brooklyn? Are you a long time Brooklyn resident?


So I'm actually from la. I was born and raised in la. I also grew up a little bit in Beijing where my mom lives. So I speak Chinese. I've been in New York now for about 10 years, on and off. Interestingly enough, previously to this, I was a US diplomat, so I worked abroad in Canada and also one year in Washington dc but I love New York. It's my sole home. It's not the highest quality of life, we all know that. But the diversity here is unmatched and I love it. I don't think it's our forever home. My husband's from Italy, so I think eventually we'll move to Europe, but we got a few good years left here.


That's great. Yeah, the energy, the cultural diversity, the restaurants, the views, so many cool things that New York has going for it. So let's just quickly make the New York LA comparison. You prefer New York over la and if so, why


A hundred percent? Well, first of all, I don't like driving at all, so that's a no-no for me, I love biking and walking, so just from that perspective, New York all the way.


Perfect. So we're going to dive into PR and you've got some very practical tips and advice for retail brands, e-commerce brands, omnichannel brands on how to leverage. Super excited about that. But I'm curious, how does one go from US diplomat to PR rockstar? How do you make that transition?


It's a very untraditional thing. So I actually never worked a day in my life in any PR or marketing agency, and that's very unheard of. And so when I was in government, I always wanted to switch into communications. I was writing speeches for the ambassador, and I just love to see my friends win. I always say that in my previous life I was like that hip hop mc like hyping everyone up. I just love hyping my friends up. And so I applied for I kid you not a thousand jobs in PR firms. And they all said, your experience is interesting, but we're really looking for someone with that traditional agency background. And so immediately


Nobody saw the ability to make that leap. It was not computing for the hiring managers. And I


Realized, wow, this is an industry that is so not narrow-minded, but very gate kept, very traditional, very kind of insiders, like cool kids club. You're either in the club or you're not. And so as someone who was never in the club, I had to literally, I got my first client and he's like, we're a small FinTech. I had no idea what that was. I didn't study finance. And he's like, if you can get us on CNBC and New York Times and Wall Street Journal, we'll pay you a couple hundred bucks. And first of all, no PR person would do guaranteed features, but I had to start somewhere. So I paid my dues. And so I literally sat with the engineers looking at just data, and I'm not a numbers person, I'm an agent that's bad at math, trying to figure out what is the best story that I can pitch. And then I didn't have any contact, so I didn't have journalists and I'm like, Hey buddy. And so I kid you not dial zero from the operator by googling New York time newsroom.

And with my shaky hands and my sweaty palms, I had to practice cold pitching from the operator and to get them to stay on the phone with me until the producer or the editor. And I think through doing that thousands of times and just emails that cold pitching made me see patterns on what worked and what I ended up getting my clients featured on everything New York Times for as Wall Street Journal, CNBC. And then I turned it into a framework. And so now my whole thing is, you know what, yes, the industry is gate kept, but there absolutely is a way to cold pitch and journalists want to hear from the founder directly. So how can we implement that as a system? And so that's what I teach now in my program.


I love that so much because I really believe doing things like that where you're pitching on the phone live, you're getting rejected, you're battling that, you're trying to keep people on the phone. I think that's a master's degree or more in PR because a lot of people that got the PR degrees never did that and they never learned it. My son is selling door to door, he's selling solar, residential solar, and I told him, I'm like, Hey, this is a grind and maybe it's an untraditional path or nontraditional path, but you will learn sales in a far different way than somebody who's just had formal training. And so a big believer in just getting out there doing it.


Yeah, a hundred percent.


So very cool. I do have just one question that I'm kind of curious about. So you're a speech writer for the ambassador. What's that? Are you listening and you're like, man, you totally butchered that line. That is not the inflection I meant for that piece. Or you were like, we just stick to the script because what I wrote is beautiful. Well, what's that hearing someone deliver your speech?


So it's very, in the bureaucracy, there's many different layers. So I didn't write all of his speeches. It depended on the event, and I was given an opportunity to write a few of those speeches. Now, obviously because it's very bureaucratic, there were many different people involved all the time, and it moved very slowly. So it wasn't like what I wrote was what was delivered, right? There was so many other layers to it, but it was probably one of the more fun parts of my job doing the external communications. And that's really what I love and is my natural habitat. I just didn't get to do a lot of it because when you start, you have to stay in your lane. And I realized very quickly that I'm just not made to be a bureaucrat. I'm more of a creative entrepreneur. And so that's why I gave up my pension and a 25 year career that would've pretty much set me up for life to pursue something else. I moved back home, got on unemployment and kind of restarted everything after killing my ego.


That is the true entrepreneurial vibe and spirit there. Just cutting that loose. Who cares if I lose the pension on other things? I got to chart my own course and do my own thing, so that's fantastic. Well, as we dive in here, what are some things about PR that brands need to know that they probably don't? Because my perspective is, and we were talking about this before we hit record, I think most brands, most brands in the 10 million to a hundred or a couple hundred million are just forgetting about pr. They're sleeping on it. It's not something they're fully leveraging. So what do we need to know about PR that we don't know right now? And


It's so funny because brands who have made it to that level, it is so easy for them to implement PR more than anything else because they have the traction, they have all of the website assets, and most of what I teach, my founders are way more beginner than that. So if they can do it, so can the other companies. I will say that traditionally we're taught, okay, well if you want an agency, and it's so exorbitantly expensive in New York, it's about five to 10 grand a month for six months, no guarantees and a minimum contract. So I understand that if you do play it that route, if you're a founder, you're looking at the ROI, you're like, maybe I should just pour this into ads 60,


60 grand. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't. I don't know


When I know I totally, and so what I'm doing here is how can we disrupt that industry? Because here's the thing, if you keep paying an agency, the moment you stop paying them, they walk away with the relationships. How can we break that mold and take it? I think we're not really taught that as founders because again, it's been very gate kept. Very few people are learning how to take it, but obviously after listening to this episode, it will have some actionable tips. But PR is the only activity for me that out of all of your marketing, it checks all of the boxes. So it checks the boxes of traffic, it checks the boxes of SEO because you get those powerful backlinks from a high domain authority website. And then it also gives you that trust, which all three things, it's very hard to get with social media or ads alone. And my favorite thing is I always say it's not about one or the other. It's about how can you leverage your time? Because if you can get onto one gift guide, then you can repost it onto your social media. You can repurpose that for an ad as seen in, and that's to me a way more powerful way to do your content.


Just to piggyback on that last part really quickly, it's something we've done for years and years and it's nothing new, but a few of our clients, one that's an automotive client and one that was a skincare client, we would take clips for when they were on A, B, C or Fox News or something. Take those clips and now you can run those in paid ads. You can put those on product detail pages. You can really lean into some of those press releases in a major way. And yeah, another one of my favorite definitions for marketing is marketing is really the transfer of confidence or the transfer of trust As the brand, I have total confidence in my product, but as the shopper, as the prospect don't have confidence. So marketing is just that transfer of confidence. And I think you could argue that the few things that do that faster or better than pr.

And so yeah, I just think it's a missed opportunity and something that we all need to lean into. I think one of the misconceptions I had years ago was, well, if you want pr, yeah, you either talk to massive agency and pay through the nose and hope or you just wait, just wait and hope somebody reaches out to you, right? Hope that a reporter reaches out to you. But really the news cycle is 24 7 now it has been that way for quite some time. So news outlets are kind of desperate for stories. They're looking for angles, they're looking for content. And so if you package this correctly and you approach the right people, it's probably not that hard, right?


No, it's really not. I mean, we have hundreds of founders who are literally solopreneurs doing this. And so imagine if you had the scale and the resources of your audience, how much further they can go. So I will say that because the industry, the PR industry has gate kept, it made it seem like, well, we cannot do our own pr. When in reality, journalists want to interview indie brands. They want to interview not just the Unilevers of the world, because put it this way, if they were only featuring Fortune 1000 companies, they would lose their credibility very quickly. They need to feature new brands. That's how they maintain their journalism integrity. So you're actually doing them a favor. And I will say that with the new cycle ramping up more ferociously than ever, they are churning out these stories like no other. I actually have a lot of journalists who write gift guides coming into my program to teach my students, and they all say Q4, we are working overtime.

I am tasked with writing one gift guide per day. And that's one journalist. And if one gift guide has 10 products, you can just do the math on that. So there's no better way, especially in Q4, to capitalize on the fact that they are monitoring their inboxes like a hawk. And it's your time to put your name in the hat. You just need to know what to say and who to say it to. And so my whole ethos is like, yes, PR is painted as this complex thing that you need privilege and access to pay for, but how do I make it accessible? I make it accessible by really making it simple. And PR is really at its core, writing a good pitch and sending it to the right person. That's it. And if you can put the tune two together, you can repeat it as a system in your business where you monitor the inbox, where you are sending it from your inbox, and that way you don't need to depend on someone else because then you own the relationships.


So we're getting close to, we're in Q4. Holiday shopping is about to ramp up as we're recording this. So let's talk gift guides really quickly. You mentioned that now a couple of times. It's a really popular thing for the media to create. It's a great way for them to drive traffic to their platforms. And everybody loves gift guides. We're all looking for ideas. So I'm an e-commerce brand. Let's say that I sell apparel. How should I approach this? And so what am I saying and who am I saying it to try to get my product featured in the gift guide?


Yeah. So I will say with any physical product pitch, you're always going to have your gift guide, which is more product focus, and you have your evergreen angles about larger trends that maybe positions you as a founder. So we have someone who is in our program who makes apparel, and so she got interviewed in Vogue and it's about the future of sustainable fashion. Now she can still take her same company, take one product, and then repurpose the for gift guide. So those two angles simultaneously will always exist, but at the time of recording, like you said, Q4 is really about those product roundups. Get on a list, link it back to your website. So when I think about gift guides, it's really important for you to first figure out, out of all the products that I have, if you have more than one, which one is the best fit for this season?

Here's the thing, you don't want to send an order form to the journalist. You don't want to sell to the journalist. You want to solve a very quick problem for them, which is I'm compiling something for various gift guide categories. How is this going to fit? So for example, the main gift guide categories are gifts for him, gifts for her, gifts for mom, gifts for dad, gifts for kids, gifts for all the ones that you read, right? There's also budget friendly gifts, stalking sufferers, travel gifts. I could go on and on and on. And so knowing that there's so many different buckets, it's your job to first figure out which of my products fits in that bucket? Is it a luxury item? Is it a stocking sufferer? Is it good for travel? Do you have any winter bundles for skincare? If you make apparels, what's really good for this cold weather season? So pitching with the season is the number one key to getting featured because that way you're constantly refreshing your pitch so that you're not pitching sweatpants in the summer. That's the number one thing.


Yeah, it's really great. And I love the way you position that because really good marketing and what we're doing, whether it's with our ads, our product detail pages is we're helping someone solve a problem or we're helping them take advantage of an opportunity. It's aspirational. You can look great, feel great in these close, or we're solving this problem you may be facing. Same is true when you're reaching out to a reporter. It's just that the problem you're solving is not the product delivering benefit. They need content, they need good recommendations, they need something they can plug into that gifts for him, gifts for her, gifts for kids, gifts for stalking, stuffers, whatever. And so you've got to kind of package it in that way. So totally makes sense. So I'm selling apparel. I then I guess first begin to think about, okay, who is this a good gift for? And then from that I start to craft my message.


Yeah, so I love what you said about your marketing pitch, which we're so good at as founders is fundamentally different than your pitch to the media. Why? Because the journalist is not ever going to buy from you. So you have to take a different frame of mind. I always say, you got to take off your marketing hat and stop talking about the benefits and features and start talking about the season and who it's good for. So if you can do that, then it becomes so much easier because what we don't want is for you to pitch a journalist with your order form and benefits, and they say, well, we have an entire ads department who will be happy to take your money. Exactly. We don't want that. So how do we repurpose that pitch? And it's not that hard


Pitches incorrectly, and you're getting sent to the ad department.


Exactly. They're happy to take your money. So we're not talking about benefits and features. Yes, we will in the pitch, but you're not leading with that. You're leading with the insight, the season, the problem, the trend. For example, remember the show White Lotus on HBO O?


I've heard of it. Yeah, I've never seen


It. So any of these pop culture things, right? A great way to pitch. We have a swimwear founder, and it was like the pitch I wrote for her was How to pick the best swimsuit for your white Lotus Italian vacation. And people are going to Taylor Swift concert. So if you make something that would be perfect for that, it's like top 10 accessories for your next Taylor Swift concert. Do you see where I'm getting at? Absolute. It's like you're leading with the trend this season, and so it's still your product. So that's the biggest thing that you need to do. And then I have my CPR framework, which is my own framework that I came up with from pitching and being rejected thousands of times. I picked on up on a pattern. How do I get that person who doesn't know who the hell I am to say yes, tell me more. And the pitch, whether it's written or verbal, usually has these three components. So C stands for credibility, P stands for point of view, R stands for relevance. And when you put that in a pitch, it's really solid. So let's bring it, let's break it down.


And you lead with credibility, I guess. Well, I don't want to get ahead of you, but why do you lead with credibility?


So I actually don't lead with credibility. That's just the way to remember it phonetically,




I actually do it reverse. So I actually start with the relevance. Why? Because you want to grab their attention at the get go. And what is news if it's not relevant? Totally. So the beginning of your pitch should say something like, as your readers are looking for cold weather skin solutions this December, do you see how that's relevant?


Totally, totally.


Or as busy moms are looking for back to school pencil cases. So that's the relevance piece. And then you go, so the point of view in CPR is usually three bullet points. Why? Because it makes the email look better and it doesn't turn them off with a bunch of texts. So it's usually three insights, three do's and don'ts, three ways that your product solves that problem better than anyone else. Three unique points. And then you conclude with very simple credibility, which is like, I am a mom and I figured this out, and now we've scaled our business and customers love us because of X, Y, Z, or we've been featured and you don't have to be featured, but it's really the least important part. And then you conclude with, I'm happy to send over some more high res photos. What I like to do is include A URL.

Instead of putting high resolution photos, it's going to cost spam. I say, put one normal photo, but then have the rest be a URL that links to other things how they can find out more. If you're pitching a gift guide, it's very important, three things, your subject line, your subject line is what gets open or not open. So your subject line needs to read almost like an article title. So instead of saying SO'S brand pitch winter gift guide, that means absolutely nothing. It needs to read why this eco-friendly Australian sheep wool sock is perfect for socking stuffer or whatever that is. And then you go into the CPR method. And so that's kind of the general structure of how it is when you're talking about your product, when you start with the relevance and you introduce why your product is solving that seasonal problem, you always want to put in where it's available. Is it at Marshall's, is it on Amazon? Is it only on your website? And you want to put the price point immediately and then you want to put where it ships to. So all of those things is going to help the journalist decide where and when to put it. So that's like non-negotiable when you're trying to pitch for a gift guide, is having those specifics.


Super interesting. And really as I'm listening to this and trying to imagine this email in my mind, if I'm a reporter and you've done this properly, I could almost take exactly what you email me and just run with that. You've essentially done all the hard work for me. Maybe I want to reach out and confirm things or do, but you've done most of the heavy lifting for me.


That's exactly it. Look, this is an unnatural act, so don't feel like, oh, why didn't I, it's like we're not taught this, right? So don't feel bad that you haven't done this. It's just that the industry has gay kept it from us. And so we actually had people use the CPR method to get into Oprah's favorite things, buzzfeed, Vogue, allure, and even use it to get into retailers and wholesalers. So the CPR pitch is a way to have a value driven conversation with someone who has never heard of you, and how do you get them to quickly respond? One thing I will say is that the CPR R pitch is not writing the article for them. So you don't leave that to the journalist. The journalist knows what their editorial calendar is and where to fit your story. So don't think that you're writing this whole article and no, you're just simply offering a point of view that's perfect for this season. And the whole point of the pitch is to get them to respond, yes, I would like more information. No, this is not a good fit for me. And so that takes away the pressure of everything. It just has a very simple, simple goal and just don't overthink it.


Got it. And it's really valuable. Yeah, we may be tempted to put on our writer hat, and I got to write the intro to the article and the that's not your job. Your job is to make this very clear, very easy to understand your credibility, your point of view, and the relevancy and working all that in. So totally makes sense. How do you recommend, so we've got our copy for the product on our product detail pages and things like that. How are you modifying that copy to fit bullet points that you're sending in this email?


So the bullet points are a little bit more subjective, so it could be point of view on, so if you make something that's completely unique, so I'll give you an example. We have someone who in Canada works with aboriginal native women tribes and they make beaver for hand warmers. So it's from beaver fur and means that it's, you keep it for life. It's not those ones that you throw away, right? So because it's really unique, the point of view, the three bullet points are like why the beaver first solution is better than the traditional ones that you get at your ski shop, right? One, it's sustainable. Two, it lasts long. That's what I mean by the point of view.


That's so great. What can we expect then? So if you craft this email properly, how many of these do we need to send out to hopefully get featured somewhere? What are you seeing in terms of success rate and how much time do we need to put into this to make it work?


Yeah, I've had people get a response within 24 hours. I think when you first start, it's really about a volume game. So you might pitch to a wide variety of journalists, but then you always want to highlight your top 15 to 20 outlets that will move the needle for you, whether it's a refinery or a pop sugar or even outdoor sporting goods. So I always say, first you cast a wide net, but then for those 10 to 15 journalists, you really want to build a personal relationship by just personalizing the first line of the email. So it might be something like, I loved your coverage last year in Sporting Good magazine about the best fly fishing gear for dads. Are you doing it for this year? So you see how it chosen that you're actually read their article. And for those 15 journalists, you really want to cultivate relationship by engaging with their content because they're writers too. It's so common on their LinkedIn comment, on their Instagram, use social media and say, I loved your article, right? Stroke their ego a little bit. And so that's going to help you build that relationship kind of like a customer where you increase the touch points and they get familiar with you because they're seeing your name in your brand.


How are we finding these contacts? We're building our list of top 10 to 15 media outlets that will move the needle for us. How would you recommend we do that? We may all be tempted to reach out to Fox News or CNN or something like that, but that's probably not the place to start. How do we build that list and then, yeah, walk us through that.


So that's a really good question. So remember I said PR is very simple. It's writing a good pitch and sending it to the right person. So with the CPR method, we talked about how to write a pitch. Now let's move on to who do we send it to. It's not going to be or Media Forbes. It's going to go into an internet black hole. It's also not going to be the editor in chief of Vogue because they're busy doing their speaking tour. So you want to find out who is that specific writer who writes your beat or industry topic? Is it the health and wellness reporter? Is it the sustainability person? Is it the person that covers tech gadgets? So for a lot of gift guides, you're going to look for someone that covers your industry and also the commerce or shopping writer. Those are the people who are responsible for conglomerating those shopping guides and product lists.

So that's who you want to look for. Now in my program, we have a database of a hundred thousand journalists across every industry, but you can start to do it in your own way and start to compile your own media list. And you can do it very simply by typing into the Google search bar, Google News alert and Google will create an alert where any digital article that's being published will be sent to your inbox and you can click on that article that's about your industry and copy and paste their name and email, which is public information by the way, and start to fill it into an ever expanding Excel spreadsheet. So that's kind of your own way of doing it. You can also sign up for a service called haro, which is bought by another company now. But you can type in HARO, help a reporter out, and every day it pings you with the 200 or 300 inquiries for journalists wanting to interview a specific person.

And if you fit the bill, then use a CPR R method to reply. We had someone just using Harrow and she got onto seven different pieces of media like Wall Street Journal and PopSugar this year alone. And then there's also hashtags you can follow. So on LinkedIn and Instagram, you can follow the hashtag journal request. And so that is when journalists are looking for a specific person to interview. So these are all the grassroots way that you can start to autopopulate that. But you want to have a good size media list. You want to have at least 50 journalists, and then out of those 50, your top 50, that'll really move the needle for you.


Yeah, it's really great because it is a numbers game. You can't expect to reach out to two media outlets or two reporters and get the ball rolling. It is a numbers game, and so play accordingly. We talked about gift giving guides, and I love that angle, but you also talked about founder stories. I think that's interesting. I also want to talk about that in a minute. Let's talk about product launches because that's something our bigger brands, they're always launching new products or new lines of products. So I've got my haircare, now I'm launching my sun care, now I'm launching oral care or something like that. So how do you recommend approaching this? I'm sure it's a lot of the same frameworks and stuff, but how do I approach this if it's a new product launch?


So the way I think about product launches is that it's doing pr, but with a specific time sensitive call to action. So for the journalist, you're saying, I am launching this on this date. And so what you want to do is you want to create a very well-written press release, and you can see all the list of my press releases on gloria Chou There's a very methodical way of writing it, but you always want to say that you're the first to do something right, because newsworthy, so you might not be the first to do X, y, and Z, but you might be the first to do X, Y, and Z in this way. So see how you can wordsmith it so that it's really punchy at the top. And so for example, I worked with a seven figure electric flosser company, and they're not the first electric flosser, but they're the first to use X, Y, Z materials to guarantee a full mouth clean in under 60 seconds. And you see how that's really the headline and the sub-headline. So I like press releases, but I don't like it when people are just putting out press releases every other week. It's kind of a waste of money. See how you can couple two or three different things? Maybe you have a product launch and then you also have a new board member,

Or maybe you won an award and then you're giving back to charity or whatever that is. And the worst thing I think, and we're not really taught this, is we're just taught, oh, well issue a press release and just hope and pray that someone will respond and it just doesn't work that way. I actually use press releases as an incentive, kind of like a bait, if you will, to get the journalist to respond in X amount of days. So instead of just putting the press release on the wire, you're writing an email using the CPR method and saying, Hey, we know that you cover consumer electronics. We've invented this really cool dental tool, especially as we get into health and wellness season for the whole family to enjoy dental health is linked to heart diseases and brain health. There's growing number of research to say that it's really, that's why we've made it very easy and under 60 seconds for anyone to clean their teeth. We've also made it so that it's good for people who have dexterity issues kind of go into that. We're going live with the press release announcement in two weeks or seven days. So let me know if you'd be interested in learning more. I've attached the draft of the press release below. I'm happy to chat. So do you see how that's a stronger call to action? You're basically using your launch as a conversation starter,

So you want to do that before you just put the press release live onto the Newswire. And so for all of my clients, I do this kind of two step process with them.


So that lets them know, hey, this is going to happen. Almost some kind of credibility mixed in there that this is going live in one week or two weeks.


Also, I'm going live with or without you.


Yeah, but then this also makes them say, okay, well I'd kind of rather be first, or I want to be early in the game, not picking it up once it hits the wire type


Of thing. Yeah, I got my client Forbes within one week because they just want it to be the first to break it, but you have to make it exciting for them. So that's where the pitch writing comes in. So I think this is one of the things that a lot of people aren't taught. They're just publish a press release, but you are wasting on a very precious opportunity, which is that time sensitive call to action.


Super smart. So are you always wrapping multiple things into one press release or sometimes is it just a product launch?


This is a very good question. I would say it's somewhat subjective. It depends on the newsworthiness of the announcement, if you will. If your startup and you secured funding, that's important because every milestone on Google, you want to put it there as a part of your journey for your investors. But if it's something like you have a new board member maybe, and then you're also partnering with a charity, you could couple that into one and there is a way to write it. So I will say if you have multiple things you want to announce, get out a piece of paper and write in the hierarchy of what is the most important, and then see how you can couple it into one press release. Because in the press release, I've written many funding announcements about how they've secured, but then in the body of the press release, we're saying by Q4 of next year, we plan to release X, Y, and Z features. So do you see this kind of a look ahead date to get people excited?


Yeah, totally Cool. Totally cool. Now what about if you kind of talked about founder stories, and I know this would apply if it's a new company, you're solving a new problem type of thing, but it's something to be said here, even if you're a little bit established, how can you take that founder story angle and turn that into a press release?


So the founder story is important, and you can put it even in your gift guide pitch, but it needs to be under two sentences. So if you're pitching yes, if you have an interesting founder story, put it in there. If it's one or two sentences now in your press release, I usually put it in about section of the press release on the bottom, how was it founded? Or maybe the last paragraph founded by two research chemists or whatever that is. If you're making a skincare product, I wouldn't say that that is the most important part because your press release is not your autobiography. It's a very time specific snapshot of something that you're announcing. So the purpose of the press release is not to announce your story. So the story will go into the press release, but you're not going to lead with that. The headline of the press release, and I do this on my VIP day, but the headline is the what and the sub-headline is the how. So that's how you can start to figure out what is the framework of what you're trying to say.


So good. So I love the example of the oral care product. You talked about the electronic flosser, other examples that you can talk about. I just think as someone here, as an example, kind of triggers additional thoughts.


So for press release, I've run a lot for products that are white labeled. So we have someone who she makes a 24 karat facial massager tool that also is like solar charge, right?




Not her proprietary product, but then she white labels and stuff. So in her press release, we couldn't say that she was the first to do this. It's not her invention, but she is the first Filipino owned skincare brand or the first one. So it's like how can you keep wordsmithing that to say that you're the first, and let's be honest, unless it's a groundbreaking invention, you're not going to be the first but


Not be the first anyway, right?


Yeah, everything is a remix, but then you still want to keep just finessing that headline in the sub headline to make it super concise and specific to that right out of the bat, we know that it's newsworthy because you are the first or the only to solve this problem maybe for this specific demographic.


I know from a career in sales and sales related things that it's very rare to send one email and then stuff just happens, right? One email and now the reporter is jumping all over themselves to try to get you on and interviewed and stuff. How do we follow up and how much should we follow up after we send that email?


Yeah, I mean follow up is absolutely key because remember, they're getting a lot of emails and they just need to be reminded. And I think a lot of times, because again, this is an unnatural act, a lot of founders who are doing incredible things, they send out first email and they go run and hide in the bathroom. And so the journalist is not monitoring like, oh, this person followed up with me. How dare they




Depend on you to follow up? And it's really just about top of mind. But I will give you one tip is that before you send out any emails, please install an email tracking device. So if it's being open or not. So then you don't have to make a drama in your head about, oh, this journalist hates me. It's like, well, no, they actually just never open it because it could be a deliverability issue, it could be an out of office issue. So let's for the right problem. Now, if the email tracker is telling you that they're opening it multiple times, it means that they like the story. They just don't have a place for it right now in their editorial calendar. But journalists, what they do is they have a very meticulous way of filing and foldering their inboxes so that anytime that they're tasked with something, they're going to go back and type that keyword.

So that's why I always say you have to pitch early and often so that you're at least in the running when they do search back into their inbox. Now if they are multiple times, I'm just working with someone who makes a real kids' kitchen for children. It's a beautifully designed like toy real kitchen, but for kids, and she said that the pitch that we wrote for her got opened 16 times or something like that. So it means that the journalist really likes it. And so that's when you go in and you really engage with the person's content. And so it might be commenting on an Instagram post, it might be resharing one of their stories. It's kind of like how you would nurture a lead when you know that it's kind of a hot lead. It's the same way you're building a relationship with that journalist.


Sorry, I muted. There was a train. Totally makes sense. So as we're looking to leverage our time, whether we're the ones executing this plan or we've got a team member that's doing it for us, what are some tools that we can use that makes this process easier?


So the email tracking device, right? I like Chrome because I've heard that Outlook doesn't have the best deliverability. So I like Chrome and I like to schedule, send my emails in a campaign. I use MailTrack do io, which it's like, okay, it's like middle of the road, it's not too expensive. And it just gives you data on whether or not it's been and open. Obviously the Google News alert is really important. You want to have that one tip is that if you do want to take this in-house and for a lot of your audience, they do have a team, it's really helpful to give your PR person, it could be an intern or marketing assistant, like the password to an email that's different from your customer service emails. So it could be like a media ad or a team ad or just something, and then they can kind of own that inbox and just kind of keep that separate.


Super smart. Super smart. Well, Gloria, this has been fantastic. Any final tips? I want to allow people to connect with you through socials, and I know you've got a course and some other great stuff, but any final tips or anything that you wanted to chat about that we didn't related to pr?


So I think we all know this, but everything you want is on the other side of the send button. And so we pour so much money in social media and ads and there is room for that, right? But why not just a reality, a little bit of that to do something that has a crazy potential upside.

So it's really about working smarter and not harder. And here's the thing, your business needs you to be. Its number one advocate. I cannot tell you how many founders come to me and join my program after they paid $40,000 for an agency. So it's not about not working with an agency, but it's about knowing how the process works so that if something happens that they don't deliver, then you are not stuck at square one with no contacts because at the end of the day, it's about building those contacts with the journalist. And so my program gives you the database, it gives you what to say, and then you can kind of repeat it. So you can find me on Instagram at gloria Chou pr Gloria, C-H-O-U-P-R. And I have a free masterclass that actually outlines word for word from subject line down to the last sentence, a pitch I wrote in the CPR method that got someone featured like 15 times. And you can watch that for slash masterclass. And if you DM me on Instagram, the word pitch, I will give you a pitching freebie so that you can get started.


Nice. And then did I hear, are you on LinkedIn as well?


Yeah, I'm on LinkedIn as well. I'm mainly on Instagram. That's kind of where you can get the fastest response. But I also check my LinkedIn. Yes.


Got it. So check out Instagram for sure. And it's so true. You don't get what you don't ask for in life. You don't get necessarily what you deserve. You get what you negotiate and you get what you actively pursue. I'm fired up, man. I'm excited about pr. Like I said, I think this is a missing piece that great brands need to leverage. It will make other efforts better. You can use it to leverage your ads and you can use it to make clients stickier. And there's so many ways you can use this. And so Gloria, love this content. Thank you so much. We'll link to everything in the show notes, but go check it out. So before you hire a PR firm, talk to Gloria first and hey, I think it makes sense. Send someone through the free masterclass, do the paid class or whatever. That's probably better than paying for a high priced firm for most brands. So Gloria, thank you so much. This was fantastic and thank you for tuning in. We'd love to hear from you. What would you like to hear more of on the show? If you have not done so? Please leave that review on iTunes. And with that, until next time, thank you for listening.

Episode 301
Bill Cover, Christine Shiloni, Nick Flint - OMG Commerce

BFCM 2024 Deep Dive: What Actually Worked in 2024 (And What Didn't)

In this data-packed episode, Brett Curry and the OMG Commerce team break down the most successful strategies from Black Friday & Cyber Monday 2024. From optimal discount levels to timing strategies, the team shares real insights from hundreds of millions in tracked revenue across Amazon, DTC, and email channels. If you're already planning for next year's holiday season (and you should be), this episode delivers actionable insights you won't want to miss.

Key Takeaways:

  • The "sweet spot" for discounts: Amazon sellers saw the best results at 25%+ off, while DTC brands found their optimal range between 15-25% - unless going big at 50%+ (with surprising data about why the middle ground underperforms).
  • Why individual product discounts outperformed site-wide sales across multiple channels, with specific insights about how this impacts Google Shopping ads and conversion rates.
  • The shift to "Cyber 12" - Why the seven days before Black Friday actually outperformed the traditional Cyber 5 period on Amazon, and how to adapt your 2025 strategy accordingly.
  • Critical timing insights for email marketing - Why the ninth email often outperformed earlier messages, and how follow-up campaigns frequently beat initial launches.

The combination of broad trends and specific tactical insights makes this a valuable episode for any ecommerce brand looking to improve their holiday season performance in 2025!



(00:00) Introduction 

(03:33) Global Sales Trends

(08:16) BFCM Trends Nobody Saw Coming

(19:11) Strategies of Top-Performing Brands

(24:54) Analyzing Year-on-Year Deal Performance

(30:20) Successful Campaign Examples

(34:00) Conclusion


Show Notes:


Connect With Brett: 


Past guests on eCommerce Evolution include Ezra Firestone, Steve Chou, Drew Sanocki, Jacques Spitzer, Jeremy Horowitz, Ryan Moran, Sean Frank, Andrew Youderian, Ryan McKenzie, Joseph Wilkins, Cody Wittick, Miki Agrawal, Justin Brooke, Nish Samantray, Kurt Elster, John Parkes, Chris Mercer, Rabah Rahil, Bear Handlon, Trevor Crump, Frederick Vallaeys, Preston Rutherford, Anthony Mink, Bill D’Allessandro, Bryan Porter and more



Brett :

Well, hello and welcome to another edition of the E-Commerce Evolution Podcast. I'm your host, Brett Curry, CEO of OMG Commerce, and this is the Black Friday, cyber Monday recap edition. It was a wild ride. We're going to look at Cyber five, cyber 12, which is a new concept for some. And so this is going to be a high level look at how things went globally, how things went for our clients, what did the winners do, what did the losers do? How can you harness these learnings for your next sales events? And as we begin to plan for next year, because hey, when we're in retail, we're either in holiday, we're prepping for the next holiday, we're thinking about holiday dreaming about it. It's always on our minds. So with that, first I just want to do a quick health check. How's everybody doing? Mental health, physical health? Have you slept any? And with me on the pod back again. Everybody's a repeat guest here. We got Christine Shalon, Amazon director. How's it going, Christine?


I'm good. How are you doing?

Brett :

Doing good. Doing good. We got Bill Ver Google Director. What's up Bill? Hey, how's it going, Brad? Good. Good. And Nick Flint, you're back. You were just, you're fresh off a podcast appearance, so you're like all warm and loose. Email and retention director, how's it going? Two in one month,



Brett :

Might be a record. Two in one month, man, man, it's like you're basically a co-host at this point. So I asked a question, then I introduced you, but would love to hear your answers. Are you sleeping? How do you feel? How's the team? Are we still riding high or what's our status?


It's no coincidence that within Arm's Reach is an energy drink for me. That's how it's going.

Brett :

And we are not endorsed nor sponsored by any energy drink. But Nick, what is your energy drink of choice?


I'm a flavor addict, so my two go-tos are Ghosts and Rise. Both them have killer collabs

Brett :

Rise. Nice. Bill and or Christine, what is your caffeine source of choice and does that shift during the holiday season?


I need to regulate my caffeine. I need to keep it pretty level, more than one cup of coffee and things go off the rails.

Brett :

We were just talking about how Christine is loud, intense, in a very good way. So you've got to make sure too much caffeine and it's too much.


No, it's not fun for anybody now.

Brett :

Okay, yeah, what about you? For


Me, if it's before noon, then coffee black and I might drink a whole pot. And then if it's afternoon, like right now, my

Brett :

Peppermint tea. Peppermint tea, man, I love that. I feel like so much of that conversation just really describes who you guys are, describes your personality, and a quick couple sentences is really, really great. I lean more caffeine as well, but I like to throw some healthy fats in there. And I'm with you, bill. If it's before noon, I can crush a whole bunch of it and I feel pretty good. So we're going to get into some specifics. We're going to get in the D two C side looking at Google Performance and some year over year numbers and just what we saw with our clients. Same with Amazon, same with email. But before we do that, I want to unpack a couple of global numbers that I think are really interesting. So Shopify, of course, they do their Black Friday, summer Monday tracker, you can follow along live and there's an hourly minute by minute sales tracker, which is super cool.

So I do recommend next year following that if you've not done that up to this point. But the Shopify data showed there's 24% year over year growth in terms of GMV. So obviously Shopify is not fully tracking someone's profitability and things like that. I think they generally know it, but 24% year over year growth from a GMV standpoint, 11.5 billion in sales tracked through Shopify. As of this recording, Amazon data's not outsourced, going to rely on our client data for Amazon. Also, I like looking at Triple Whale because Triple Whale, they're one of our partners we love. Triple Whale is a third party attribution tool, but also they got a lot of GMV running through their platform. So 2.02 billion tracked over Black Friday Cyber Monday. Total ad spend 313 million. Just a quick note. So 200, 2 billion in revenue, 313 million in ad spend. What's the merr on that? Anybody want to anybody do quick math in your head or paper Bill? You can use paper. I just don't use a calculator. More on that in a second.

New customer revenue, 59% of total revenue was from new customers. So kind of underscores that, Hey, black Friday, cyber Monday is a good time to drive new customers, although more nuance than that in just a second. 40% then was returning. But really the new versus returning depends wildly on category. And so this does skew if you are a repeat purchase type product, so food and Bev, some health and beauty, that's going to lean more returning customer. And then other one-time purchases are more new customers. So Art and Baby led the way with 60 and 64% of the shoppers over Black Friday. Cyber Monday were new customers. Food and Bev, only 41% of Black Friday Cyber Monday shoppers were new to brands. And then Health and Beauty about 55%. So super interesting there also, anybody want take a, well, first of all, anybody do that MER calculation? If you're all like, dude, that was Lam, I'm not into math, so let's just skip it. But anybody do the mecal?


It's got to be like a 0.000 something, right?

Brett :

Well no, no. So it's 2 billion in revenue on 313 million in ad spend. So it's a little over a six, right? It's a little over six. Six X mer. Anyway, everyone at home was like, that was a lame segment. I won't do math on the spot anymore. Okay, it's fine. But anybody wants to see a guess what category led the way with the most sales? This Black Friday cyber money according to Triple Whale. So obviously lots of ways we can look at this data, but according to Triple Whale data, which triple whale's generally D two C brands, some omnichannel brands, not massive enterprise brands, but these are bigger Shopify and big commerce stores. I want to take a stab at what was the number one leading category?


I'll guess Home Goods.

Brett :

Home Goods that did crack the top five. That was number four of the top five.


What my guess supplements.

Brett :

So I'll throw them with health and beauty and that's kind of, it's a big category, health and beauty, but that was number two. Health and beauty is number two.


I will guess apparel.

Brett :

There you go. So actually this is a weird breakdown. Clothing was the number one, but then they have fashion and accessories as number two. And I'm not really exactly sure how trip wail delineates, I mean the accessories piece. That makes sense. And then anyone wanted take it? So we got clothing, health, beauty, fashion, accessories, home goods. Anyone take a stab at that fifth category Pet? Ooh, that's a good one. But no, Christine, this is how you spend probably most of your evenings during the school year. Alcohol, I'll let you know. How did you know? Actually I was doing sporting goods. I know Christine's a big soccer fan. Her son is a great soccer player. I was leaning sporting goods, but yet after that then we got


So much not good during. Not good during that. Yeah, we do not. So no, we

Brett :

Do not want enjoy high school soccer. I mean maybe we do with the help of lots of wine. It's round upon, it's round upon. Yeah, so alright, well let's dive in guys. So I thought it might be interesting to start with what were some surprises, some unusual things you saw either in the data or anecdotally during this season? And Christine, I'll start with you on the Amazon side.


So two things. The first seven days saw the peak performance starting from November 21st, which those are three more days than we had last year. And the second, which I thought was really interesting is of our top performing brands, 60% of their total revenue came from deals. So extrapolating from that, those who ran deals, they were winning the day on Amazon, they're also looking at a percentage off of at least 25%. Those who went in at 10 or 15 didn't really move the needle. So 25% seemed like the sweet spot to get conversion.

Brett :

Yeah, let's talk about a couple of things related there. This year, 2024, black Friday, cyber Monday happened a full week later on the calendar. Cyber Monday was in December this year, which is unusual. And so sales have been trending that they would start earlier and go a little bit longer. It's been the trend over the last several years anyway, but this year especially more people are tracking that Cyber 12. And so the way you think about Cyber 12 is it ends on Black Friday and it's the 12 days prior to that. So basically a week before Thanksgiving through Cyber Monday. And so here in 2024, that started on November 21st and then on December 2nd. And so yeah, what's interesting, so the two biggest days looking at the Amazon data, the two biggest days, no real surprise, were Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but the seven days leading up to it were bigger than the five days of the Black Friday cyber Monday. Now I know it's more days, but it's still interesting because there have been some years where the Black Friday, cyber Monday, that Cyber five just crushes everything else. And so the early days of the sale were pretty strong, very strong in fact on Amazon.


Well Amazon, if you wanted to run a deal to cover Black Friday, a seven day deal, you had to start the previous week,

Brett :

Had to start early. And so Amazon's thinking, yeah, Amazon's probably thinking how do we level out demand? How do we grab more of the wallet? How do we make sure we've got all our deals in place? I'm sure there's probably several motivating factors on Amazon's side, but yeah, they force you to get those deals



Brett :

Sooner. What about from your perspective, bill? What was surprising on the D two C slash Google side of things?


Yeah, for sure. So I agree starting earlier and earlier, you've got to play the game. You've got to jump in when Amazon is jumping in and when the rest of the retail world is jumping in.

Brett :

I mean, think about it, Amazon really kind of sets the stage. If you look at July prime day, that's now a shopping day for everybody. Walmart gets on board, our clients get on board that are not on either platform. So if Amazon starts things early, everybody else pretty much falls suit.


Yeah, absolutely. And so I think lean into it. I think if you're going to jump in early, go ahead and launch with that Cyber 12 in mind. Go ahead and launch on the 21st. It doesn't mean you have to start promoting right away though. In fact, I would recommend launch it on the 21st, make sure the promo code works, make sure everything looks good on the search engine results page on the digital shelf, make sure Facebook, Google, YouTube, everyone is all cylinders are ready to go. And then start promoting that sale through email and through YouTube and through Facebook and all of those. What was surprising, so Christine already kind of threw out a discount number 25% and above, or sorry Christine, you weren't seeing anything from what, 10 to 15,


10 to 15,


You're recommending 15 to 25. Yeah, that's interesting. And so on the D two C Shopify side, what we saw when we analyzed all of our client's data is that the sweet spot is 15 to 25%. Anything over 25% doesn't seem to result in additional top line revenue.

Brett :

Interesting. You're just eroding margins at that point. So you go past 25%, you're only hurting yourself. That's super interesting.


Exactly. So people will act on 15 to 25%, but they don't seem to act in a bigger way when you get to 30, which is interesting because over the past few years a client would ask me, how much should I discount? And I would say, oh, 30, I walk that back now I would say 15 to 25% should cut it. However, when you get to 50% and above, so we had some that were running like 50% off, 55% off, then the numbers just skyrocket. Amazing top line. Amazing, Rowan.

Brett :




Brett :



So you have this dead zone from 25 to 50,

Brett :

Man, so that's really good insight. So 15 to 25% for D two C, you're likely in the money, you're probably getting a nice lift in sales, you're probably protecting your margins a little bit. That dead zone of 25% to 50, don't go there. Don't even do it. Right. If you're going to go bigger, you got to go really big or just stick with 25 render super insightful. Love that. Nick, what about you on the email SMS slash retention side? Obviously this is a huge time of year for leaning into that email list, but any surprises?


What still blows my mind is how many people are purchasing when Monday rolls around for Cyber Monday. I see the backend of our calendar and they've gotten eight emails about this sale already. And somehow number nine on that Monday is what gets set to buy

Brett :

The ninth time's the charm. Yep. I was going to buy, but it didn't. Yeah, why do you think that is, Nick?


I think it's busy during the holidays. So as you're getting ready for Thanksgiving that week leading up to it, you're having guests come over, you're buying food, you're cooking, you're laying stuff out, you're getting everything ready, and then that weekend hits, you've got past Thanksgiving and now it's say, all right, I'm unwinding now I'm kind of shifting into Christmas mode. Alright, I'll start again. Come that Monday. And a lot of people, not us of course, are shopping while they're at work, so they're on their laptop shopping at work instead of working and that full week they might have off so they don't back into the office until Monday and it's time to procrastinate and start spending money.

Brett :

Totally, yeah. Yeah. I mean Cyber Monday, there was a time, I think everybody on this call probably remembers it when Nick, you would've been really young, but when we would maybe wait and shop on Cyber Monday where we had the high speed internet, right? Shop it at home over the weekend we got slow internet, but Monday we're back in the office high speed and we're shopping away. But I think one thing that underscores Nick is a lot of times we make the mistake of just not communicating enough, just not reminding enough, just not sending enough emails and enough SMS messages and we're like, whoa, man, I already sent three people are going to be sick of hearing me. And our feedback is usually they didn't see two of those, they missed them completely or they read one and they were busy but they were having a Turkey hangover or whatever. And so you got to hit 'em more. And yeah, sometimes the ninth time is the charm, so sometimes we give up a little bit too soon. So that's great. Any other surprises on the email SMS side?


Based on the naming convention that we set up, the campaigns, we try to make it super easy for us and the brand owners to be able to look into Klaviyo or their chosen SMS platform and to see what's name the campaign and how's it doing. And we'll have something like Black Friday Live or Black Friday follow-up or Cyber Monday live. And a lot of times the follow-up campaigns were the ones beating the initial launches. So just like what you said, we got to send more, make sure you're setting those follow ups.

Brett :

Yeah, the follow-ups where it's like, okay, hey, that's almost leaning towards, I'm about to miss it, right? So I know you launched it, but now it's the follow-up, I might miss it. So I'm going to take action now. A couple of things that I pulled from the data that Christine and team put together on the Amazon side. So if you look at the first part of the Cyber 12, so the first seven days, basically the week leading up to Thanksgiving, 46% year over year growth. So big growth year over year. Cyber Thanksgiving through Cyber Monday only up about 36%. So much slower growth still good still let's get excited about it, but we did pull a lot of those sales forward. Other big wins that you saw, Christine during the Cyber 12 or during that Cyber five weekend?


I think one of the bigger wins that our team had was selecting these deals early.

Not everyone has an opportunity to even run a best deal, which is a seven day deal. So getting in there, our team was in there making sure our clients knew what was the making sure we grabbed whatever we could. That was number one. And then backing that up with Prime exclusive discounts. So although a best deal or a lightning deal, they were our best performers by far. We did have a few brands that leaned in more on Prime exclusives. Again, they ran at 25% and that was actually our third highest generating deal. So if you're not selected to get a best deal or a lightning deal from Amazon, lean in hard on your prime exclusives. What we do though is I have the team checking them daily to make sure there's no pricing errors. So when we go live, everything is live. They can get a little tweaked sometimes. So we like to go in, check them, make sure everything's running perfectly. And one tip about a prime exclusive, if you don't know it is it will automatically pause if you have a lightning deal running. So Amazon will not let you double dip on that deal.

Brett :

That would help



Brett :

Help protect your market.


It gives you a badge and everybody wants to see a red badge that improves your click-through rate. So Prime exclusive is my second tip.

Brett :

Cool. Cool. So let's think about this. What did the best brands do this year, 2024 versus those that really underperform? Then I'll open this up to everybody, but Nick, you want to maybe go first on that one?


When they were omnipresent across everything, that's when we saw the best results. So instead of just saying, Hey, let's send out some emails and SMSs about our Black Friday sale proactively, they had planned out, this is our social media campaign ideas, this is our paid ad side, this is what we're doing on the website, this is what we're doing for emails. And that way all those different touch points are another way to get your customer to buy because they might see it on Instagram and then go to your website. They see that banner on the site or if they are on any kind of paid ad platform, they're seeing it there and clicking through to your site. So the more in your face you can make it, the better they even got pretty deep with some influencer strategies, making sure all their influencers associated with them. Were posting those deals on their stories. So hey look, we're everywhere. You can't miss it at that point.

Brett :

So you got the marketing calendar, so of course you're hitting 'em with email, but you've also got your ads on Facebook and on Google ads, remarketing ads, and then also the organic content. So getting influencers to also post and comment about the deals and about the sales. Love that. And actually I was just buying my two youngest kids, they're playing basketball this year. I was just buying this dribbling training thing and I started the checkout process, had to go do something else, so I, I was responding to a paid social ad, but then it was email that actually got me to close, but there's so much going on that if I'd just seen the ad and kind of started the process but didn't finish it without the email, I might not have actually purchased it or might've waited until later and who knows if it would've happened. And so really great. Bill, what about from your perspective, what did the best brands do, those that had the biggest results versus those that really struggled? Do you want to compare and contrast that?


Yeah, that was another interesting thing that we found in our data as we looked across all of our accounts doing Google and YouTube, so the best brands, the ones that really killed it now sitewide sale is very popular, did very well also doing sort of the tiered discount. If you put this much in your cart, you get this discount. If it's this much, you get this discount. That does very well. However, something interesting, what beat both of those, at least across our accounts in our data, is discounting individual products. And now, and it is a clear winner in our data and we had small brands doing it and we had very large brands doing it. And so what's interesting though, I wonder if the reason that works so well is because the discount is clear to the consumer. Because if you look at any discount whatsoever, the better you communicate the discount and the deal going on, the easier it is for the consumer who has a lot of things they're looking to buy, a lot of things going on, they're being bombarded all the time. So when you're discounting an individual item, it's right there on the product page, it's right there in the cart, it's very clear that you're getting a discount that this is rare, this isn't evergreen pricing. And so I wonder if that's why it does so well, because just right there in front of you.

Brett :

Yeah, it's really interesting. And so you saw that through the different channels within Google, so YouTube search shopping?


Yeah, you look at our data holistically, but I do kind of like a walkthrough to see how does this look to the consumer? And so it's definitely characterized by, okay, we'll say cherry picking products, but I'm sure there's strategy there, like a product with the best ROI or a bestseller or whatever it is, but we'll say it's individual products, not like a category, not like a site-wide sale, but individual products that are discounted and it's like strike through pricing, red, discount price, add to the cart, cart slides over, you see the discount right there in your cart or your checkout. And that did the best.

Brett :

Yeah, it's interesting because I think that this specific product with this deal, very clear deal on this product kind of helps eliminate decision paralysis or decision fatigue where if I'm just saying, Hey, X percent still got to go decide what I'm going to get, and it's maybe just not as clear or as compelling where if you tell me, Hey, this comforter, which I'm buying a comforter for my wife, hopefully she doesn't listen to this. I don't think she listens to the podcast, so that's one of the guests. But if they said, Hey, this one is on sale, I'm like, great, that's the one I want. All right, done. I'm buying it. Right? Versus the other angle, just sitewide discounts up to whatever. It can work too for sure. But I like that specific offer on a specific product. It's really good.


And I'll add one thing to call out about that. So we're promoting across YouTube and everywhere display and all that stuff P max. But when you run it that way, it's going to show up in your ps, give or take some caveats I could throw out there, but it's going to show up in your ps and when people are doing comparison shopping across multiple brands, you're going to see that promo price in the shopping PLA on the Google search engine results. I think that influences behavior as well.

Brett :

Totally. So yeah, PLA is product listing ads, Google shopping ads, if you will. And really if someone's searching for a product online, they're either going to Amazon or they're going to Google most likely. And so getting that promo attached to a product, it's going to show up in those Google shopping results very clearly in a very compelling fashion as well. Any insights guys? And it's cool if there's not, but did any specific channel, like any specific ad type inside of Amazon or any specific ad type inside of Google really shine or was it kind the usual suspects


On the Amazon? It's usual suspects?

Brett :

Yeah, yeah, always sponsored product is always going to be


The product. Always

Brett :

Going to win day.


We all know the ccpc is through the roof, but we kept our ACO down, which was good. But

Brett :

Yeah, if CPCs go up and conversion rate goes up right along with it, then it doesn't matter. You protect the same ACOs or the same roas yet sponsor products, usually 60 to 70% of our, usually six 7% of our total spend is sponsored products. So it sounds like



Brett :

Remain the same.


Exactly. One thought process on the decision making to run a deal or to not run a deal besides your margins, et cetera, is if you're not running a deal, you're still paying the high cost per click and you're not going to generate the sale, you're not going to have the conversion that you need that if you are running something. So it is something to consider when you decide to potentially maybe sit it out, you're still going to have to pay the same price to display somewhere on your advertising. So God, I just want to make a conversion, maybe take the little hit and participate.

Brett :

Yeah, there's some math you can run there. And I had a podcast, I'll look at the number of the episode, but basically where you can run pricing optimization calculations. And so basically what you have to look at then is based on how you change your price, how the conversion rate would need to change. And I think that's worth looking at, especially if you know, hey, the CPCs are going to up 20, 30, 40%, maybe double in some cases what has to happen to my conversion rate for the math to work? So yeah, and I think it'd be really interesting for someone to look at because it seemed like guys based on, and this is just anecdotally based on what I heard from you, but also from the team, there's a lot of people experimenting with their deals. So the deals for a lot of our clients were not the same this year as they were last year. And so now you've probably got two clear case studies of here's how this discount worked conversion rate, here's how that discount worked in conversion rate, and now we can do some calculations. Am I right in saying that we see deals that were different this year than last year?


Yes, only because of the date range also. So it's not necessarily comparing an apple to an apple any longer, it's more the timeframe starting the week earlier, but the actual deals were about the same. It's just what you decided to participate in. So a good exercise for us is, okay, let's take all of the brands from this year and last year. What did they do 23, what did they do in 24? And then extrapolate what actually performed the best. And now we have our 2025 roadmap.

Brett :

Got it. So the discounts on the Amazon set discounts were kind of the same.


They were pretty much the same. Amazon pushes the discount for a lightning deal or a best deal based on your lowest price and last 30 days.

Brett :

Got it. Episode 2 55, Byron Myers from Glimmer, which one of my favorite episodes. But while your prices are probably wrong and he kind of walks through how to determine your optimal price, but I think now if you've got at least a few years of sales data around the holidays, take a listen to that episode and then work on tweaking your price



Brett :

Next year. What did you see on your side? Bill deals mostly the same this year, meaning clients did the same thing they did last year. Do we see a lot of clients experimenting?


Yeah, that's a great question. I think we were getting better, our clients were getting better at being simple and being clear. I think we had a lot of complex deals. I think on our end we also get better because when someone brings us the complex deal, it's complex for us to promote and set up. And so we up our game a little bit each year as we learn how to work with those and communicate those to the customer. And so we do see ebb and flow. Some people, some brands might have been just D two c e-commerce last year. They can do whatever they want now they have to sell into retail and they're confined to map pricing or something, so they can't run a big a discount.

Brett :

Yeah, right. Yeah. We've seen 'em with a couple of our larger retailers where their Black Friday, cyber Monday weekend was down a little bit, whole holiday period is up and profits are really up, but it's because they've pushed hard into Walmart or other retailers. And so they're like, Hey, we can only, now we're just all in agreement. We can only discount a certain amount. So that's impacted online sales a little bit, but over total sales, total profits all up. So that's the real


Need for sure. And kind of some fun stuff, like last year we convinced some brands who had never run a discount whatsoever to go ahead and run something for Black Friday. It brought this huge wave of sales, and so now they're all about it. And so customers are watching for Black Friday from some of these brands like, oh, I'm going to buy this Black Friday. And then they run a discount. They haven't run all year and it just cleans up

Brett :

Any callouts on what was the best performer that we saw. And we can be on the Amazon side, we need to be close lipped or keep it close to the vest, so to speak. But what did we see any callouts for what was the best? And the one I'm thinking of, bill on the Google side is live beard. And obviously we can't give away any of their sales data, but they crushed it this year and they did not go simple with their offer. They went over the top. But any insights there?


Yeah, definitely. And so that comes down to good communication. They started planning months in advance for what this was going to be, how they were going to structure their landing page and so on and so forth. So yeah.

Brett :

And what was their offer? You want to kind of walk back through and you get all the details right,


Was a sitewide sale plus a chance to win a truck, a Ford Ranger I believe. And so

Brett :

Ford Raptor. Ford Raptor, big difference. Big difference Bill. Big difference. Yeah. Come on now. Come on. Everybody wants a raptor. Not everybody wants a ranger. No offense to the Ranger drivers out there, but Raptors, dude, that's primo.


Yeah, no, for sure. And so yeah, live Bearded was a really good one. I'll also shout out to Carbon Pickleball. They did very, very well, and so I don't have the numbers in front of me. They did very, very well,

Brett :

Which we don't want to give away. Yeah, I tell numbers anyway. Percentages you find I guess. But yeah, man, what a great year for pickleball and shout out to the guys at Carbon Pickleball, CRBN. We met them Christine when we were at Amazon Accelerate in Seattle and people were giving away paddles. These are really good paddles, they're really good. And then we connected with the guys from Carbon and now they're clients, so super, super fun there.


I also just want to throw in there, manta Sleep did very well. We were very excited to see the results on Manta sleep.

Brett :

Dude, big shout out to Manta Sleep. I have focused a lot on how do I improve the quality of my sleep because I think the data is just there in overwhelming fashion that that's how you, it's really one of the keys to longevity, to productivity, to being able to handle stress, all those things to be able to work out. And I know you guys are the same Nick, I hear you talking about a lot, but Manta Sleep, yeah, those are sleep masks, right? To help create the fully dark environment and maybe some other sleep enhancements.


Yeah, it's the Ford Raptor of sleep masks.

Brett :

Nice, nicely done. Ford Raptor of sleep masks and so really helped them crush it and they're benefiting one from great marketing and a great partnership with OMG, but also I think there's just a collective understanding of I need to prioritize my sleep and make that a bigger area focus. So really good. Nick, from your perspective, any specific deals you want to call out that kind of won the weekend or won the sales period?


Not necessarily a deal, but just how to help your brand stand out during this busy season where everyone's blasting everyone with different sales is a follow up email or text. Probably email because you get a little bit more room to work with to everyone who purchased during that Black Friday sale, just thanking them and showing some appreciation. I think commerce could be a little bit more two way. So instead of just blasting it with 20% off, 25% off, get your little list of has purchased during Black Friday and say, Hey, as a small brand, we appreciate it and we're getting all those orders shipped out and we hope you enjoy it.

Brett :

Love it, love it. Alright guys, we are just about out of time. Any final callouts suggestions or recommendations as we wrap up the pod?


The week between Christmas and New Year's? This is prime gift card season, so if you're holding onto some inventory that if you unfortunately didn't move it, consider running a deal over that timeframe because it might save you some long-term storage fees in the end.

Brett :

Yeah, it's great. People maybe didn't get exactly what they wanted during Christmas or the holidays or maybe they just got cash and now it's burning a hole in their pocket. They got a gift card they can use anywhere Amazon gift card and so have 'em spend it on your product. 100%. Love that.


I will say go with the Cyber 12 model next year for this year it would've been 1121 through 12 two I think we said. And use those first two days on the Shopify side to soft launch. Make sure everything's click in on all cylinders and then really go heavy on the promotion. Do the majority of your spend on Black Friday and then whatever is left on Cyber Monday, just go big on Cyber Monday.

Brett :

Yeah, and one other quick call out that I can't remember if I said earlier, but want to underscore it on the Amazon side, cyber Monday won, it was bigger than Black Friday or any other day on the D two C side. Black Friday is the winner and we've seen that consistently year in and year out that for D two C, Shopify and or Big Commerce stores and the like Black Friday is the winner off and on Amazon, it's Cyber Monday.


Correct? I did look at 2023 data and Black Friday was the winner in 2023.

Brett :

That's why. Yeah, for sure. Awesome. Closing tips, remarks or comments? Nick Flint.


Just like how you should be splitting off everyone who purchased during this timeframe and setting up a little thank you. Think about everyone who's engaged but didn't purchase. There's probably a huge segment of your list that falls into this. You just hit 'em with your best offer the year and they still didn't buy. So internally, get together with your team and say, what could we do to get these people through the door? It might be selling at cost. I mean, it's never fun, but you try to get them in the door with a discount, it didn't work. Let's go ahead and get this product in their hands. At least you break even or get a little bit more personable with it. For a supplement brand, they're taking this list and they're emailing them saying, what are your goals for 2025? We'll help you put together a custom supplement stack. They're going to get hopefully a ton of replies and they're going to get them squared away of the new year.

Brett :

Love it. Awesome. Well, thank you guys. You delivered the goods as always. And hey, if you're listening to this and you're saying, my holiday has not been as strong or as stellar as I'd hoped it would be, and so next year I need to do something different and I want that to start right away, reach out to us. We would love to work with you. We know that everybody is kind of planning thinking about Q1 and beyond. And so hey, if you want Christine and the OMG Amazon team running your Amazon and really unlocking growth there and turning that into the powerhouse that you want it to be, or if you want Bill and team running your Google and YouTube and opening up a new channel of growth there, you're like, Hey, email is not at 40% of my revenue and growing like it should be. And you want Nick Flint and team to look at the email, then reach out to us because the time for us to do a strategic review audit. Kind of look at your game plan for the new year and help you take it to the next level. So reach out to us. We'd love to work with you and with that, until next time, thank you for listening.

Episode 300
Brett Curry - OMG Commerce

11 Game-Changing Lessons for Smarter Growth in 2025

In this milestone 300th episode of the eCommerce Evolution Podcast, I've distilled the most impactful insights from recent top-performing episodes to help you prepare for eComm success in 2025. From AI marketing innovations to viral content secrets and customer psychology insights, these carefully selected takeaways represent the cutting edge of eCommerce strategy. This special edition delivers concentrated wisdom from industry leaders to help you stay ahead of the competition.

Key Highlights:

  • Why "out-of-the-box" AI is dead and how to create custom AI marketing hubs that deliver real results for your business.
  • The truth about UGC in 2025: It's not dead, but the bar has been raised - learn what actually works now.
  • Surprising insights about customer purchase timing: Why 60% of buyers take longer than a week to make their first purchase, and what this means for your marketing strategy.
  • How Simple Modern built a half-billion-dollar brand on Amazon, and their replicable formula for category dominance.
  • The "infomercial math" principle that's changing how successful brands approach omnichannel measurement and attribution.



(00:00) Introduction

(04:00) Harnessing AI for Marketing Success

(08:45) Why UGC Isn’t Dead

(12:20) Leadership and the Power of Real-Time Feedback

(14:42) The Critical Role of Offer Systems

(16:25) Strategies for Winning on Amazon

(18:18) Mastering The Art of The Hook

(20:58) Insights From Post-Purchase Surveys

(25:04) Performance Max vs. Performance Meh

(26:17) Creative Thinking as Your Competitive Edge

(28:05) Lessons From Infomercials

(29:57) Conclusion


Show Notes:


Connect With Brett: 


Past guests on eCommerce Evolution include Ezra Firestone, Steve Chou, Drew Sanocki, Jacques Spitzer, Jeremy Horowitz, Ryan Moran, Sean Frank, Andrew Youderian, Ryan McKenzie, Joseph Wilkins, Cody Wittick, Miki Agrawal, Justin Brooke, Nish Samantray, Kurt Elster, John Parkes, Chris Mercer, Rabah Rahil, Bear Handlon, Trevor Crump, Frederick Vallaeys, Preston Rutherford, Anthony Mink, Bill D’Allessandro, Bryan Porter and more.



Brett Curry:

Well, hello and welcome to another very special edition of the eCommerce Evolution podcast. I'm your host, Brett Curry, CEO of OMG Commerce, and today I'm flying solo on this episode, but for good reason. This episode, this very episode that you're listening to right now is the 300th episode of the e-Commerce Evolution Podcast. Now, I'm a little bit blown away by that fact when I started this, had no idea that it would go this long. To put that into context, most podcasts, the average lifecycle lifespan of a podcast is seven episodes. It's called Pod Fade. Someone starts a podcast and they start to fade, lose a little bit of interest goes away. So podcasts that enter into the 300 plus episode category, that's less than 1% of all podcasts. So thank you to you for tuning in consistently and making this show a success, and also thank you to some amazing guests.

Before I get into highlights, really what I want to do today, so I'll preview this just a little bit, is I've selected 11 fairly recent episodes that just blew my mind, changed my perspective, changed the way I approach marketing, e-commerce business, and I want to share the big idea from those episodes with you and a couple of nuggets. It's going to be rapid fire, 11 quick episodes, 11 quick big ideas, plus some additional big ideas from the content. And I also selected these because not only are they just like highlights of the show, but I believe these get you ready for 2025. I believe the competition's going to be unique in 2025. Things are going to be maybe more difficult than ever in some regards, but also I believe it's going to be a great year of opportunity. I think the economic outlook is pretty bright.

So a lot of opportunities in the coming year, and I want you to take full advantage. So these 11 takeaways and 11 big ideas, we'll get you ready for the new year. Now, I just want to show my gratitude to some amazing guests over the years. This is not a complete list of guests, obviously 300 episodes, but a couple of noteworthy ones. One, Mickey Agarwal, founder of Tushy on this show, dropping truth bombs and wowing us with their creativity and just being in general, a very, very fun episode. My buddy, Ezra Firestone, the legend in the e-com space, blue Ribbon mastermind, smart marketer, boom, beauty and others. He was on the show. He's been a multi-time guest. Roland Frazier, host of the Business Lunch podcast, business investor, leader of the Epic Challenge, just an amazing business mind. Ryan Daniel Moran, author of 12 months to 1 million Great influencers, super sharp guy.

Who else have we had on the pod? Tons of other great guests. Rachel Topograph from Mack, Sean Frank from the Ridge Ridge Wallets, Daniel Harmon of the Harman Brothers, Andrew Derian, commerce Fuel, Steve Chu, my wife, quitter Job podcast. Michael Stelzner, social Media Marketing World. And list goes on and on. Amazing guests. So keep tuning in. Got an amazing docket or amazing lineup of guests coming up in 2025 as well. So let's dive in. Let's dive in and talk about, hey, what are the big takeaways? What are these 11 big ideas and some supporting ideas that we should talk about? First one comes from Russ Berry, pretty recent episode about ai. And his big idea is don't just use out of the box ai, but create AI marketing hubs. If you are in the camp of thinking, Hey, AI is really cool, it's really interesting, but it's not particularly useful.

I can't just use AI to create a meaningful project or save myself a lot of time. It's because you're getting what Russ calls boiled chicken results, and that's because you're not using finely tuned ai. So here's the big idea. AI has been trained on essentially the entire knowledge base of the internet, right? The whole internet basically has been ingested by ai, large language models, but you know what? The AI doesn't know your business or your project that you're working on. And so what we have to do is we have to feed the ai the proper information. One analogy that Russ gave in the episode is, Hey, imagine you hired a top notch business consultant, like one of the best business consultants on the planet. You brought them in, but then you proceeded to tell them nothing about your business, nothing about your industry, nothing about your customers, no data points, no specific knowledge about your business.

You just started asking that consultant questions. You would get very generic answers, maybe insightful, but not particularly insightful for you. So Russ talks about creating these AI marketing hubs. What does that look like? Well, in chat, GPT, that's a custom GPT in clawed AI by anthropic, it's creating a project. And this is where you're feeding the AI all the relevant data for your business. So documents, reports, rubrics, customer feedback, ratings and reviews, transcripts from videos or podcasts or whatever. You're feeding the AI as much relevant information as possible. And then you're asking specific questions. And what's so cool about this, and I've done this a number of times in my business, the more specific information you feed the ai, it just unlocks a level of brilliance. And Russ also laid out a couple of other tips I think are really good. He said three main roles that the AI is really good at.

One is the scribe. So just kind of creative content. I think Claude is exceptional at this exceptional at the written language. So come up with this email, come up with this copy for a landing page, that type of thing. Again, still feed it relevant information, the optimizer. So how do we evaluate and improve what we're doing right now? So here's this landing page copy. Here's this email sequence. Here's a video script that I've got. How do you make it better? So the optimizer and then the strategist. So, hey, given all these inputs, here's our sales data. Here's historical data over the last three years, here's what we're trying to accomplish for this season. What are some big ideas? What should we do this season? So those three roles, scribe optimizer, strategists, all very effective to use the AI for. And then last thing before I move on is he talks about the RTIF framework for better prompts.

So Russ's argument is the real missing piece with AI is you're not feeding in enough relevant data. You got to bring your data to the party, but also better prompts are going to create better results. And so what does RTIF stand for? Well, it's role, task, input and format. So basically you're saying, Hey, chat GT or Gemini or Claude, or whatever, you are a marketing assistant research assistant, or you are a copywriter for a D two C brand. I need you to give me 50 headlines for this product launch. Here are examples of winning headlines in the past. Here's some examples of competitors' headlines. Here's examples of other things. And this is the format that I need that put into. And so I believe that the future is going to be ruled by smart humans who know how to lean in and use ai. I don't believe that the machines are taken over anytime soon, but I do believe that you need to learn AI and leverage it because you very well could get beat out by another agency, by another brand, by another, fill in the blank that is leveraging ai.

So Russ Henneberry's episode on marketing, ai, custom marketing hubs. Check it out. If you have not listened, it is a banger. The next guest. The next episode is from Dara Denny number, episode number 2 87, content that converts. I believe Dara is one of the leading minds when it comes to better creative for ads and organic content. And one of the things we talked about, one of the big ideas is that UGC is not dead. Coffin is not sealed on UGC, but the bar has been raised. And so the key here is that it's not that UGC stopped working user generated content. It's not that testimonials no longer carry any weight. It's just that we've seen testimonials. We've seen UGCA lot now. So just having it isn't the strategic advantage. Just having it isn't going to unlock new results. You've got to have really, really good UGC, and that's the kicker.

The days are gone when you can have bland, boring, pedestrian, UGC and just expect it to work. So no longer are we moved by clips of real customers saying, yeah, this is a really good product. I like it. I like using this product, or this has been a game changer for me. Just really bland engineer stuff. However, if you can capture video of your actual customers or real influencers saying, I've tried dozens of products like this. Nothing has worked like this, or I've tried lots of protein powders, they all wreck my stomach, but not this one. I drink this one. I feel energized. I feel alive. No bloating, no upset stomach, nothing, right? We worked with a jewelry store for a long time and a lot of guys were intimidated to go to jewelry stores. And we captured a customer saying, I used to be really intimidated to walk in the jewelry store until I went here.

The minute I walked in, I felt comfortable. I connected with the salesperson, I talked to the owner, and they gave me ideas and solutions. I'll never go to another jewelry store. So you hear a testimony like that or UGC like that, and you're moved, you feel something and it overcomes objections and it solidifies the value proposition. It brings to life some of the benefits that you're talking about. But generic, UGC, bland, UGC, it is in fact dead. And I would argue that it's probably never worked anyway. It just certainly doesn't work now. So UGC is not dead. The other thing that I'll talk about from Dara Denny's podcast, from her episode, episode 2 87, is that you need to take bigger swings. You need to make bigger tests. It's not really effective to say, Hey, this was our winning ad before. What if we change the color of the headline instead of blue?

Let's go green. How would that do form a hypothesis? Why did this ad work? What is it tapping into? What emotions, what fears, what concerns? What desires? What about our product? Is it highlighting in a unique way? So let's form a hypothesis. How can we create something similar to that, but different but edgier, better but clearer, whatever? So form a hypothesis and take bigger swings, make bigger tests. Of course, lean into what's working, but take a small part of your budget, lean into bigger tests. That's where you're going to find breakthroughs. You're not going to find breakthroughs by making small little color tests and things like that. Next one, episode number 2 79, Dave Klein. We talked about leadership and management within a D two C brand. Now, Dave Klein, one of the best management thinkers of our time. He's one of the best trainers, one of the best coaches that I've ever been around in terms of developing your leadership and developing you as a manager, your managers, and their leadership style.

And so he talked about somebody, he was at Bridgewater Associates, so Ray Dalio's company, and he talked about they had this environment of constant real time feedback. So they would, even as someone is delivering a presentation, people are on iPads giving real-time feedback that didn't make sense, that wasn't believable, this could be improved, and they just gave raw, real-time feedback constantly. Now, not everybody could handle it. Not everyone could handle the pressure, the transparency, the feeling like you're maybe under a microscope all the time. Not everybody can handle it. But those that could grew and improved consistently, it unlocked new levels of growth. Now, you don't need to go to the extreme of Bridgewater, right? There are a few places that operate just like that, but I guarantee you, your team and you need better real time feedback. So one of the best ways to do this is to invite that feedback from your team.

Let your team know, Hey, I want real feedback from you. What can I do better? What can I improve? Was this meeting good? Was this idea clear? How can I make it better? And then especially if you get feedback that's not what you wanted to hear, meaning it's feedback that's, Hey, that idea wasn't very good, or that meaning wasn't a winner, or I don't think I am aligned with you in this. Celebrate that feedback. Thank someone genuinely thanks someone publicly for that feedback that's going to encourage more of it within your business. He also did a great job laying out understanding what are the bottlenecks within a company? What are the constraints for growth within your brand? And spoiler alert, if you're a small business, the constraint, the bottleneck could be you. So go back and listen to that. That's episode 2 79 with my friend Dave Klein.

Highly, highly recommend it. Next up, Molly Pittman. Dear dear friend, Molly Pittman, episode 2 94. I think this was the $600 million meta ad survey results, how to make Meta Ads better. And the big idea here is that you don't just need better ads. You need an offer system. You need better offers, and you need a greater diversity of offers. So Molly's point was, Hey, if you're spending like a thousand dollars a day on ads right now, you may get away with one offer. So one offer, sending people to your product detail page, here's my widget, here's an offer, take it. If that's all you want to do, just scale to say a thousand dollars a day in spend, that may be enough. But if you want to scale to a hundred thousand dollars a day in spend, that's profitable, you need an offer system. So of course, you still need Buy Now offers, but you need learn more offers.

You need sign up for this webinar, offers you need, join this class offer. You need download this guide offer. You need other free offers, experiential type offers that you test. And so this is something that as she, and as OMG, as we work with supplement brands, food and beverage brands, other brands where the price of the item is a little bit higher, how can we get someone into a funnel? How can we create offers that are more than just buy this product now? So you don't just need better ads. You need better offers. Check out the full episode. Molly Pittman, episode 2 94. Next up, Brian Porter from Simple Modern Drinkware Brand. The episode is 2 74, and so they talk about how simple Moderns has sold over half a billion in drinkware in just eight years. And really this is a unique brand because it was basically born and launched on Amazon.

And so this is not just a product being sold on Amazon. This is a real brand, a multi nine figure run rate brand, all born and launched on Amazon. And so they said, really, their formula for success on Amazon, and I think this is going to be the formula that will win for some time to come, is they win the search. So they win the click and the conversion from category level searches. So Tumblr, drinkware Coffee, Tumblr, 40 ounce, Tumblr in yellow, things like that. So they win that generic search and they win that search through a combination of SEO paid search and merchandising, how to get the product on the right shelf, how to get that product to jump off the shelf. That's how you win the click. Then how do you get them to buy? That's really the conversion rate optimization part of Amazon.

So we win that first purchase. Okay, then how do we delight them so that the next time they go to Amazon, they don't search for the category terms, they don't search for generic terms, they search for our brand. Now we've won them over. Now they go look for a Tumblr or other drinkware. They're just typing in our brand name. And so that's where you consider like, Hey, from unboxing to first use, ongoing use, what is that experience like? And am I winning someone over so that the next time they come to Amazon, they're only searching for me and not any of my competitors or the generic terms? So it's episode 2 74, Brian Porter from Simple Modern. Next up, Eugenia Chin. This is episode 2 88, viral Content. Love this episode. Eugenia started the company Panda Loon. She was on Shark Tank, and her big idea is that winning with Hooks, so getting the right hook or the right opening to a video is 50% of the game to making your content viral or creating an ad that has the potential to really scale with its spin.

And so she breaks down three components of hooks that go viral. The first one is a visual scroll stopper. So visually, am I arresting someone and getting them to pay attention to my content? For her? This was she sewed and put together this panda costume that she put on her dog. And so when the dog was walking, it looked like a panda with a dog face walking around. So immediate scroll stopper is there. Then some kind of audio grabber, some kind of audio sound that goes with it. This is especially important on TikTok, and she recommends build for TikTok first because then that translates into other channels, whereas building for Instagram or other channels first does not necessarily translate into TikTok and then use text reinforcement. So can I put some text on the piece of content that reinforces the visual and the audio hook and really, really brilliant.

Watch the full episode to get the full download there. But then she also talks about leading with emotion. Do we start with something emotional? So think about it from this way. As you watch your content, as you watch your ad, what are the parts where you lean in? What are the parts where you perk up? What are the parts of the video where you laugh or where you feel something, where you're moved a little bit, whatever that is likely, that's what you need to bring to the front. Back in the old days, and this is kind of gone in a post pandemic world and just a virtual world that we live in, I used to to play ads in front of a room of people and watch them. When do they lean in? When do they literally laugh out loud or conversely, when do they start looking at their phone?

When do they seem to be drifting and not paying attention? So the parts where they lean in, the parts where you can tell they're feeling something, maybe they get a little choked up, a little teary eyed or something. If it's kind of a moving piece, I want to bring that towards the front almost certainly. So lead with emotion, 50% of your results come from the hook. So Eugenia Chin, episode 2 88, viral Content. Next up, Jeremiah Brummer, our friend from No Commerce, episode 2 62. So no Commerce is a customer survey, a post-purchase survey platform. There are other things you can do with it as well, but the primary offering is post-purchase surveys. And the big idea, the big takeaway from Jeremiah's episode is that 60% of all your buyers take longer than one week after hearing from you before they make that first purchase. And you'd be surprised to learn.

And we unpacked a couple of studies. One was from True classic Teas actually wearing a true classic tea right now that I think it was 30% of their customers, they learned about true classics and didn't buy for up to a year after that. So whatever your platform is telling you, whatever you're seeing in Google Ads or Meta or whatever you're seeing in Google Analytics that hey, it's usually one day or two days after click someone purchases, okay, sure. But that's not from the first time they saw you. That's not from the first time they learned about you. There's this old marketing adage, this old marketing philosophy that I think still rings true where most people have to see or hear of a new brand seven times before they take action. And so this should shift your perspective a little bit on what's truly top of funnel and what we should expect our ad platforms to do.

I'm not advocating that we don't look at ROAS or MER or things like that. I am advocating that we understand that the length of time from someone being introduced to your brand and purchasing is probably quite a bit longer than you think. Okay? So go ahead and listen to that episode, episode 2 62 from Jeremiah Brummer. Now, closely related episode, and I want to give love to this one as well, is Trevor Crump from Bestie, also post-purchase survey platform. And the takeaway from both of these is you should do post-purchase surveys. But the biggest takeaway I got from Trevor's episode is, Hey, the reason you think people are buying from you, the reason someone chooses you over your competitors, or the main reason someone buys your product in the first place, probably isn't the reason you think it's, and so one of the things we can ask in our post-purchase surveys is, Hey, what's the main reason you bought this product?

So Trevor gave this awesome example of a client that he worked with, and they sold underwear for kids who wet the bed, right? So embarrassing issue, some kids struggle with it for years. They went to bed, they can't stop. And so they sold these underwear training pants, so it makes you feel bigger than if you're wearing a pull-up or something like that. But the owner of the brand was convinced there were two reasons that people bought one cost savings. You buy this, it's cheaper than buying pull-ups and two environmentally friendly, right? We're not filling landfills with pull-ups and diapers and things like that. Turns out those two were not even in the top five. That was not why people were buying. The number one reason that people were buying this product is it gave their kids confidence, right? There was a real emotional reason here.

Parents said, my kid, when they're struggling with wetting the bed, it wrecks their confidence. And I'm very, very motivated, very motivated to help them. I'll invest money, I'll spend money to fix that. Okay? The environment, that's a nice bonus and saving a little bit of money on not buying Pull-ups bonus. That's not why someone invested in this. It was to give their kid confidence. So understanding that, understanding why someone actually buys your product that can unlock a new approach to your advertising. Think about how that shifts the message of your video content or your image content or your ads in general, knowing the real reason somebody buys. So check out the full episode, episode two 50 with Trevor Crump. Next up, Savannah Knight, OMG Rockstar. We talked about Performance Max in this episode, and so I love this episode not because we talk about Performance Max, because if Google follows kind of the course of their history, max will be phased out at some point in the future.

There'll be other campaign types that replace it. But what I think is true about Max that will be true forever is that campaigns are always going to lean into AI and machine learning performance Max in kind of a special way. But the big takeaway here is that your campaigns are only as good as the data that you give them and the creatives that you give them. So the real unlock with Performance Max or whatever campaign is popular in the future is give the campaign good data, clear insights into this is my ideal customer, and then give the campaign really great creatives. I think we run a real risk of becoming AI dependent or smart bidder dependent, rather than bringing our best to these campaigns and then really allowing the AI to work some magic. So that's the takeaway from that episode. Next up, will Hughes, episode 2 31, the Million Dollar Mindset.

Will Hughes grew Organify to $100 million a year run rate, but he had to do so profitably, he could not acquire customers at a loss. So had to be first order break even, or first order profitable. One of the big ideas that he talked about in that podcast was creative thinking as a competitive advantage. So how can you unlock creative thinking, creative problem solving to give your business a competitive edge? And we talk about a concept in this podcast that I love called a reticular activator. So this is a part of your brain that's always looking for something familiar or something really out of place. And so you can kind of train your brain here as well. So one of the best examples of a reticular activator is your name. Think about it this way. You're walking through a crowded airport, all kinds of noise and chaos.

You can't make heads or tails of it, but you hear someone say your name out of the clutter, your name shines through. That's because your name is a reticular activator. Your brain, your subconscious is scanning the environment, looking for things that are familiar or things that are really out of place. Another example is if hey, you decide you want to buy a car, bought my wife a four runner. Once I started looking at four runners, everywhere I drove, I saw every forerunner on the road. It's not that suddenly there were more forerunners on the road, it's just that I was in tune with them and my reticular activating system was looking for them. You can train yourself to do the same thing. Look for patterns, look for things that are missing. Look for companies that are doing something really unique and really different. So train your brain to start looking for patterns and leverage creative thinking as a competitive advantage for your brand.

Last one, actually, as we wrap up here, my buddy Jordan Pine, episode two 30, lessons from DRT or Direct Response tv. We talked a lot about infomercials, and I love infomercials. Talk a lot about the Ginsu Knife commercial or other great infomercials that are on TV P 90 X. I bought the P 90 X program way back in the day because of their amazing infomercial. But what I loved about his podcast, a lot of things, but he talked about infomercial math. So what do they expect when they run an infomercial on tv? Where do they expect the sales to come from? Well, they expect 20% of sales to come from direct response, meaning someone picks up the phone or they email in directly, right? 30% they expect to happen on the website so that we go to or P 90, whatever, to buy the product.

And then a full half of all sales, they expect to happen on Amazon. So even if that infomercial does not mention Amazon, we expect a lot of those purchases to take place on Amazon. Now, those numbers shift a little bit if you get in store placement, if you're in brick and mortar stores as well. But just understand, this really underscores a really important point that when you're investing in things like tv, YouTube, meta, even the versions are going to happen someplace else. In a lot of cases, you may be sending someone to your website. The conversion may happen on Amazon, you may be running a YouTube ad, which did a big campaign for Arctic coolers, may running a campaign on YouTube, but the purchase is going to happen at Walmart, or the purchase is going to happen on Amazon. And so understanding where the purchases take place and where you expect them to take place is going to impact your measurement, how you determine if you were successful or not.

And it's going to dictate then what you do based on those results. So I'm so excited for you for 2025. I'm so excited for the podcast for 2025, and I can't wait to help you crush growth this year. D two C, omnichannel and the like. We would love to work with your brand, whether that's on the Amazon side, email side, YouTube side, Google side, meta side. If your brand feels stuck, you've been spinning your wheels with some important channels. Chat with us at OMG Commerce. We'd love to run a complimentary strategic review for you and see how our team can help you level up. And with that, until next time, thank you for listening.

Episode 299
Garrett Goslin / Kyle Goguen - CRBN Pickleball

From Paddle to Profit: How Carbon Pickleball Is Winning the eCommerce Match

When the pandemic left Garrett Goslin without his sommelier job, he turned his passion for pickleball into an innovative paddle company. Alongside childhood friend Kyle Goguen, CRBN Pickleball has emerged as a leading premium brand in one of America's fastest-growing sports. Their journey offers valuable lessons for any brand looking to build authentic community and stand out in a competitive market.

Key Takeaways:

  • Product Innovation & Customer Feedback: Learn how CRBN maintains its competitive edge by leveraging multiple feedback loops - from pro athletes to local ambassadors - and investing heavily in R&D to stay ahead of larger competitors.
  • Building a Multi-Channel Brand: Discover their strategic approach to building a premium brand across direct-to-consumer, Amazon, and retail channels while maintaining consistent positioning and storytelling.
  • Community-First Growth: Explore how CRBN built a powerful ambassador program without spending big marketing dollars, and why their grassroots approach helped them compete against established sporting goods brands.
  • Founder Authenticity: See why sharing the founder's story - even when uncomfortable - has become a key differentiator in their marketing strategy and helped forge deeper connections with customers.

The episode provides a masterclass in building a premium brand through community engagement, product innovation, and authentic storytelling.



(00:00) Introduction: The Founding Story of CRBN

(09:51) R&D and Product Innovation in Pickleball

(15:03) Understanding Customer Feedback: The Heart of Product Development

(19:00) Building a Community: The Role of Ambassadors in Growth

(24:32) The Power of Authenticity: Leveraging the Founder’s Story

(28:25) Sponsoring Athletes: A Strategic Approach to Brand Visibility

(32:20) Maximizing Amazon: Strategies for Growth and Brand Building

(40:16) Future Innovations: What's Next for Carbon Pickleball?

(42:31) The Affiliate Strategy: Quality Over Quantity

(46:39) Conclusion


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Past guests on eCommerce Evolution include Ezra Firestone, Steve Chou, Drew Sanocki, Jacques Spitzer, Jeremy Horowitz, Ryan Moran, Sean Frank, Andrew Youderian, Ryan McKenzie, Joseph Wilkins, Cody Wittick, Miki Agrawal, Justin Brooke, Nish Samantray, Kurt Elster, John Parkes, Chris Mercer, Rabah Rahil, Bear Handlon, Trevor Crump, Frederick Vallaeys, Preston Rutherford, Anthony Mink, Bill D’Allessandro, Bryan Porter and more




I don't think you're going to get anywhere in this sport or any industry without really trying new things. And I think that's really what's setting us apart so far is just being different.


Well, hello and welcome to another edition of the e-Commerce Evolution podcast. I'm your host, Brett Curry, CEO of OMG Commerce. And today we are talking about something that has been sweeping the nation. It's incredibly popular. I don't think it's going anywhere. We're also diving into brand building, product building, some unique marketing and growth aspects. So we're talking pickleball today and I've got the two execs from CRBN Pickleball on today. I met with these guys in Seattle at the Amazon Accelerate Conference. We hit it off, we had some mutual friends. I got one of their paddles. We became bros and we decided, hey, let's do a podcast and tell people the story behind CRBN. So with that, we've got the founder, Garrett Goslin and his right hand man. I guess I don't even know exactly how to intro you, Kyle, but Kyle Goguen as well. And so Garrett and Kyle, welcome to the show.


Thanks, Brad. Thanks for having us.


Yeah, man. Really excited to have you guys. And so let's tell the story briefly because I always love it when it's like, Hey, we're business partners, we work together, but we're also brothers or childhood friends or whatever. But you guys are childhood friends now. You run a very successful business together. What is that like? And then also Kyle, I know you kind of run marketing, but you run a lot of stuff. So talk about your individual roles as well.


Yeah, sure. Garrett, you want to start?


Sure, I'll start it off. Okay. So CRBN started in late 2021. I was working in the hospitality industry as a wine sommelier and the pandemic hit and lost my job. And there's not a lot of need for people pouring wine at country clubs when you can't go to any.


I've heard. Just a quick pause on that. I think this is an interesting, Garrett. I've heard it's very complicated to become a wine sommelier.


It is not easy. I was studying, there's four levels. I was studying for my level three when the pandemic hit. My boss was a master song, which is the very top level, and it took him about seven years to become a master.


That's crazy.


Yeah, crazy.


So do you still like to impress people with your wine knowledge at parties and things like that, or you


It's definitely fallen off a bit. I've lost some of those skills, but I can still impart some knowledge on people, but


Got it.


Yeah, so it was a good time while I was doing it, but when that ended, I found myself with a lot of time. I had been playing pickleball since 2017, and so being unemployed at that time allowed me to play a lot more pickleball. I was playing every day of the week, a couple hours a day. And in that process I started kind of running up the ranks a little bit, getting a little bit better, starting to play more competitively. At that time, there weren't as many people in the game playing, so my skill level seemed a lot higher than what it would be now. It's very competitive now, and I do not compare to any of the pros these days. But


Back And you guys in southern California area, right? Orange County is kind of where you're competing?


Yeah, we're in Costa Mesa, Newport Beach area. So anyways, since I was playing so much, a lot of my paddles that I was using just kept kind of falling apart, breaking, falling down, falling and losing grit, surface grit on them. And it just came to the point where I was just like, maybe there's something better out there. I feel like I can find something. And there was a company doing something with CRBN fiber on the surface at the time, but didn't really the shape that they were doing. And so I took that idea with CRBN fiber and applied it to, I would say more user-friendly shapes of paddles and had it made for myself, myself and my double's partner at the time. And the idea was we'll have these badass paddles that we'll use and play tournaments with, and it kind of worked. And then we were playing at our


Was your goal just at that time, just like you wanted to go pro and pickleball or just playing?


I think so. I think, did


You think product business at that time or you were just making the paddles so you could dominate?


Yeah, exactly. I didn't have that thought at all. It was really just so I could have a competitive edge. And then at the club that we were playing, people started noticing our paddle and it seemed like we were getting a lot more power and spin and longevity out of these paddles. And so eventually people started asking like, Hey, can I buy one of those? We were just like, no, they're for us, sorry. And then eventually it came to the point where I was like, all right, we'll try this out. So placed an order and a very small amount and to see how it would do, and they sold out right away within a couple of weeks. And then I kind of knew we had something going here. Then Kyle wasn't on from the very beginning. But then very shortly after, once we started getting a lot of traction and I realized this is not a one man project. I had reached out to Kyle since we've known each other for the better part of 25 years, and I knew his background and his success that he's had in marketing and e-commerce, he's the perfect man to partner with and there's a lot of trust there already. So it's worked out.


Totally. I love it. And did you guys ever at recess in elementary school ever like, dude, one day we're going to build a business together?


I don't know if it was in recess, but Garrett and I have chatted about starting a business in the past. I think it was more in the college years. I mean, if I think back, actually, I think the first business that I considered pursuing first real business was with Garrett. And we went as far as meeting with people and sketching out what a business plan might look like, ended up not pursuing that idea thankfully. But it is kind of fun to think back and realize that the writing was sort of on the wall and then this sort of happy accident happened. And then we have since done it and things have gone well. And I think Garrett already touched on this a little bit, but we have very complimentary skill sets, I would say, and that plus a high level of trust makes this partnership work really well.

I mean, Garrett, as he already got into handles basically all of the r and d and since the beginning, but I mean these days we have a full-time engineer with a workshop in Southern California where we can iterate very quickly, which we might touch on later in this pod. But Garrett, he handles all of that and a lot of the branding and a bunch of other parts of the business that I'm not great at and I handle, I'm more so focused on the marketing in general and specifically that's my background. So prior to partnering with Garrett, I had a pet brand that I started 10 years ago right after college. So I spent the last 10 years building up that business, building a team, running it. And so it kind of gave me, while it wasn't pickleball, paddles gave me a ton of experience. I mean, selling dog treats online in many ways is similar to selling pickleball paddles online. So I'm able to kind of bring that experience to the table while Garrett focuses on the product, since he's frankly a much more talented player. He can bring a lot to the table knowing exactly what we want want to create.


But I hear Kyle, that you're gaining on him because you're playing more. He's got a kid now, he can't hit the courts as much. So is your goal to beat Garrett consistently in pickleball or what he striving for


Sure we could say gaining on him, but I would not say quickly gaining on him. And no, I don't think that's a goal. I think my goal is to not embarrass myself




That or the company. And outside of that, I'm happy with Garrett being better than me. Totally makes sense. He can have that trophy. You can keep that title. Yeah,


Kyle's better at me than plenty of other things, so I'm going to


Take it out.


Yeah, I'll just stay number




In e-comm.


There you go.


Love it. But that is interesting that you bring that up to Casso. So selling, building a pet brand, which was very successful, you built, there are some similarities between pickleball, right? Because it's a large market, so the tam for both is large, and it takes some skill to differentiate your product amidst a lot of competition. There's a lot of competition, pickleball, a lot of competition in the pet space. And so yeah, definitely you guys have cracked the code with this combo of great product and great marketing. And so let's talk about r and d and the strength of your product because I think there's a lot of lessons there that other brands can learn from. And I remember, Kyle, you were telling me this story, Adidas, I think obviously probably put a lot of money into launching their own pickleball paddles and they flopped. And I think the theory or the guest there is they just did it right without maybe a lot of deep knowledge into pickleball and what pickleball players wanted. And so you guys are pickleball players, Garrett, you played tournaments and you're competitive and the sport. How do you approach r and d and what do you think it is that makes your product so special? Because I know one thing you guys said, and I've seen this with other businesses, when you get the product right, everything else is so much easier. Marketing is easier, distribution is easier. Charging a price that allows you to have the right EBITDA is easier. So what are your secrets to making a great product?


Yeah, I'll start by kind of saying that Adidas has stepped their game up. I don't want to completely disparage their name. I think first their first splash into the market was a little bit more cookie cutter, and they were just kind of testing the waters to see how it worked. But they've definitely, they've invested a little bit more into r and d and stuff like that recently, it seems.


I think just broader, not speaking specifically about Adidas is that I think a lot of big brands have tried to get into the pickleball space because they realize it's growing really fast. And I think early on, a lot of them just assumed, look, it's just this random hobby that's very simple. It's maybe not for hardcore athletes and they didn't put the time and effort into the r and d or they just hired, they had their existing engineers develop product or whatever, or they licensed out their brand or whatever they did where they didn't develop a very thoughtful product, frankly, which was great for us because it gave us opportunity, which Garrett's going to touch on here in a second. But it was just fascinating to see these behemoths of a company across the board come in, try to do well and have every advantage in the world, and then people not take them serious in the hardcore pickleball world.


And it sort of seems like some bigger brands or brands that don't know pickleball just coming in and they're trying to access that market. It's an opportunity. I'm trying to take advantage of that opportunity where Garrett looked at it and said, Hey, I'm trying as a pickleball player, I'm trying to solve a problem. I am losing my grip on this. My paddles are wearing out. I want more velocity, things like that. So you're solving a problem rather than just trying to tap into an opportunity. So yeah, how do you kind approach r and d and how do you approach iteration? I know you guys are always iterating, improving, launching new products, things like that.


Yeah, so I mean definitely from the get go it was solely myself and a couple of drilling partners that were doing the RD for the company. And from an RD standpoint, it was like you said, just based on trying to solve a problem. And I think we started with a very innovative product and noticed that it kind of caught on that technology we found ourselves. We would start high and then get caught up to, and then we'd have to make another jump and then get caught up to, so it's always been a little bit of cat and mouse with developing and innovating. So I think that's just because that we feel like it's been kind of that chase game since the inception. That's just kind of how we position ourselves now is always trying to just set the new bar. And we really started taking that seriously a year and a half ago and decided this is what we want to be doing and really pushing the limits.

So we invested in an engineer and being able to just iterate on a dime, a new paddle every couple of days, stuff like that, just really trying to, and not being afraid to fail. That was a big thing too. And it's just really trying to just push things that haven't been done before. And if they don't work, cool, at least we tried it out. But I don't think you're going to get anywhere in this sport or any industry without really trying new things. And I think that's really what's setting us apart so far is just being different.


Yeah, it's so good. And so you're constantly trying to look for that next thing because if you create a great product, it's going to be knocked off, it's going to be duplicated, other competitors going to catch up, and so no product lasts forever. So you got to be constantly reinventing. You've got the advantage in that you both play pickleball, you're both in the sport, but what else are you doing? Are you going to tournaments and talking to players and finding out what they want, what they're frustrated with, how are you, any insights that other brands can latch onto for how you're iterating and coming up with those next designs?


I think the really cool part about this sport is it has such a passionate customer base and really strong following, and you are able to track that on a lot of different levels. And I'll let Kyle kind of take over, but there's so many different platforms and channels to reach our customer and to get feedback. And we have a lot of ambassadors and we have a Discord channel and a lot of reviews, whether it be our website directly or YouTube. So there's just a lot of ways to get feedback and really have what we feel is a beat on what's going on in the world and what people are looking for.


That's so great. Yeah. I want to talk about the marketing and growth side too, but before we do that, what are you doing to create feedback loops and to create mechanisms and opportunities where you can hear directly from your customer?


Yeah, for sure. So I mean, I think kind of like you mentioned at the highest level, if I think top down it's number one, the company is full of people who are passionate about pickleball players or passionate about pickleball rather. So Garrett and I are both pickleball players. Most of our team, if not all of them, are really passionate about the sport across all different skill levels. I also think that's important too. I think if it was just people at a very high level, we wouldn't be able to think holistically about the industry. So we kind of touch every aspect. We are our customers, so that's most important. And then I think going down the different level, the different tiers that I would think about it is next is our athletes. You already mentioned that we sponsor a bunch of different athletes on the pro level and the pro scene.

Garrett's working with them very closely to get them prototypes, get feedback on a regular basis outside of what he can gather himself. So you have that at a very, very high level. The athletes that we're actually sponsoring and you go down one tier below that, we have our affiliates that we work with, and these are the hardcore paddle reviewers, like the paddle heads that know every spec of every brand, all of that sort of thing. These people exist and they're really great for getting feedback as well because while they're maybe not as skilled as some of the pro athletes, arguably they know more about paddles than the athletes do. So you kind of get that perspective. And then maybe one tier below that is our ambassadors. So we have thousands of ambassadors, mostly in the US but really globally. And so we get paddles and product in their hands and whether we want them to or not, they give us a lot of feedback.

We have a closed community with them and they're telling us all the time what they, what they don't like, new product ideas. All of that is kind of built in, which has been really cool. And then I guess one level further below that is just our regular customers. So we use what you would assume different apps and tools to solicit feedback, product reviews, and just frankly emailing people as well whenever we need to. We'll just straight up ask them for feedback if they've bought a product. So that kind of covers many different people and many different stages. It really just depends on the product that we're trying to launch,


Covers all the skillset levels and all the use cases and different types of buyers. And so it makes a lot of sense. I want to actually talk about each of those groups a little bit, but let's start with the ambassadors. So this is going to be different skill levels. Maybe some of those are competing, maybe some of 'em are not, they're just playing with their family or whatever. How are you identifying potential ambassadors and then what does that program look like?


Yeah, so lucky for us, we've mostly built that program with inbound. We've never really solicited ambassadors. It's just a form on our website. People share it with their friends, they're excited about the brand. I think that's a big part of this is we've built a strong brand that people want to be a part of, so they're applying. So they fill out this pretty thorough form, essentially trying to become an ambassador and our community manager vets all of them and makes sure that they're a good fit for us both in culture is probably the most important thing. Trying to make sure that frankly they're a good person ideally and someone we want representing the brand. But sometimes that's hard in a form, but we do the best we can. And then outside of that, we're looking at all different attributes, things like how good are you at the game, but also how involved you are in the community and what you are doing or what you can do to promote our products. So I mean to boil it down, I would say our ambassadors usually fit in a couple of different buckets. One of them is just the best player at your local courts. Ideally that person is repping our product, kind of that aspirational the person you want to be. Then you also have the person who's heavily the


Person or the doubles team that they're winning all the local tournaments, what paddle are they


Using? If you're getting crushed by someone or a team that's using CRBN, you're going to give it another look. Then you also have the people that are just heavily involved in the community, whether they're the person club president or the one putting on little local tournaments, influencer in person locally. So that person's great. And then another bucket I would say are pickleball coaches. So those are the people that are giving people lessons, teaching them the basics or even more advanced level tips and stuff like that. What paddle are they using and what paddles are they promoting? That's hugely influential I would say. And so we just want to get as many of those people as possible and that's been a fun experience kind of vetting all the applicants that we get and building out that community.


It's such a smart approach where you're looking at, hey, who has the eyes and ears and the influence of our target audience, and then how do we build a relationship with them? Because I think a lot of brands that we talk to really are just leaning into paid ads. And obviously I love ads, we're running an ad agency, so big believer, but the more you can do to brand build, to build a community, to get a following, to get other people out there, becoming ambassadors for you makes everything work better. So any success stories you want to call out from the ambassador program? I think this is something that a lot of brands are missing. Obviously it's a little easier for you because this is a product that is part of a community anyway and it's growing and it's fun and people like to talk about it a little harder if you're selling pain cream or something like that. But any ambassador success stories you can talk about.


Yeah, sure. I think mean you hit on it like you just said, there are some advantages because our product lends itself to being out in the public and in these communities. But I think the one thing, if you can figure it out, if you're a business owner and you can figure out how to build something like this, the cool thing is it's a perfect program for a bootstrapped business or one that's got a tight budget early on. This is something we were able to build just with our effort early on in the business. We didn't have a ton of funds for advertising or hiring a nationwide sales team. I think a lot of the bigger brands don't take the time to build out these grassroots efforts because they're just like, well, we'll just hire a sales team.




And yeah, that actually is effective, but in a different way. Those people are going after retailers. We want to influence the people on the ground at the courts. So I think it's just one of many different marketing tactics people should probably be using. But for us it was once we identified big how community focused pickleball was as a sport, it was a no brainer. So I think if there's any sort of community aspect to your industry, this is a perfect fit, some version of this.


How do you incentivize your ambassadors? Are you giving them discounted product free product? Are you paying them affiliate commissions? And obviously you don't have to share anything that's confidential, but how are you incentivizing your ambassadors?


Yeah, no, happy to share. I mean, it's public on the application itself. So yeah, they're unpaid outside of commission that they drive through sales, and then they also get heavily discounted product. So perfect. Again, cashflow wise, it's great. I mean we're paying them after they've made the sale. It makes a lot of sense from a business standpoint and they're really excited to do it. They love the brand and they want more swag, more gear, more everything and just be as kitted out as possible I guess on the courts.


Very cool. I want to talk about some of those other groups in a second as well, but I got a question for you, Gary, because I think this is interesting. You are a unique business in that you are the founder and you're a customer and you've got this great story. How much are you in your marketing? How much are you leaning into that founder's story versus just leaning into the brand and maybe athletes and affiliates and things like that? How do you strike that balance? Because there's this classic story of Wendy's, right? Where Dave Thompson, I believe is the founder and always they'd hire a new ad agency and the ad agency's like, well, let's get Dave out of the commercials. I want to get Dave, but nothing performed as well as having Dave in the commercials. I think it's good to have a good mix of things, but what's your philosophy on that, you being in your ads versus just leaning on the brand or other spokespeople?


Yeah, I mean, I don't dunno the exact percentage split, but we're definitely using that founder story and I think to pretty great success with that. I mean, like you said, I think we're getting pretty solid feedback when we do talk about my story or my journey into starting this business. It's something that a lot of people can relate to. It's a very personal story and as much as it can be awkward for me and a little, because I definitely don't want to be in the limelight, but it's cool to be able to share something that I'm passionate about and where the brand is going from my point of view. But yeah, I let Kyle kind of finish that up, but


I can chime in here. Garrett's a super humble guy and frankly he doesn't like being in front of the camera. He doesn't like putting his story out there and it's been something that I've been working on with him for years basically is just convincing him that this is a story that people want to hear. And absolutely, we we're well known in the pickleball industry, but we are not one of the big, big guys in the space. There is a unique aspect to us is that we are a fairly lean team. We're pretty young in our overall business journey and people want to buy from people and you tell Garrett's story and people want to buy from him and talk to him. And so from an email marketing standpoint, a lot of the emails Garrett's writing because people want to hear from him. A lot of these big brands don't have the ability to do that because the founders or the business owners are long gone. They're not part of that. And I think it's something we can take advantage of right now because Garrett is in the weeds and I think again, he doesn't love it. But we'll continue to double down on that story because I think it's a compelling one.


And I think Dave from Wendy's didn't like it either. I think he wanted to get out of it. I think it wasn't just the ad agencies, but he never did because it always worked. And I think it's a competitive advantage for you guys, just like you said, lean into it. As you grow, there's going to be more and more people that just come to the brand because their favorite pickleball athlete use it or some friend or they just see an ad or they see it on Amazon and they buy it and they love it. But that's something you got to lean into for now, and I think it's going to continue to pay dividends. It's really interesting. We get to audit dozens of great brands, Google ads and YouTube and Amazon and stuff, and just audit a really large pet brand. I can't say who it was or who it is, but they've got these hero videos and they're funny and they're so good and they work really well.

We're going to lean into them on YouTube, but then they have these founder story videos and it's literally just the founder, one dude on camera talking about why he designed the product. And I know it costs almost nothing and not nothing, it looks good, but the comparison of the two, the hero video and that founder video and the CPAs are about the same. The founder video, they just work. So I think you got to always lean into that because people are going to resonate with that story. So love that. Glad to hear you're doing that. Let's talk a little bit about athletes for a minute. So is this something you started doing from the beginning like, Hey, let's go sponsor athletes and we're at a stage in the development of pickleball where this is not the NBA where we're going to pay somebody millions and millions of dollars to be an athlete that reps our products or is the athlete thing, is that more new for you?


I'll start, I guess, but I think, so the first few months before Kyle came on into the company, I have very little internet marketing experience to almost none. And so the lowest hanging fruit was to sponsor local pros around me that I knew and that were already advocates of the paddle. So it was just kind of a really easy match. They wanted to use it, and so it made a really easy relationship. Even fast forward to now, we still do sponsor a good amount of athletes because it's just really good to see those eyeballs on it. But I, there's a lot of importance on what Kyle's doing, and so I think that's really even split at this point.


Yeah, I mean, one thing I would say too, Garrett, I have to assume early on, well, I guess always taken inspiration from that southern California surfing industry.

Totally. Garrett and I grew up in Southern California together by the beach every day as much as possible. And so we grew up around these brands that were created in Southern California, and so much of the marketing was sponsoring surfers. And so much of what we take inspiration from is the look the field, the vibe that we're going for as a brand, but also that as well. I think that's what Garrett knew these companies were doing. We followed a similar model, and I will say we were lucky when we were kind of early days of CRBN. The pro scene of pickleball was still kind of in its infancy. It had been around for years, but it was just starting to really garner some momentum. And so you could argue ton


Of money flowing at that point either, right? Nobody's getting necessarily rich off of being a pro pickleball player


Exactly early on. So it like it matched our growth. So it was like the money that was needed to sponsor a pro pickleball player was matching the money we could afford, if that makes sense. So like you said, if I were to start a basketball shoe company today, you can't afford any of the NBA athletes, but at the time we could afford pickleball athletes. It's changed drastically very quickly, but it's still a big part of our strategy. I think what I've been able to do is combine what Garrett has done, which is that grassroots effort. These players are playing with it, people see it, they get influenced, they want to buy with the digital set of things. So when we sign athletes, we're looking at white listing ads with them, creating ad content, how can we leverage their likeness everywhere in ads, but also on our website, all our landing pages, everything to just really get the most, maximize the exposure and also the benefits that come from sponsoring these people.


Super smart. I think that that's where you really can make a sponsorship pay for itself. You never know. You sponsor an athlete and then you may find out, yeah, they're not really that outspoken about my product, but if you structure where, hey, we're getting videos with this athlete and then we're going to create mashups with other athletes, we're going to run this in our ads, we're going to put it on the website, we're going to put it everywhere, emails, things like that. Now you are almost guaranteeing an ROI for that sponsorship, so very cool. So we've got these three A's right, athletes, affiliates, the ambassadors. Let's pivot to another A really quickly, then we come back to affiliates if we have time. But Amazon, so we met at an Amazon event in Seattle, which was super fun, but I was just a dude there attending and talking to people. You guys were guys were rising stars at the Accelerate conference. I met you guys, you had Jean jackets on with your logo and Amazon Rising Stars on it. But in all seriousness, you guys were featured by Amazon ads because you've just seen tremendous growth on the platform. I think I got a little card with my paddle that said 14 x growth, something crazy like that. But how are you guys viewing Amazon as a channel and then Amazon ads as a means to accelerate growth on Amazon?


Yeah, I can take that one. I think for us, our strategy frankly from the beginning is that we want to sell our products and our paddles to anyone wherever they want to buy them. And I mean if you look at just the internet, obviously that includes our website. It includes Amazon is a huge player, it includes some of the other big online retailers of pickleball equipment, but that also includes brick and mortar retail. So we sell quite a bit into retail. So we are pretty well diversified and we just want to be in front of customers wherever they want to shop. So Amazon, a lot can be said about Amazon, good and bad, but there are a lot of customers on Amazon and if they want to buy us there, we want to be there. So that's been our strategy from the beginning and we've had good success.

And I think because of that success and some of the relationships I had kind of gathered over the years with the pet business, we were able to kind of get that unique opportunity to be part of their season. One of Rising Stars, this new kind of series, this program that they've developed, that program I guess is they have it overseas and it was really successful. And then now they're bringing it to the US for the first time. So I know they're doing season two and doubling down on this. And it was a good opportunity to get a ton of content shot about our company and get some good PR and free marketing and free marketing is the best kind of marketing, I guess. So it was a good experience.


Cannot beat that. Yeah, it was really great little documentary they put together that Amazon ads put together about CRBN pickleball and a few other brands. And so what a really cool experience to see that. And I love the way you frame that, Kyle, because we're now working with larger brands and more Omni-channel or multi-channel brands. That's really where things are headed. We've worked with Native for years and years now, and I can't really share any details there, but they started as D two C only and then when p and g bought them, P g's playbook is really retail store, that's where they grown, where they take a brand from millions to billions.

But this is what we're seeing a lot of where as we talk to bigger brands and help them craft some of their strategies, it's often retail stores are their biggest source of distribution, Amazon's second or sometimes those are flip flopped, and then D two C is third. And that's even true for brands that started D two C, but now they're just expanding. And I think it makes a lot of sense. There's still so many things that we like to buy in store trying, holding it, seeing the paddle, comparing the paddle to other paddles, or we want to buy online, we just want to buy on Amazon because it's easier and it's simpler and we can check out in seconds type of thing. So I love that approach. How do you guys view Amazon ads as that? And obviously you're a rising star there and they featured you, so you must believe in it, but how do you look at Amazon ads compared to just organic growth on Amazon?


Yeah, I mean Amazon ads are hugely important in my opinion, and can be hugely profitable if you do it. I think my opinion is Amazon ads are probably the most straightforward ad platform online. Totally. I mean, everyone's got their credit card out ready to shop. Conversion rates are nuts on Amazon compared to other channels. So I think it's very straightforward. It's like the most bottom of funnel traffic you could probably go after. So it's a no brainer. Obviously you need someone to be managing the ads that knows what they're doing or you need to take a course or learn it yourself or whatever. But pretty much everybody should be running ads if you're going to be selling on Amazon, I guess is my answer.


Totally, totally. And I love that. I fully agree with that. We run an agency, obviously we offer it as a service, but we partner with Ezra Firestone and Smart marketer built an Amazon ads course just so people like it. There's a lot of people that want to learn, and at a base level, it's not rocket science. You can learn it and grow using it. And so one of the things you guys do on Amazon though that I think is so, so important, and this is what we've been telling brands for years on Amazon, is it's not just about making a sale on Amazon, it's about building a brand. You guys have an amazing storefront, you have an amazing presence. As I look at your paddles and what you're doing on Amazon, I feel like I'm buying a quality product. And then later if someone said, oh, what kind of paddle is that? I wouldn't say, oh, it's just something I bought on Amazon. I'm not really sure. I'd be like, no, this is a CRBN paddle. And I think that's a good litmus test is like, hey, if someone's telling somebody else about what they just bought, are they saying, oh, it's just something I bought on Amazon, or are they saying it's this brand? And I think you guys are definitely in that category of this brand. People are talking about you. How do you guys approach the brand building side of Amazon?


Well, I mean if we're talking specific to Amazon, I think it's lucky in that we're doing all that work for our website and retailers already. So a lot of times we're just taking similar content and repurposing it. I mean, Amazon has a whole slew of different requirements and different strategies you can implement when it comes to content. But yeah, we're just repurposing. Luckily we shoot a lot of stuff with our pros and a lot of different influencers and content producers. So we have a ton of lifestyle content that we just slap in a different format and put on Amazon. And that's been great. And I totally agree with you. Anything you can do on Amazon to stand out as a brand is hugely beneficial. It's a huge marketplace with every product under the sun. So anytime that you can get your logo and your brand in there and tell a story, it's worth it.


And I think what a growing trend is, so many people have bought something on Amazon without really digging in and then they were kind of burned to buy it. And so I think there's definitely a trend where people want to buy from brands from quality, reputable brands. And so we got to lean into that. And the way I like to frame it is if I go to Best Buy and I want to buy an Apple product, it's not just an Apple products sitting on a shelf. I'm going to the store within a store, the little Apple store within Best Buy. I think that's what you should try to create for your brand. So where someone's shopping on Amazon, it's like, no, I'm experiencing CRBN. I just happen to be shopping on. And


I think Amazon realizes that and has started doubling down on that. I mean, every new feature they come out with is giving you more and more ability to do that. So you mentioned the storefront, same thing. We sell complimentary products, accessories and all kinds of different things. We want people to check out our store and see that we sell bags in addition to paddles for example. Those are the cheapest sales when people do that. You don't have to run ads to sell them on it.


Absolutely. They're getting those add-ons and Hey, I've got the paddle, I love the paddle. Let me just load up with CRBN gear so I can look cool at the next pickleball tournament, make up with people jealous. But let's talk. So I want to to circle back to affiliates in just a second, but what's next? And Suge, maybe you take this on the product side. I know you may just have to tease, this may have to keep things under wraps, but what's next for CRBN?


So we're always coming out with new fun accessories, stuff like that. But I think most importantly, we're a paddle company, so that's where we spend all of our resources on innovation and engineering. And so we've been working on a new paddle line for the better part of a year now. And honestly, it's been just a grind trying to figure out a totally new platform for a paddle. And it's something that we're really excited about and something that we think has a potential to really change the game and change how people look at a paddle. Because right now it's just a very, not linear, but it's just the way that paddles are made right now is it's just kind of very one sided and they're like, this is how they're made and this is how they're always be kind of that. So we're just trying to flip that on its end, try something new and just say, Hey, it's not only this, it can be this or this or this. And so we're just trying to really branch out like that. So we're excited. We'll hopefully be able to announce something within the next couple months here.


Really cool. Can't wait to see it. I love that awareness of your brand and what the brand is all about, but also what drives you, what propels you. And I think it's similar. We talked about some of the bigger brands. If you take Nike or something, they are a shoe company. Obviously the accessories and the apparel all super, super important. But I got to think that without the shoes, nothing else really has momentum. And if the shoes really fall off the map and the shoes are no longer cool, they're no longer great, I'm not going to buy the shorts either. Right? And so you guys understanding that, that you're a paddle first brand just makes a ton of sense, so very cool. Kyle, what tips, insights can you give us on affiliates? How are you finding affiliates? How is that working and is that a significant part of your growth?


Yeah, it's definitely a significant part. I think differing from ambassadors a little bit, I think affiliates are more of a quality over quantity play. I mean, at that level where someone has got a serious blog or social media presence or podcast or YouTube channel or fill in the blank, this is person's job or side hustle, they're focused on it and you want the best of the best that is speaking to your audience. I mean, the difference in conversion rate between the best people and the worst people is massive. And I think, yeah, we try to work with most people, but we really focus on the best people that align with our beliefs and goals, but also can sell a lot of paddles. And I think we've tried to be good partners to them. I think that's a big part of it too, is don't take them for granted.

Don't treat them like they don't matter because they do. And I think being really honest and transparent with them has been huge for us as well. I think some other brands have gotten themselves into trouble where they try to overly influenced whatever would be a review, will be on a paddle or frankly they get upset if their paddle is not reviewed. Five stars across the board. I think for us, we want our products to do the talking. Of course, I prefer someone to give us an a plus rating, but we understand things are subjective, so we want these reviewers to be authentic. And I think giving them the ability to be authentic and encouraging it is refreshing for them. So all of those things, I think most industries have these affiliates that are living somewhere and you just got to go find them and reach out and convince them that they should take the time to look at your products.


That's really great. I love the idea that let the affiliates say what they say, let it be authentic and real. I can always tell, and I think most people can, when you watch a video and you're like, does this person really like this product? Are they really using this product or is this just a performance and they're just doing this to sell some stuff? I think a lot of times you can tell, you can sense it. Are you taking the approach where you're pretty open about who you accept as an affiliate, but then you're putting your time and resources in to those who really prove themselves that they can drive sales? Or are you pretty picky about letting someone join the program in the first place?


Yeah, I think we're kind of somewhere in between. I would say we're fairly picky when it comes to affiliates, but I mean if we see promise in someone, we're definitely going to double down on that. So what I mean by that is maybe they have a low, small following, but we can see the potential. I mean, this sport is so new and it's growing so fast. We've had success in kind of trying to pick the diamonds out of the rough kind of thing. You see the trajectory that people are on or that they're doing good things, it's only a matter of time until they're going to take off. So we've invested in kind of those early stage content creators, athletes, really across the board we've invested in taking flyers on people who we see promising.


Yeah, it's so cool. I mean the industry is a rocket ship. You guys are a rocket ship, but you're doing things the right way. You're building community, you're taking risks on product, you're iterating, you're getting feedback from people, you've got multiple channels that you're using for distribution and for growth. And so love what you guys are doing. I'm going to keep watching. I'm going to be a fan on the sidelines. And also I've got your paddle. I can't wait to play. I'm very inexperienced player, but I do like it. I can't wait to track the paddle. So I'll let you guys know how it goes when I do. Awesome. If I dominate my kids on the court, I'll definitely give you guys the credit for that. So it's awesome. Hey, as people are listening and or watching, if they say, man, I want to check out CRBN pickleball paddles, where can they find it? Where can they connect with you online?


Just everywhere. It's at CRBN Pickleball, so CRBN pickleball and it's CRBN So check us out.


Awesome. And now in a growing number of retailers as well, so people can buy it in store and it sounds like that's really growing, so very cool. And then are you guys active on the socials? You guys like sharing the entrepreneurial journey anywhere? Are you mostly working under the CRBN


Name? We're pretty private. I would say just follow all the CRBN channels and when I make Garrett share stuff about himself, it'll be there.


That's awesome. Alright, well Garrett, Kyle, so much fun. Love what you guys are doing. Keep up with the good work and really appreciate the time.


Awesome. Thanks Brett.


Absolutely. And thank you for tuning in as always. We'd love to hear from you. What do you think about the show? Leave us a review on iTunes if you've not done that. And with that, until next time, thank you for listening.

An eCommerce Podcast Hosted by Brett Curry

Welcome to the Spicy Curry podcast where we explore hot takes in eCommerce and Digital Marketing. We feature some of the brightest guests with the spiciest perspectives on how to grow your business online.
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Ezra Firestone’s Top 7 eCommerce Growth Strategies for 2022
Episode 1
Ezra Firestone

Ezra Firestone’s Top 7 eCommerce Growth Strategies for 2022

No one knows more about eCommerce growth than my friend Ezra Firestone. Arguably, no one is a more interesting interview than Ezra either. This episode does NOT disappoint. Ezra bootstrapped growth for Boom from $0 to $40mill + per year. He also recently bought another high-profile eComm brand (more on that in the show).This episode is straight fire. Here’s a look at what we dive into:

  • How Ezra is approaching email marketing and email list growth in 2022. I’m guessing you’re missing his email strategy - even if you consider yourself an email marketing pro.
  • How BOOM is approaching front-end offers.
  • Why you should consider inventing a holiday and how BOOM has done that.
  • Growing your SMS list.
  • Plus MUCH, much more!

Mentioned in this Episode:

Ezra Firestone

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BOOM! by Cindy Joseph


Zipify Pages

Smart Marketer

Blue Ribbon Mastermind




Dan Kennedy

Jay Abraham

Native Deodorant


John Grimshaw

Molly Pittman

Train My Traffic Person


Brett Curry:

Welcome to the Spicy Curry Podcast, where we explore hot takes in e-commerce and digital marketing. We feature some of the brightest guests with the spiciest perspectives on what it takes to grow your business online. Season one is built on the old business adage that it really takes three things to succeed. One, have something good to say. Two, say it well. And three, say it often.

Brett Curry:

Today, my guest is none other than the e-commerce legend himself, Ezra Firestone. If you're serious about growing your e-commerce business, then you have to pay attention to Ezra. And arguably, there's not a more interesting interview than Ezra Firestone. He bootstrapped Boom by Cindy Joseph from zero to now, $40 million a year in growth. He now owns and operates Overtone, a $25 million a year e-commerce brand. He also co-founded Zipify Pages, Smart Marketer, and he's the mastermind behind my favorite e-commerce mastermind, Blue Ribbon.

Brett Curry:

This is a wide ranging discussion. We talk about things like cold plunges and samurai swords. But yes of course, we spend most of our time talking about e-commerce growth strategies. We look at Ezra's really unique approach to email marketing, and how much of his ad budget he's dedicating to growing his email list. We also look at SMS marketing. And we look at how to invent a holiday, and what that looks like. And then we're also looking at how Boom is crafting and creating front end offers. You won't want to miss a minute of this show. I hope you enjoy my interview with Ezra Firestone.

Brett Curry:

The Spicy Curry Podcast is brought to you by OMG Commerce, Attentive, OneClickUpsell, Zipify Pages, and Payability. All right, I am absolutely stoked out of my mind for this next guest, and personal friend of mine. We do some work together. I always count it a joy when I get to talk to this guest. And so, to have this uninterrupted time to dive in deep on strategies, it's going to be amazing, and I'm glad you get to listen in. And so if I look at, man, if you need tactics, if you need strategies, if you need help for how to take your e-commerce business to the next level, and if you need to get a little bit spicy, you need Ezra Firestone.

Brett Curry:

And so today I've got the man, the myth, the legend. He's flexing if you're watching the video. Got Ezra Firestone on the call. We're talking about eight top strategies to just blow up your business this year in a good way. We may not get to all eight, we'll see how it goes. But with that intro, Ezra, what's up, man? How you doing? And welcome to the show.

Ezra Firestone:

Brett, the Fury Curry, I'm fresh out of the cold plunge, dog. One minute, 30 seconds, 32 degrees. My whole body is red, I'm shivering, I'm shaking, we're podcasting. Happy to be here man, thanks.

Brett Curry:

It's hilarious. You hopped on the call and I was like, "Oh no, something's wrong with Ezra. He just doesn't look right." It's like, well, you just got out of a 32 degree bathtub. Of course, your body's in shock. But I appreciate taking the time to do this. And man, it's just always, always fun to chat.

Ezra Firestone:

Yeah, man. And just watching your journey, I seen you come up in the game from back in the day, when you had an SEO agency. You know?

Brett Curry:


Ezra Firestone:

From way back. I don't even know if it was 2008, 2009, it was a long time ago. 2010, whatever it was. And then to watch you rise to be one of the most prominent voices in the e-commerce world, and also to have a top 2% advertising agency, maybe you guys are top 1% at this point, I mean, you run all of our stuff. So it's been fun to watch your journey and just happy to be on the podcast.

Brett Curry:

Dude, thanks. It's been so fun to grow. I credit you and your community with a lot of that growth. And your approach to having fun, and doing what's right, and being extremely successful, and that blend, is awesome. Your motto, for those that don't know, is "Serve the world unselfishly and profit." And actually before we get into tactics and strategies for this year, and there's some amazing ones, can you talk a little bit about that for those that are new to the world of Ezra Firestone?

Ezra Firestone:

Yeah, I mean, I think that's a description-

Brett Curry:

... Yeah.

Ezra Firestone:

I think it's a description, not a statement. It's how I have seen things work. That when you are in a role of service, unselfishly with the goal of serving, you do profit by the very nature of serving. And it may not be monetarily. Maybe it's spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, energetically. But my goal is to serve. And I find joy in the act of service. I think there's a lot of value, and fun, and enjoyment, and good. And also in business, if you can truly serve a community, you will be profitable. And so I think that's just a description of how it goes. And also it's what I'm looking to do. I'm looking to serve the world unselfishly and also profit. I want to take care of my family. I want to take care of my community. I want to put resource towards causes in the world that I find noble. And I need fucking money to do that. Right?

Brett Curry:

Exactly. Yeah.

Ezra Firestone:

And the way going to get that money is by helping a group of people out with solutions to problems they have.

Brett Curry:

Yeah, I love that. If you look at, what is leadership, what does it mean to lead a company or to be a CEO, it's really serving. Serving your team more than commanding and dictating.

Ezra Firestone:


Brett Curry:

And how do build a brand, how do you build a business? It's serving a community. It's serving the needs and meeting the needs of buyers. And so, yeah. I love it. So it's really, really just-

Ezra Firestone:

Yeah. And then just because you're serving a group, doesn't mean you can't sell them stuff.

Brett Curry:


Ezra Firestone:

Selling them stuff is also serving them.

Brett Curry:

Because people want to buy stuff, right?

Ezra Firestone:


Brett Curry:

They want to have those needs met. And retail therapy is a thing too. So one of the greatest acts of service you can do, is sell a good product to the right person.

Ezra Firestone:

I'll tell you what dude. You and I both know that this last six months have been the most intense and stressful on the personal side of my life, with some health problems of some family members. And I done fucking discovered stress shopping, bro. I had never done that. I'm not a guy who buys shit that I just don't need or want. I'm willing to buy things. I have a lot of money, and I didn't come from money. I now have more money than basically everyone that I know, and I'm not against purchasing things. But I usually purchase things that I really like. I'll buy a nice espresso machine, or I'll buy a nice skateboard.

Brett Curry:

Which I've had espresso from that espresso machine. And you pull a mean shot of espresso, my friend.

Ezra Firestone:

Yeah. I will spend money happily on things that are enjoyable and that I will use, but I don't just buy frivolously, until now, dude. I bought six pairs of the same Chelsea boot. When I turned around, I was like, "What? I have lost my mind, dude." This is stress shopping.

Brett Curry:

Why did I buy this?

Ezra Firestone:


Brett Curry:

I think one time I was on a call with you and you just recently bought like a samurai sword or something. I don't think it was actually a samurai sword, but it was some kind of sword.

Ezra Firestone:

A katana. Yeah, it was a Japanese katana. I use it to chop wood for my sweat lodge. So that was actually a useful tool. It's good for chopping kindling.

Brett Curry:

Yeah. That's awesome, man. Super fun. So people are buying right now. The economy's pretty hot, and certainly there are some issues too. But people are buying stuff. So let's dive in. You recently wrote a blog post, which I'm going to link to, so you can see this in the show notes, talking about eight top growth strategies. And first of all, for those that don't know the journey, talk about Boom by Cindy Joseph and how it's grown.

Ezra Firestone:


Brett Curry:

Because you guys are set to do about 40 million this year, right?

Ezra Firestone:

So I started this brand in 2010. Took me to 2014 to make my first million dollar a year in total revenue. By 2016, I was doing 17 million. This last year, I did 42. This year I think I'll do 47. Top line revenue at about a 25% EBIDA margin, so maybe making six or 7 million a year in profit on that.

Brett Curry:

Which is amazing. Amazing.

Ezra Firestone:

I got about 30 employees at that company. I also own Zipify Apps, about a $10 million a year software company. Also a couple million bucks in profit on that, maybe about 60 employees there. And I just bought a company called Overtone Color, which has about 20 team members. It'll do about 25, 30 million this year. And I got Smart Marketer too. And I'm just a guy. I didn't go to college, I have no special skills, other than that I'm a good communicator and I'm willing to put my foot down and do the work, and ask for help when I need it. And I think my story shows that if... I'm a complete failure in the eyes of the school system. They labeled me a dumb kid, and someone who was not going to be successful. And I think for anybody who doesn't fit into the mold, who maybe is dyslexic, or maybe has some reason why the general society is telling them that they can't be successful, the internet opens up an opportunity for us.

Ezra Firestone:

And there's skills that we can develop. Advertising, direct response marketing, landing page optimization, copywriting, product development, podcasting, social media, that can support us in taking care of our families. And I didn't come from resource, and so I wanted to create that. And I've been able to, and I've been doing it now for 17 years. I got pretty fucking good at it. I made every mistake you could make. I didn't pay my taxes, I did all the stupid you can do. But I did it when I was younger, and earlier in my... And I didn't have podcasts like yours to learn from. I had a bunch of creepy dudes on an internet forum who were shilling fucking gambling and porn. That was when I got into the game.

Brett Curry:

Yeah. Online marketing was a bit of a dark place back in those early days.

Ezra Firestone:

You didn't want to say you were an internet marketer. It wasn't good.

Brett Curry:

No, no, that was not prestigious. No one looked at that highly. For sure.

Ezra Firestone:

So yeah. So I've been doing it a long time now, I'm really good at it. And I've been talking about it since about 2011. I was one of the first people to start blogging about e-commerce. And by the very nature of being one of the first, I became popular. Not that I was anything special than anyone else, but I was the first to do it, and so I got real popular. And I've stayed in that space of documenting my journey. And I got a bunch of people who think it's cool, and follow what I do. And I'm pretty good at it, you know?

Brett Curry:


Ezra Firestone:

And I've been able to successfully train and educate, and bring up in the game, thousands and thousands of internet entrepreneurs over the years. You being one of them who I've impacted.

Brett Curry:

Big time.

Ezra Firestone:

Not that I did anything for you, other than show you what I was doing. So yeah, so I like talking about this stuff.

Brett Curry:

It's been so amazing to watch that progression as well, and getting to see behind the scenes, seeing you operate with your team. So I've been to your house and I've hung out with the inner circle of Smart Marketer and Boom. And of course we were on calls, and our agency serves you and stuff. So I've seen you in a lot of different capacities. And man, you're the same leader behind the scenes as you are on stage. You care about people on stage or one on one. You're extremely smart and strategic, and you get marketing, and you understand human in nature, and you take massive action. All kinds of stuff we can break down. So it's been really fun to observe that and get the front row seat of that as well.

Ezra Firestone:

I can also do a cool poker chip trick. Look at this.

Brett Curry:

Is that right? Oh, look at that.

Ezra Firestone:


Brett Curry:

Look at that.

Ezra Firestone:

Hold on. Damn, that was not cool. I dropped it. Hold on.

Brett Curry:

We're going to try this again. So if you're listening, just take my word for it. He's a great poker chip-

Ezra Firestone:

My hands are frozen. My hands are frozen. We should probably get into tactics.

Brett Curry:

Do not attempt a poker chip trick out of a cold plunge.

Ezra Firestone:

People are going to be like, "Enough of this bullshit, dude. You should talk about some tactics." We should talk about some strategies.

Brett Curry:

Exactly. So here we go. So let's dive in. One thing that we've seen you guys operate on, we're running this on YouTube for you, but you're buying more email leads. So talk about that. So this is top strategy number one, buying more email leads. What does that look like, and why?

Ezra Firestone:

Dude, nobody's talking about email. Everybody's like "SMS, video ads." This and that. Well guess what has always been since I've been in the game, about 25 to 40% of my business? Literally since '05, dude. Emails.

Brett Curry:

Email. Email.

Ezra Firestone:

I've been sending motherfucking emails since 2005. And it is to this day, it'll be 36% of Boom's total revenue this year.

Brett Curry:

It's crazy.

Ezra Firestone:

And nobody-

Brett Curry:

Email touches 36% of all purchases through Boom.

Ezra Firestone:

Yeah, it's last click, dude. It's last click for 36% of my purchases.

Brett Curry:

It's awesome.

Ezra Firestone:

So why would I not be putting so much energy in growing that list? Nobody does it. Everybody just runs top of funnel video ads, conversion ads, and they hope that when somebody comes to their website, their onsite popup, or their card abandonment, or their exit intent, are going to capture the email lead for them. Great, do that. But also, you know what I'm doing? Gated content. I'm doing giveaways. I'm doing all kinds of different straight up lead generation campaigns. One of my best ones, is we use these things called pre-sell articles, which are basically articles that are story-based, like, "Five makeup tips for older women." Or "Seven makeup tips for women who wear glasses." Or "How to overcome perfectionism in your fifties." Or whatever kind of content that our community is interested in, that leads back to our products.

Ezra Firestone:

And we use those in our email auto responders, we run ads to them, we mail them to our email list. We use them everywhere. At every stage of the sales process. What we also do, is we gate them. So we put an opt-in front of it, and it says, "Hey, enter email address here to get our five makeup tips for women over 50." We run ads to that with a conversion objective for the lead event, the lead event fires on the thank you page. They enter their email address, guess where they get dropped? On the same pre-sell that I'm running at the top of the funnel.

Ezra Firestone:

But now we have their email lead, and we put them on a automation sequence, to warm them up and try to sell them. And if they don't buy, we put them on our bucket list. I also run giveaways every six weeks. And basically those are my two main top of funnel lead gen strategies, is gated content and giveaways. But I'll do Facebook lives, and I'll do other things as well. But if you just do gated content and giveaways, you should spend about five to 10% of your total marketing budget on email lead generation. Because some people take a little longer to warm up than others. So if you're only running conversion ads, you're going to miss out on growing your audience in a way that could be beneficial for you.

Brett Curry:

Yeah. I love this so much, and it's something that we've observed you doing, and something we're talking about now with other clients. That, if you can grow that email list, and if you're properly running email marketing, you're going to be able to convert that at a really high rate. And so gated content, so information people want, and/or giveaways, great ways to drive that list. And I was looking through some of your notes here. Looks like over the last 12 months you spent about 200,000 buying email leads that have then generated 750,000 in sales. So about a 375% return on add spend. That's not bad. But that's not like-

Ezra Firestone:

And that's with excluding anybody who was already on the list, dude.

Brett Curry:

What's that?

Ezra Firestone:

That's with excluding anyone who was already on the list. So those are new leads.

Brett Curry:

Just strictly new leads. So that really changes the game, because you could be looking at those campaigns and thinking, "Well, I just drove an email sign up. I didn't make a sale there, so it's not really worth a whole lot." But then you've got to look at that whole picture. What did those email subscribers do for you over the next six to 12 months? And in your case, it's a 3.75 X ROAS, which is amazing.

Ezra Firestone:

Pretty sweet. I mean, not that everyone's going to have that result, but it's worth doing, still, nonetheless.

Brett Curry:

Exactly. So, all right, awesome. So strategy number one, buy more email leads. I'm sold on that idea. Idea number two, launch new products. So talk about how Boom is approaching launching new products.

Ezra Firestone:

So to have a successful e-commerce business, you have to get your repeat customer rate up. Ideally over 30% of total revenue comes from repeat customers, people who bought from you once before. The best way to do that is to sell them more of what they already bought, if it's consumable. Or to introduce new items that they might want from you. And by the way, if somebody knows you, likes you, trust you, you're putting out content, you're engaging them, you've delivered a good product, they're going to probably want to buy whatever else you have to offer if it's tangentially related to what they bought in the first place.

Ezra Firestone:

So what we do is we send a customer survey every six months to our two X buyers, and we give them a bunch of stuff, like "If we were going to add more colors, what colors do you want? If you could wave a magic wand, what products would you have us create?" We have a 20 question survey. We say, "Hey, five people who take this survey are going to win $100 gift certificate to the store". We get a couple thousand responses. Based on that, we figure out what products to make next, based on the desire of our community.

Brett Curry:

That creates your product roadmap.

Ezra Firestone:

As an example, 50% of people wanted a mascara, 46% of people wanted a lip gloss, and 53% of people wanted an additional color of Boomstick. We released all three of those products last year, based on that information. They were our three best product launches ever. We just released the Boomstick color last week, we sold 15,000 units in 18 hours. 650 grand in revenue in 18 hours.

Brett Curry:

Whoa. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Say that again. You sold what?

Ezra Firestone:

We sold 15,000 units in 18 hours, dude. We sold out. 650 grand in 18 hours. Now of course I've got a mature company, but the point is that this process gets better over time. So when you're developing a new product, you're doing it in desire to your past customers, in relationship to their desire. And for us, you have componentry, formulation, and secondary packaging. So componentry is like, what is the component that it's going to go in? Well, the Boomstick, we already have that. That's great, we'll reuse the component we already have. The formula is, what is it going to be, why is it going to be that way, what are the benchmarks other brands are doing that we want to meet? We go through a bunch of iterations, we send it out to our best customers to test. It takes us about six months to a year to develop a formula.

Ezra Firestone:

And then our secondary packaging, is what is the box, what's the write alongs, what are the inserts? We get all that together, we run a photo shoot for it. And then we do an early bird. "Hey, we're going to launch this new product. This is what it is. Get excited, sign up for it to hear about it first." And then what happens is, as they're signing up, and as they're posting on social about it on the thread, we're finding out what they want to know. They're asking, "Is it hypoallergenic?" And we're like, "Oh shit, we don't have hypoallergenic on the sales page. It is hypo allergenic." So we add that to the sales page. The questions they ask, they become the FAQs that we put on the... So we use the pre-launch as a way to build out the marketing material. Build out the FAQ, build out the sales page.

Ezra Firestone:

And then we launch it, run ads to it, do emails to it. And then it becomes part of our ongoing marketing. Put it in bundles. And you can do this too with products you already have. So you can reformulate them to make them better than they already are. Based on feedback, you can change the componentry or packaging, make it more sustainable. You can bundle it with other items to make a kit. So you can renew and make better products you already have, and relaunch them, as well as introducing new items. But for us, we are aiming to introduce four new items a year, which is once a quarter, which is hard to do.

Brett Curry:

That's aggressive. That's one a quarter.

Ezra Firestone:

It's hard to do when you're making them all from scratch.

Brett Curry:

It's hard to do, yeah.

Ezra Firestone:

But it's a huge, huge part of the business. So yeah, it's really important to continually making the products better.

Brett Curry:

Yeah. And it's interesting that it's also fairly risky, too, to launch a new product. Will it go well, will it not go well? But the approach you're taking, it really eliminates a lot of the risk. You know that if you deliver a good product, which you guys do, you know how to do that, you're delivering exactly what someone is requesting, and exactly what someone wants.

Ezra Firestone:

Yeah, and they also then can become a new top of funnel sales processes. So we can run top of funnel ads now. So for our mascara, I mean, that's our second best seller of all time, and we can run it at the top of the funnel because everybody's interested in mascara. And we didn't have one before. So we couldn't run ads for it at the top of the funnel. So we were missing a customer acquisition funnel there that we were able to add to the business.

Brett Curry:

Love it. And so then this actually directly ties into it. So this is strategy number three. Create more front end offers. So talk about that and how that's evolved for Boom, more front end offers.

Ezra Firestone:

I think that's mature business strategy. For Boom, we did 10 years where we had one front end offer, which was our Boomstick trio.

Brett Curry:

Yeah. Boomstick.

Ezra Firestone:

And all of our social proof, all of our sales funnel optimization, all of our pre-sales, all of our video ads, all of our email sequences, everything was about that front end offer. Just make that as deep as possible. Have marketing assets for it, loyalty assets for it. Just really work on that and scale that. And that's a lot easier to go deep rather than wide. And a lot of people have a thousand skews, and they can't do that. Like with this product, this brand, I bought, Overtone, I got a hundred skews. So it's hard for me to have one front end funnel.

Ezra Firestone:

But for low skew e-commerce, it's easy. You just pick whatever your widest and best seller, and most relevant seller is, and just focus on that. But once you scale that, now you got to start introducing new front end offers. There's only so many people who are interested in a multipurpose blush stick. Some people aren't interested in blush, but they're interested in mascara, or lip gloss, or brow gel, or whatever. So we've now introduced a bunch more products to the... You're right, my voice is kind of frozen. It's funny, I sound like a frog.

Brett Curry:

You're good, dude. Hey, you're so you're bringing the fire, even though I'm feeling cold for you.

Ezra Firestone:

I usually have such a rich, deep voice, man. Anyways, it gives us the ability to have more fish hooks in the sea.

Brett Curry:

Yeah. Love it. Love it. Let's go on to the next one, and this is related to number one, but this is now strategy number four.

Ezra Firestone:

By the way, another front end funnel is one of those lead gen funnels, too. Even if it's leading to the same product.

Brett Curry:


Ezra Firestone:

It's a new top of funnel way of getting people in the mix. That's a new funnel. It doesn't have to be a new product.

Brett Curry:

Totally. And so looking at that, and what we've observed, working with Boom, working with other successful brands, is that a lot of them have one to three really successful top end funnels that they just push hard on, almost forever. And then with some tweaking and changing, and then you've got all your backend stuff as well. So, yeah. Really, really good. So let's talk then about strategy number four, growing your SMS subscribers. So diving into text based marketing. So, tips or suggestions you would give there for growing that list and utilizing SMS?

Ezra Firestone:

I mean, the 80/20 of SMS is this. Have the collection at checkout, where you're collecting people who check out from you, who click the little box to be collected. And have a two step opt in. First, get the email, second, incentivize for the SMS. So they come to your site, you say, "Hey, get 10% off, entering your email address". They enter it. "Hey, by the way, do you want an extra 5%? Give us your SMS". Klaviyo lets you do this, Postscript lets you do this, Attentive lets you do this, et cetera. Those are your two main ways to collect. And that's 85, 90% of the value. You can do other shit to collect, but it's not worth it. Just do that. And then when you send an abandoned card email and they don't open after 18 hours, slide a text in there, via Klaviyo. So connect it to your email logic, and do your-

Brett Curry:

Is that usually the way you do it, where you'll email first? And then if there's no response there, then you text?

Ezra Firestone:

Always. Yeah, because SMS is more expensive. So we'll use it as a... And you can only do this if you're using Klaviyo, because it talks to it. You can't have Attentive in Klaviyo, because they don't talk to each other. So if you're using Klaviyo, Klaviyo's a little more expensive for SMS, but if you're doing it the way I do, it doesn't matter, because you're only using it as a... You know? You're using it as a way to capture the people who aren't responding to email. Instead of just blasting them with both, and spending the money for that. So, if they don't respond to the card email, we'll slide an SMS. If we go purchase email, they don't cross-sell, we'll slide an SMS. And then once a week, you broadcast your bucket list with a piece of content or a sale. That's it. That's all you need to do. Have an opt in pre purchase, have an opt in at checkout, use it in your automation sequences, do one broadcast a week, your solid potato salad, you have 85% of the value you can get from SMS.

Brett Curry:

Yeah. You really go beyond that, it's just going to be tiny little gains. And potentially a difference-

Ezra Firestone:

It's not worth it. It's not worth it.

Brett Curry:

Not worth it. Not worth the effort.

Ezra Firestone:

Just spend your energy acquiring more customers.

Brett Curry:

Yeah, totally. And so those weekly broadcast on SMS, are you doing a mix of promotions and content?

Ezra Firestone:

So those will be content. The best piece of content from the week will drop via the SMS. And then if we're running a sale, that week, we won't send content, we'll send about the sale.

Brett Curry:

And your best piece of content pulling from the way Boom is doing it, it's based on blog, is that right? So you're writing blogs weekly or something?

Ezra Firestone:

We send three pieces of content to our list every week. Maybe it's a long form article, maybe it's a user generated content video, maybe it's a recap from a Facebook live we did. Whatever. We're sending content every week, at least three pieces, long form written articles, videos, user generated content. We've got a whole social media content engagement system. And so whatever worked the best that week, we'll drop to the SMS list. And then every six-

Brett Curry:

Nice. So you're emailing that content initially. So you're emailing-

Ezra Firestone:

Yeah, we're emailing that, we're posting it to the blog, we're posting out to social, we're amplifying it. We're doing the whole system. And then the best shit, we drop to the list, which links over to the blog. And we drop to the SMS list. And then every six weeks we're running a product launch or a sale. So that sixth week will be a promotion via SMS.

Brett Curry:

Got it. And anything you can say about response rates, metrics? How is SMS working in comparison to email? I know it's just designed to be a compliment to email, but anything you can say about stats, performance?

Ezra Firestone:

Yeah, I mean, SMS gets better response rates, but you have smaller lists. And you get way more unsubscribes. So it's-

Brett Curry:

And you got to be really careful about spam related stuff.

Ezra Firestone:


Brett Curry:

People get pretty hot on-

Ezra Firestone:

Yeah. Yeah. There's a lot you got to worry about with that. But basically it works really well, and you should use it as a compliment, and not instead of... And you should do what I'm talking about, which is basically 80/20 it.

Brett Curry:

Not really standalone. You're not going to just be like, "Hey, SMS is my one strategy."

Ezra Firestone:

Some brands do. Some brands do. But I think if you ignore email, what are we doing?

Brett Curry:

Right. For most people, it's just a beautiful compliment, and a way to really increase the effectiveness of email. But it is a compliment. Awesome. So now we're going to move into strategy number five. I actually love this one. I love all of them, this is all gold. But this is something that was kind of an aha moment for me. I first heard about a strategy like this, it was made be Dan Kennedy back in the day, maybe Jay Abraham. I go way back, man, looking at marketing stuff. But you're talking about inventing a holiday. So there's this idea that people need a reason why. They need a reason why I should buy now, they need a reason why your product is better. And sometimes an invented holiday is a great reason why you should buy now. So, talk about invented holidays, and talk about what you're doing at Boom.

Ezra Firestone:

So excuses to communicate are important. And we take everyone we can. We communicate on Earth Day, we communicate on Animal Friendly Day, we communicate on National Dog Day. Because people like that kind of shit.

Brett Curry:

They do. People like it.

Ezra Firestone:

And everybody has a dog, and everybody likes the earth, and so on and so forth. And we do too. And so we are always doing emails like that. Like, "Hey, it's Earth Day. And you know what? We care a lot about sustainability. And these are our most sustainable products, for these reasons." And whatever. And so we're constantly mailing on using the fake or created holidays as a reason to communicate on social and on email. And so we made up our own. We made Pro-Age Month. We are the first people to say pro-age. Now it's a commonly known thing. Now you've got a million knock brands, but we spent 40 million over six years, popularizing the concept of pro-age, back in 2010. And now Allure is stealing it, and it's like we have penetrated the mainstream with this.

Brett Curry:

It's awesome.

Ezra Firestone:

We've entered the zeitgeist with this concept. And so now it's a thing. And so we want to claim ownership of that, because we do own it. You don't never own an idea, but we created that movement. And so we created Pro-Age Month. And the month of August is Pro-Age Month. And we tell pro-age stories, and we've got a logo for it. And we are claiming our rights to the pro-age movement. The pro-age revolution that we started in 2010. And a good way to do that, was to create a holiday around it.

Brett Curry:

Create a holiday, create a month, and people love that. And it's such a great conversation starter and connection point. And if you think about one of the big components of building a brand, is just building that connection and that community. And sometimes odd or unusual holidays do that. And inventing your own holiday, I think it's brilliant. I think more people should look at it. And I think a lot of brands lend themselves well. Maybe it's not pro-age for you, and Ezra owns that anyway, so back off, really. Seriously.

Ezra Firestone:

I mean, whatever. You could say pro-age if you believe in that. What I find, is most people say pro-age and they don't actually know what it means. Which is hilarious. They'll be like, "Pro-age..." this or that. And then they'll have anti-aging skin drops.

Brett Curry:

Yeah. "But cover your gray, and no more wrinkles." Yeah, yeah.

Ezra Firestone:

You've missed the point here.

Brett Curry:

Yeah. Yeah. But inventing a holiday, pure gold, I love it. Anybody can do it. And so highly recommend that as well. So we're getting tied on time, so we're going to have to maybe move rapid fire through some of these or just save some of them for the blog. But number six is, list products on Amazon.

Ezra Firestone:


Brett Curry:

What are you guys doing there for your brands? Talk about that a little bit.

Ezra Firestone:

Amazon will make up 20 to 30% of a good brand's sales. And you're going to miss those customers if you're not over there. And our-

Brett Curry:

Because some people only buy on Amazon. That's just it.

Ezra Firestone:

I mean, yeah. And we waited 10 years to put our products on Amazon, because we could fill the demand that we had with... Our supply chain could barely fill the demand we had from direct to consumer. But once we beefed up our supply chain, and we realized that adding to Amazon wasn't going to cannibalize our direct to consumer platform, we added our main product on there, and it just crushed. It just added 10 to 15% of incremental sales.

Brett Curry:

Immediately. Yeah.

Ezra Firestone:

So now we're adding every one of our products, once every two months, onto Amazon. You guys are running all of our ads over there, doing all of our A plus lists. All we do is do the customer support, and create the assets for the page. You guys literally do everything else. You run all the ads, you optimize all the pages, you handle all the seller support. You do fucking everything for us. So it's great for us, because it's a channel that really works, that we don't really have the expertise for, that you just do for us. I mean, we pay you for it, but probably not what you should get paid. Because I think you give us a deal. But-

Brett Curry:

We do. We do. But, gladly. We gladly give you that deal, for sure.

Ezra Firestone:

Yeah. So it's been really good for us.

Brett Curry:

Yeah, it's been amazing, it's been fun to execute on our end for sure. And one thing we noticed with you, we noticed this with native ... as well, client, friends. And we don't run their Amazon, but we observe. We run their Google and YouTube. Is that there's some expectation that when you launch on Amazon, there's going to be some cannibalization of your store's sales. And certainly that happens some, but this has been mostly incremental growth for you guys, right?

Ezra Firestone:

100% incremental. There's been no cannibalization whatsoever. Which is crazy, because I was sure there was going to be. We sell it at the same price, and some people just like to buy over there. And I think what was happening was a lot of people were seeing our ads on Facebook, going to buy on Amazon, not finding it, and then buying knockoff brands. Because they only buy on Amazon.

Brett Curry:

Buying something else. Buy knockoff. Yeah, we experienced that. That'd be a topic for another podcast. The copycats and the people that were...

Ezra Firestone:


Brett Curry:

... really leeching off of your brand name on Amazon.

Ezra Firestone:


Brett Curry:

But yeah, nightmare for sure. For sure. But we're getting there. So yeah, big believer in Amazon. And what's interesting to me, and this is where Boom and Overtone are set up perfectly for Amazon, is that success on Amazon in the long term, and I think even right now, is based on building a brand. So taking the community building aspect, the brand building aspect that you're doing off Amazon, and do that on Amazon, that's where you see long term success. It's not just hacking the titles and the keywords, and the bullet points, to try to inflate your ranking, or using super URLs, or some other strategy to hack your ranking, but building a real brand.

Brett Curry:

And that's what you guys are good at, and that's what we're helping you with. And it's working. It's working on Amazon right now. So let's talk, and this will probably be our final concept for the podcast, and I'll push the final one, people to go check out on the blog post. But the seventh strategy for growth, is advertising on television. TV? What? Come on now. So what are your thoughts on TV? And this has been fun to watch too, but what are your thoughts on advertising on television?

Ezra Firestone:

I think it's really only for very, very, very mature brands. Because the minimum that you need to do it is 350 grand. Minimum. Just to test. And that's a two month test. And you also have to produce television quality ads. Now we were able to use user generated content. We spent 50 grand on a TV commercial produced by a fancy agency, and at flopped all crazy. And then we made our own ad, based on UGC that we had. And we crushed. So we're much better direct response advertisers than these TV agencies, it turns out. Which we should've known, because we've been fucking running direct response ads for 15 years. Makes sense we would know what would work, versus what they produced. Even though what they produced, it was a whole... We could talk about that another time. It wasn't very good.

Brett Curry:

Yeah. Yeah.

Ezra Firestone:

But it's hard to tell how successful TV has been for us. We've spent about half a million dollars over the course of six months, and I think incrementally, it has been successful. But we're having Northbeam, which is a company you hooked us up with.

Brett Curry:

Shout out to Northbeam, Austin, and the folks there.

Ezra Firestone:

We just turned it off, and looks like sales are down 15K a day since we turned off TV. We'll see. I think TV is great for omnichannel presence. If you're spending three, four, 500K a month on social media ads, you should add in TV at 10, 15% of your budget, to reach more people, and reach the people that you're reaching on social in a different area. And for us, we just turned it off to see how it's going to impact whether we run it or not. And so we're still trying to figure out the attribution on it, and how well it's working. But our sense is that it worked pretty well.

Brett Curry:

Yeah. And that's a great way to test it. Turn it off, see what the impact is there. And it also helps tremendously to have a tool like Northbeam, third party attribution. Brilliant stuff, check it out. And we're seeing some similar things. So first of all, I got my start in TV, radio, print. So I still really like TV. I'm still involved in local TV just a little bit with a friend of mine. But I love this strategy. I think it is for bigger brands. But yeah, if you're spending multi six figures on Facebook ads, YouTube ads, then TV may be something that you check out. But along a similar vein, we're testing now, we tested it with Boom and with a few other clients. Creating some awareness, we call it awareness layer YouTube campaigns.

Brett Curry:

And again, you kind of need something like Northbeam in place, to really see the impact of this. But the idea there, is as well we're just going for low cost engagement, low cost views. We're seeing CPMs for some of these awareness level YouTube campaigns at six bucks, five bucks, which is crazy low. But there's something to be said, and this is marketing 101, old school stuff. If you talk to the right people enough times, with a right message, so right message, right market, right media, you're going to get results. And so obviously you got to be ready for it with budget, and you have to have the tracking in place to really make good use of it. But I love that you guys are testing TV. And I also love the fact that it wasn't the super duper polished stuff that worked. It was what we do. The UGC stuff that did well on TV, too.

Ezra Firestone:

Yeah. It was UGC. And we started doing video view advertising on Facebook, when iOS 14.5 happened, because Facebook lost all its data. So we started running video view campaigns to all the audiences that we used to run conversion campaigns to, to let Facebook build up some data of the people who watched most of our videos. And then we would follow up with those people and run conversion ads to them. And now we're doing that with YouTube as well. And I think that strategy post iOS 14.5 on both networks, where you spend a thousand bucks a day at our scale, running video views, or maybe 10% of your overall spend, is a great strategy. We're doing it at Overtone too.

Brett Curry:

Yeah, that's awesome. Well, this has been amazing, Ezra. So that's seven of the eight tips. Hey, to get that eighth tip, check out the show notes, go check out Ezra's blog,, and get that final one. But Ezra, as people are listening, I know we got some super fans-

Ezra Firestone:

I'm cold, man. I'm cold. That's what's going on.

Brett Curry:

You're cold. Then yeah, you need to go warm up, dude.

Ezra Firestone:

I do. I need ...

Brett Curry:

Get your robe, get your blanket, go sit by the fire, or something like that. But for those that are listening and thinking, "I need more Ezra Firestone in my life." How can they connect with you, where should they learn more about you? Where should they do that?

Ezra Firestone:

I'm on Instagram @ezrafirestone, I'm on Twitter @ezrafirestone, I'm on Facebook, I'm on, which is a blog that I have, I'm on, which are my apps for Shopify. But you can find me on social media. I'm on YouTube, all the social media networks. Whatever ones you use, I'm there. You can Google me on there or search me on there. And yeah. Thanks for hanging out, hope it's been some kind of helpful. Appreciate you, Brett. I love that you're between two ferns over there.

Brett Curry:

That's a hilarious show. And you're not the first person to say that. They're like, "Dude, are you between two ferns here? Are you Zach Galifianakis or what? What are you doing?" I'm a little more courteous to my guests and a little more on topic, but that show is hilarious.

Ezra Firestone:

It's awesome, dude.

Brett Curry:

But another plug that I'll make here as I'm sitting between two ferns, is, do check out Smart Marketer. Molly Pittman, John Grimshaw, running that with Ezra's leadership, Ezra started it. But some amazing resources there. Train My Traffic Person. So if you got in-house media buyers, you need to send them through Train My Traffic Person. You get to learn from me too, I'm a faculty member there teaching YouTube and teaching Google. But check that out, Highly, Highly recommend it.

Ezra Firestone:

Thank y'all.

Brett Curry:

Awesome. Ezra, appreciate it, brother. This has been amazing, thank you so much. And see you next time.

Ezra Firestone:

Talk soon.

Disruptive Innovation in Marketing with Miki Agrawal
Miki Agrawal

Disruptive Innovation in Marketing with Miki Agrawal

I’ve never met anyone quite like Miki Agrawal.

She’s incredibly creative. No really. She once hosted a “funeral for a tree” at an old cathedral in NYC hosted by comedians and actors. It drew a crowd of thousands, generated millions in free press and helped shed light on the toilet paper waste that her company TUSHY can help solve. 

She understands trends in marketing. She knows how to grab attention. So much so that she was banned by the NY   transit authority from running subway ads. Which led to a PR fight that she won…and in the end, got more press and attention than if they hadn’t been banned. 

She’s also warm and kind and FUN. 

She’s created multiple 9-Figure businesses and has garnered some pretty incredible recognition. She was named "Fast Company's Most Creative People", “Young Global Leader” by the World Economic Forum and INC's “Most Impressive Women Entrepreneurs”.

She’s also the author of #1 best selling books Do Cool SH*T and Disrupt-HER.

In this episode we unpack Miki’s wacky, impossible-to-forget and wildly successful marketing strategies and tactics.

Here’s a look at what we cover:

  • How Miki was banned from advertising on the NYC subway and turned that into a huge PR win for her brand THINX
  • How to use Accessible + Relatable language 
  • How to create ads that are both effective and “fridge worthy”
  • How iteration is perfection
  • How to start with play to create great ideas

Mentioned in This Episode:

Miki Agrawal

   - Website

   - Instagram

   - Link Tree to Resources


   - Website

   - Instagram


   - Website

   - Instagram


   - Website

   - Instagram

“Do Cool Sh*t” by Miki Agrawal

“Disrupt-Her” by Miki Agrawal

“Zero To $100 Million” on Mindvalley

Cap Con 5
Ryan Daniel Moran


“Funeral for a Tree” by TUSHY video on YouTube

Butt Con by TUSHY



Welcome to the Spicy Curry Podcast. We explore hot topics on eCommerce and digital marketing. We feel feature some of the brightest minds, with some of the SPT perspectives on what it takes to grow your business. Season one of this podcast is built on the old business adage that, what it really takes to succeed is three things. One: have something good to say. Two: say it well. And three: say it often.


My guest in this episode is Miki Agrawal. She's the founder of TUSHY, but she's also the entrepreneur behind several other wildly successful companies. I don't know anyone better than Miki at the, have something good to say and say it well, aspects of growth. And so just a couple of accolades. Miki was named one of Fast Company's Most Creative People. She was also named by Inc Magazine as one of the Most Impressive Women Entrepreneurs. She was also my favorite speaker, and she's also one of the favorite speakers that most of the events that she attends.


We're going to dive into some crazy wild stories from her entrepreneur journeys. We're going to learn why she was banned by the New York subway from running ads there, and how she actually overcame that and then ran some pretty powerful ads on the New York subway system. We're going to talk about how she creates events that are just, blow your mind. Like, they had a funeral for a tree, and there's a reason why they did that and got millions of dollars in free press. And she talks about how to craft things that are both artful and fridge worthy, but also effective. And so, I think you're going to absolutely love this interview. And so, lean in, buckle up and enjoy this interview with Miki Agrawal.


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All right, well today I am abs absolutely thrilled that my guest is Miki Agrawal. Now, I was recently at an event, CapCon 5 in Austin, Texas. My good friend, Ryan Daniel Moran was the host. And there was a star-studded lineup of speakers. Amazing, blow your mind speakers. And I got to say, Miki was probably my favorite. And I hope that some of my other friends that were speaking don't hear this, because I don't want to hurt their feelings. It's just that Miki was amazing. And so, Miki is the founder of a number of really transformative businesses. Most recently, TUSHY. Also, THINX and WILD. She's also author of some amazing best-selling books. Do Cool Sh*t. Disrupt-Her, which I'm actually in the process, I've gone about halfway through it right now. And even though it has "her" in the title, Disrupt-Her, instead of disruptor, it's for dudes too. Right, Miki? And so, I'm actually getting a lot of value out of it. And so, we're going to talk about growth and having an amazing marketing message, and thinking differently and all kinds of great stuff. So Miki, welcome to the show, and how's it going?


Yes. I'm so happy to be here with you. And just, the thing that I just can't, I'm just so like, I love is that you have eight children, and you're sitting at the table with 10 people every night for dinner. That just blows my mind.


Yeah. The level of noise at the dinner table is sometimes crazy. And we do this thing called highs and lows, where everybody goes around and tells their high of the day. You have to have a high of the day, you don't have to have a low of the day if you don't want to, but it is required to have a high. And the noise level is crazy, but it's also super fun.


I love that you do that. That's beautiful, that's amazing.


Yeah. So, part of what attracted me to you, Miki, and why I was so thrilled to chat with you afterwards. Is one, you're a master marketer. And the way you craft messages and the way you get attention, it's mind blowing, which is awesome. But you're also like, you believe in strong women, right? And I've got six daughters and I just, I want them to conquer the world. That's probably a weird thing to say, but I want them to just do whatever they feel led and whatever they feel passionate about doing. And so, love the energy you bring and the inspiration you're bringing to young women as well.


Six daughters. I mean, it's just, yeah. Like, I think about the food bill just for that dinner, just for those meals, just now. It's just [crosstalk 00:05:10].


The food bill is crazy. So I'm happy to talk about that with anyone offline. Yeah. So, when you include groceries and eating out, it's a median household income. It's a lot of money, yeah. But grateful to be able to do it. I wouldn't have it any other way, but it is completely [crosstalk 00:05:28].


I love it.


So yeah, it's awesome. Well, let's talk about a few things. So if you would Miki, give people kind of just the quick background on you. Because we're going to dig into some of the specific messages that you use at TUSHY and things like that. But give people the background. Like, how did you become this, because not only were you my favorite speaker at CapCon, but I've seen, you were voted best speaker at Inc and Fast Company, and some of these other big events. Everybody loves what you have to say. So really, how did you get here?


Well, I'm one of three children, and the interesting fun fact about the three of us is that we are all born within one year. So I have an identical twin sister. The third sister, who's 11 months older. So we're actually, we're Irish twins.


Yeah, Irish twins and identical twins [crosstalk 00:06:18].


Irish triplets.




So we're twins, plus Irish triplets, yeah.


It's insane.


Yeah. And then we grew up to a Japanese mother and Indian father. So my mother's from Japan, speaks with a thick Japanese accent. My dad is from India, speaks with a very thick Indian accent.


I'm doing the audio book of Disrupt-Her. And you do the Indian accent for your dad, an it's just amazing. You do such a good job, yeah.


But yeah, his most, the thing they always say is, he says, when he meets somebody, he goes, "Very good vibes". Or, "Very bad vibes." And immediately, because yeah, he can sniff people out just by "their vibes".


By "their vibes", okay, I love that.


By "their vibes".


That's awesome.


Yeah. And I grew up in Montreal, Canada. In French Montreal, in the south shore of Montreal. In a town called [foreign language 00:07:12]. And it's like, I grew up in French, like literally, we were the token Asians in the most French neighborhood ever. And so, it was really beautiful to grow up in this true mosaic of cultures. Japan, India, French, American. And then of course, Canada attracts so many, I mean, every culture, every religion, and they're all celebrated. And so of course, growing up in a household of just diversity and then going to school with just all diverse kids, I think we just learned to question everything. And to look at things from different angles. To be like, oh, this is how the Indians look at it, this is how the Japanese look it, how the French look at it, and the Americans look at it, this is how the Canadians look at it.


It forces a fresh perspective, rather than just everybody being the same.


Totally. So it's a mosaic versus melting pot thinking. And I think that that mosaic thinking creates beautiful picture. When you think about a mosaic image, and it's just this, all these colors and all these textures, and all of the different historical context of things, creates a different frame than just a single pain. So I think I was very blessed in just being born where I was born, to be given the various perspectives. To not just be like, okay, this is the way it is. It's like, wait, is this, or should I question it? And is there a better way, or is there more thoughtful way? Or that kind of thing.


When did you realize that, hey, I might be an entrepreneur? Or have you ever? Like, is that really a conscious thought? Like, when did you think, hey, I'm going to build companies? And not just companies, but wildly successful and disruptive companies.


Yeah. I mean, I think I'm just genuinely unemployable. I think I'm just like, you're not my Indian father. That kind of vibes. Where like, anytime someone told me what to do, blood would rush to my head and I would just get really frustrated. I would, I don't know, get triggered or something. But no, I think I just always beat to my own drum. And I think because of this questioning, because of this philosophy of looking at things from different perspectives, I think I just always had different ideas that I wanted to put out in the world. That entrepreneurship, when it was introduced to me, I remember, I'll never forget. I met my very first entrepreneur, standing in line in New York City when I was 22 years old, at this Armani party.


I was invited to my very first VIP door, or whatever. [crosstalk 00:09:47] And I was like, oh my God, I'm so cool. It was like, Armani. You know, whatever. Back when it was really cool to go to those things. And I remember standing in line, and in front of me was this gentleman who I'd met. And his name was Graham, and he's now since become one of my dearest friends. But I met him randomly, standing in line in front of me then. I was 22, and he was in his mid-thirties when I met him. And I was like, "oh". Like, "What are you up to?"


And he's like, "I'm an entrepreneur."


And I was like, "What do you mean?"


And he is like, "I have my own business." And this is, by the way, in 2001, when entrepreneurship wasn't a school thing. Nobody was getting invested in, it wasn't a thing. I mean, Facebook wasn't even there until 2006.


Now it's super trendy. Everybody wants to say entrepreneur, stamped that on their [crosstalk 00:10:33].


Now, everyone. But back then, nobody. It was doctor, lawyer, investment banker, management consultant. Going to work for a company. Becoming a whatever at a company. Becoming a person who starts a business was just not even in the lexicon, in the zeitgeist of culture back then.


And he was like, "I'm not in firm."


I'm like, "What do you mean?"


He's like, "I have my own company."


I'm like, "Well, what do you do?"


And he's like, "Well, I started a company called"


And I was like, "Oh, that's cool."


And he's like, "And I sold it." I think he sold it to Discovery Channel, whatever.


And I was like, "Wow!" And then he, the next day, invited me to this brunch with a bunch of other entrepreneurs. And that's when it was my big ding, ding, ding moment. I can start my own company, I'm going to do that. And I think in life, we just get given these gifts of chance meetings. And either we kind of get opened by it or we close to it. And I was sort of just blasted open by the possibilities of that. And I think that's what really put me on the course of this new way of thinking and being, and then carrying forward.


That's amazing. And I do want to, let's give kind of a brief overview of some of the companies. Just to give people some texture and some more context. So your mind was blown, and you're thinking, I could do my own thing. And then you have, and you've been wildly successful. Really at, essentially, everything. But can you give a quick rundown of the companies, and what they've done?


Yeah. Well, I will first start by saying, one of the biggest stories that changed the course my life was when I was 22. After that time, 9/11 happened, and that was a huge turning point in my life.


Yeah, because you were an investment banker, working down on Wall Street, right?


Yes. The World Trade center was my subway stop every single morning. And it I was working at Deutsche Bank, in investment banking. I call it douche bank.


Wow. Someone was asking for that, honestly, right? Deutche Bank, it's so close to douche, you're going to make the jokes, yeah.


Know what I mean? Yeah. So yeah, when I was there, yeah, 9/11 happened. I was supposed to be there, and 2 World Trade Center was my subway stop every single morning. And I would walk upstairs to 2 World Trade Center, at the cafe there. And I would get tea with my girlfriend, who worked on the 100th floor. And then I would walk across the street to my office, directly across 2 World Trade Center. And then 9/11 happened, and it was the first day of my life, the only day of my life that I slept through my alarm clock.


That is crazy and amazing.


Yeah. And 700 people in my girlfriend's office died on that day. Two people in my office died. It was one of those, just like, you can't make this shit up. Like, this is not a real movie, that kind of level of unfathomableness.


Unfathomable, yeah.


Yeah. And so that single experience, again, it's those moments that I kind of really recognize as these turning points in my life. And that was a big turning point in my life. Where I was like, wow, I could die tomorrow. And when you're 22, you don't think about death. I feel like we start thinking about death after we have children, in a lot of ways. And I'm just always making sure I'm not going to die. Do you know? And I'm sure, with your eight children, I don't even know how [inaudible 00:13:50]. You know?




But death, it's just not a thing, when you're a kid, when you're 22, you're just sort of like, whatever.


You're usually not thinking about it at all, yeah.


Just not thinking at all. But then, because I had this near potential death experience, and people around me died, and I was just sort of like, wow, this is a real thing. And I really felt my mortality in that moment. And it was like, wow, I got to make every single day count.


Got to do something, yeah. We're going to blink and we're going to be 70, right? And so, what are you going to fill your time with now? Yeah.


That's right. And so yeah, for me, it was, I wrote down three things. The first was to play soccer professionally, the second was to make movies, and the third was to start a business. And that sort of set me on sort of a total path after 9/11,.I played soccer for the New York Magic, I worked in the film industry for a couple of years, and then I started my first business, which was in the restaurant space. And so, my first business was born out of a stomach ache. We know that famous thing, necessity is the mother of invention.


Yes, so true.


Yeah. So the first business was born out of a stomach ache, and I couldn't eat pizza anymore. It was my favorite comfort food, but I just couldn't eat anymore because it made me bloated and gassy, and just so gross feeling after I ate it. And it was full of bleached flour, processed cheese, sugar-filled sauces, processed toppings, it was all that. And so yeah, I basically started New York City's very first gluten free alternative pizza concept. And 17 and a half years later, we're still in business. Almost 18 years this year. In November, 18 years.


Amazing. And it's called WILD, correct?


Called WILD. Just go to @eatdrinkwild on Instagram. We have a couple locations in New York City, and one in Guatemala.


And [crosstalk 00:15:42] for surviving the pandemic. I couldn't imagine owning a restaurant during the pandemic in New York City. That had to been just absolutely brutal. So grateful, yeah.


It was nuts. My partner Walid is incredible, and he's such an ingenious person. He has lots of [inaudible 00:15:57]. Where actually what we did was, we opened up, on Seamless Web, three restaurants, out of our restaurants. So during the pandemic, not only did we have our regular standard fair, but we opened up two different restaurants, working out of our kitchen. So basically, we made tacos and we did burgers, or whatever, so that people could order from us multiple times a week.


Oh, super smart, super [crosstalk 00:16:24].


So, take away. And not just have our gluten-free pizza stuff every week, but they would have tacos one night, and different stuff. And so we just opened three different restaurants under the same roof during the pandemic. And then we got the outdoor cafe seating. And that, our business all came back. And it was actually incredible, because it felt like a bit of Europe being in New York, with all the outdoor cafes everywhere, and people walking around with the menu. It was just, it was very romantic, very beautiful. So the rest restaurants was the very first business I learned. I think I learned so much of the thesis around people and psychology in my restaurants, that then led to building Thinks and led to building TUSHY. Both now valued over nine figures, well over nine. And so I, what I learned at WILD was, when I stood outside my restaurant for almost seven years, handing out little pieces of pizza, just handing them out.


That's how you grew the business, was samples, yeah.


Exactly, yeah. And getting people to try. And I would also test. Like, if I said healthy pizza, people wouldn't come. But if I said, farmed fresh, healthy farm to table pizza, people would be like, oh, what does that mean?


Yeah. Nobody wants healthy pizza. That sounds cardboard.




But farm to table pizza, interesting. And so, you were testing out those messages as people were walking by?


AB testing, literally like email, subject heading.


I love that.


You know? And it was such, seven years of, it was genuinely like double PhD in human psychology and what led people to come closer to attract them, or to kind of move them back. And it was a really interesting thing. Just by standing, literally person by person, like hand to hand combat, just really getting to know people.




And that experience led to this thesis, understanding, that again, built THINX and TUSHY. Which was having a best in class product. Like, if someone bit into it and they're like, Ugh.


It doesn't matter, yeah.


[crosstalk 00:18:30] my underwear. Like tight now, I'm wearing my period-proof underwear. It was so amazing because, I started my period today, I went to my bathroom. You're like, I have six daughters, don't worry about it.


So, it does not bother me in the least. Like, yeah, this is a common conversation around my house, yeah.




Think of the podcast first, though. First to confess on the podcast, which I embrace this, I welcome, this is awesome.


First of all, every single human being is here because of a women's period. So, you're welcome. You know?




[crosstalk 00:18:59] Be more uncomfortable. Yeah. So today, this morning, I went to the bathroom and I was kind of like, there's a little bit of blood everywhere. And so I basically sat on my toilet, used my TUSHY bidet, washed myself clean, And then put my THINX underwear on. And I was just like, ah.


You're like, this is amazing.


I solved my own problem twice. Just now, in this moment. And that's when I was like, yeah, this is why these businesses are doing well. Because genuinely, they truly, truly, truly solve problems that we face every single day.


Authentically solving the problem, not just identifying a problem and kind of addressing it just for a cash grab, but you authentically solve the problem.


Needed it, yeah. Which is why in my book, Do Cool Sh*t, I talk about the three questions I always ask myself before starting any business. The first question is, what sucks in my world? That's to start with me, a problem in my world that sucks. And then question number two is, but does it suck for a lot of people? Because if it just sucks for me, then I'm kind of a diva or whatever, and who cares. [crosstalk 00:20:04].


And then the third question, which I think is the most important. Which is, can I be passionate about this issue, cause, or community, for a really long time. We know the saying, it takes 10 years to be an overnight success. People don't want to sit in that discomfort for a really, really long time, and then they quit or decide to leave early, and they don't kind of get through it. I think about the entrepreneurs, I think about the musicians, I think about the actors, I think about all the people in my life who've made it. And they've made it because they've kind of grinded for a really long time. And they made through it, and they just stuck with their passion, they stuck with the thing they truly believed in. And so I think, yeah, what sucks in my world, has sucked for a lot of people. Can I be passionate about this issue? I think the passion piece is the most important. [crosstalk 00:20:49]


It's super important. And this is something I think you may have shared at CapCon already with somebody else. But, tactics without the underlying passion are worthless or it's going to be short lived. Tactics only work for so long. Like, you've got to have that passion and that drive to push through all the messy and confusing and heartache and suffering that you have to go through as a business owner. And so yeah, the passion is super, super important.


Now, why do you think you're so attracted to difficult things to sell? So we'll start with pizza first. So, selling healthy, gluten free pizza. When you started the business, gluten free wasn't trendy. Like, gluten free wasn't a selling point. It's not something you want to stick on all your labels. Because people were like, what are you even talking about?


Yeah. And no one was talking about farm to table, no one was talking about [crosstalk 00:21:36], no one was talking about seasonal.


None of that.


This is in 2003-2004. I mean, it was still super nascent, all of those conversations, it was extremely different.


Yeah. And when you started THINX, which is period-proof underwear, no one was really talking about periods. Or, not wanting to talk about it. And maybe some people don't want to talk about now. [crosstalk 00:21:50] But yeah, you just got to get over it. But then also TUSHY, a bidet. I still remember so many conversations just as stuff started to get in the news. People were like, "Oh, bidets are nasty."


And I'm like, "How is it nasty to use water to clean yourself versus dry paper?" But anyway, you're choosing these categories that are difficult. Like, it's new to people or taboo to people. Why do you think [crosstalk 00:22:13]?


Well, it's a culture shift that I'm interested in. I think from a creative perspective and as a creative challenge. Like, how do you change people's behavior, is the hardest change to make. And then how, how do you utilize innovation and creativity to do that? And so I think from a creative kind of person's perspective, it's like, wow, this is a really fun challenge to tackle. How do you get someone to change their behavior when it comes to food? When it comes to habits? Daily habits that they've been doing their whole lives, not even their whole lives, but for generations. To get them to try something new, and not only try it, but adopt it fully. I mean, that is why Toto hasn't made it to America yet. That is why the tampons and pads, which were invented by men, which is fine. But not that fine, cause they're made for women. So it's just, it's like, those are the most pervasive products in the world, because it's taboo. And so, how do we enter these conversations in a way that's artful? In a way that's accessible, and we're using the best in class product?


And I think those, my thesis that I learned from the pizza, from the restaurants was that was that, was the three prong. Prong number one is best in class product. It has to be a best in class product. It has to be a big day that, when I clip to my toilet, it actually feels good, it looks good.


It adds to the appearance of your bathroom. Like, it makes your bathroom feel better, cleaner.


It makes it more upscale and cool. It makes people want to bring you to their bathroom when you're having a dinner party. You know like that? Or when you're wearing THINX, like when I'm wearing my underwear right now, I feel really sexy in them. I feel really taken care of in them. I know that I'm protect, I know that this product works. So, best in class product. The pizza, when I eat it, it tastes the most delicious pizza. It doesn't even taste gluten and free, it tastes the most delicious pizza you've ever tasted. So, best in class product, no question, that is baseline. Second prong, to really shift culture, is art. Using art to really challenge conversations.


And I talked a little bit about this at CapCon. When I remember putting our first TUSHY ads up, or our first period ads up, out in the world, whether online or offline. People's first reaction were like, wow, that's so beautiful. And then their second reaction's, oh my God, they're talking about poop, they're talking about periods. Like, oh my [crosstalk 00:24:49]. But their very first reaction was leaning into the art and the beauty of that. And I think that, that opens up people's hearts and minds. Art just does that, and for everyone at every level, does that. It opens, art just gives people something to lean into. And I think when they're leaning into something, it makes them be curious. And so the first thing is, can we design from a lens of art? So, we hired all artists, we hired all creatives. I think art is such a beautiful lens to shift people's perspective. I mean, that's why people go to museums, people look at magazines, people look at nature as art. And a place to go and really open up our souls, open up our perspectives, change the way we look and see things.


And I think that really lends itself to giving people the space to question their existing thinking. And I think that's all we need to do, is give them that space to question, and they can make the decision for themselves. And so then, that's the artfulness, the best in class innovation.


And then the third part is the accessible, relatable language. I think we so often want to be so heady, and so clinical, and so technical, and so medical, and so academic, and sound really smart. And make everyone feel we've been and doing all this patent pending work and whatever. And it's just like, people don't care. They want to know, does it work? Does it make me feel good? Does it support me and does it support my life? Like, what's the point of this? Like, I don't care about your terminology.


Patent pending.


And like, I don't care about high sounding or smart. Like, whatever. And then, I tested all of that. That was all tested. I learned that, the more we speak from our space of truth, the more we speak from our place of that lit fire inside. We talked about that at CapCon as well. The more we speak from that real, true, authentic place, people respond. Because it's real, it's true. It's not coming from like, I wonder what they want me to say? And I'm just going to say it that way. That doesn't feel good, to receive that kind of inauthentic message. Like, imagine if you're receiving a text message from a best friend. And you can tell when they're being inauthentic or they're authentic. You can tell when your sister or brother is being authentic, you can tell when your wife or husband is being inauthentic or authentic.


And so it's just that, can we write copy, can we text, can we write our messaging in the same way as we're texting our best friend? And I think that is such an important way to think about messaging to people. Because we're just being bombarded with advertisements, with so much people shouting at us. And we don't want that. We want authentic truth, we just want that juicy truth. And I think that truth is really what, that truth, coupled with art, coupled with the right beautiful aesthetic, the right innovation that you would want to use where, on a daily basis. That together, creates change, creates culture shift. And I've seen that time and time again. Across Wild, across THINX and across TUSHY. All three of them share the same philosophy of best in class product, artful aesthetic design across every touchpoint of our brand, and accessible, relatable language across every touchpoint of the brand.


I love it so much. And really, when you combine all of that, plus you go back to the starting point from your first book, Do Cool Sh*t, it has to be addressing something that sucks for you and sucks for a lot of people. Right? So it's got to be that. And so then, when it's addressing a real issue, and then you've got the artful design and best in class, and it works. And you got the accessible, relatable language. All that comes together and it just works.


The Spicy Curry Podcast is brought to you by Zipify's OneClickUpsell. OneClickUpsell can increase your Shopify revenue by 10-15% overnight. Created by my friend, Ezra Firestone, the owner of a $155 million brand. And it's trusted by over 11,000 Shopify merchants. OneClickUpsell helps you boost your average order value with targeted upsells and cross sells. And it includes mobile optimized offer pages that drive sky high conversions. Plus, it comes with built in split testing for maximizing your results. It's no wonder that OneClickUpsell has made its users an extra $294 million in sales. It only takes a few minutes to install the app, launch your first upsell and start generating 10-15% more revenue overnight. Get a 30 day free trial and test it out for yourself, at


What's so interesting and what was so powerful for me. And I remember talking to the guy that was sitting next to me at CapCon, and I made a couple comments about this. I've been in the ad world for a long time. So there's the brand building space of advertising, which is interesting. There's direct response, which I followed and studied for a long time. And I've worked in the infomercial space and stuff. But you have this ability to create stuff that looks beautiful. Like, you just want to look at it. It's an ad for a bidet, but you want to look at it. But, it also kind of makes you say, I'd like to try that. Like, I would like a clean butt too. I would to do...


Because I think sometimes people, they go too far into the art. And it's abstract, and like, I don't even know what you're trying to say to me. Or I'm talking about patent pending, and all aloof, and who cares. So, how do you strike that balance and how do you create something that's fridge-worthy? As you'd say, artful and fridge worthy. But also, that connects and makes you say, I want to buy that underwear. Or, I want to buy that bidet. How do you do that?


Yeah. Well so first, just to quickly unpack the word fridge-worthy, for those who don't know what that term means. Fridge-worthy simply means the idea that, you know when you walk into your home, and you go to your kitchen and you see your fridge? You go out, before, you go to grab a beer or whatever from your fridge. You see your fridge, and on your fridge are emblems of your life. You see pictures of your family members, of your eight children in your 10 person family.


They take up the whole fridge, exactly.


Yeah [inaudible 00:31:16] all over. You have invitations to weddings, you have little postcards from family members, you have little pictures of nieces and nephews. Or whatever it is, right?


Hi, Stan.


And my challenge to my team has always been, can you create something so beautiful, so artful and so personal, that it can make the small real estate on your fridge? That it can really make that small personal space on your fridge, that it can take up that space. That you can make something for TUSHY or THINX so beautiful, something so cool, that it can live in your home in some way. And so we design from that lens. And from that lens that, again, hits you personally and makes you feel something.


It does cause you to shift and think differently. Now it's not just about, well, I'm going to choose blue. Like, you're thinking about everything differently.


Yeah. Like, what is it that's going to make, how does it make me feel? And that's a different lens to creating.


For sure.




So then, how do you blend fridge-worthy then with some true sales power, or some power to make people say, I want to buy this.


So I always say to my team, in the art of it, I still need to know. I mean, it depends. Like you said, there's top of funnel stuff, where you want to create intrigue and mystery. And that kind of stuff is like, if you look at our TUSHY Bellagio spot that we just shot. I just shot this ad, where I finally figured out, where my friend is this genius rigging person. And he rigged 10 toilets with bidets on them, with our TUSHY Ace bidets on them. That we can play them like a piano.


Like the Bellagio fountains?


Bellagio fountain.


I got to see that, then.


I'll share, I'll text with you right after this. It's crazy. And so basically, it plays. So we made this like, (Beethoven's 5th). And just this wildly weird thing. And we don't show you very much about it, but it just says at the tagline at the end. Which makes you mysterious and makes you want to click and see what the hell this is. So there's that mystery and intrigue, which hooks you into wanting to know more.


It's a curiosity play, yeah.


Pure curiosity play, pure top funnel. Just stuffing people in. And then we spend the rest of the time, really converting them to the bottom, bringing them down the funnel. Educating them on the product, the value propositions and all of that. So that's the one strategy.


The other strategy for top of funnel. I always think about prospecting. I always think about, how do you get people to both fall in love with our brand, with our ethos, with our playfulness, with our just [foreign language 00:33:56], with our love of life? They can feel it in this thing, but they're also understanding, what is the product? How does it work? Why do I need it? So it really answers those questions. And maybe like, why do I need it?


Like, we just shot another commercial with the singing toilets, with the kind of the playing toilets. Where, it's this very Wes Anderson, weird thing. Where it's like, five people laying, they stick their heads in the toilets at once. And they're laying on these, which kind of represents the heated seat. And then all of a sudden, we start spraying. Like, I start kind of smushing ice cream on this guy's face. And then, this one woman takes a chocolate cake and squishes it in her white glove. And then she smacks it on the ass of white pants on this guy. So it kind of represents all taking a shit, basically, the chocolate looks like shit. And then the sprays go off, and then we get clean. And it's this debaucherous clean thing. And then we press the blow dryer, and then we're getting blow dried. So you're seeing the value, of how it works. Like, you're seeing, we press the remote, and then the nozzles go off and it starts spraying. It's clean. And then you press the dry, then it just blow dries it. So you see slow-mo, the hair blow dried. We walk out frame. So you're kind of, you're getting the idea of what this thing is. But you're still intrigued, tickled. You feel good vibes, you feel "very good vibes". You know?


You're probably laughing. You're probably like, I can't believe I'm watching this. But it's also product demonstration in a really fun and creative and crazy way, which is super cool.


Yes. And so, it's a lot of things. And I always look at, what are our best performing ads? Our best performing ads are the edutaining ones. Ones that are hilarious, and the ones that educate. Tells you, why you need it, how it works and how to use it.


Yeah, totally makes sense.


You know? But in a really simple, easy way. And so, yeah, it is an art and science, and they have to go hand in hand. And, creative and marketing always do sometimes have this natural tension, but I think it's a good tension if you have the right leadership.


It's a healthy tension.


A healthy tension, yeah.


Love it. So one thing you talk about a lot, and I remember you showing these examples. That, you'll use actual statements from real customers. And you also talk about campfire stories, sharing campfires stories as a team or whatever, to kind of stir up creativity. So, can you talk about that a little bit? Like, how do you use customer statements in your ads? And then, what about campfire stories?


Yeah. So, I always think like, our best advocates are our customers, our users, who love our products. It just, it makes so much sense. And so many times, companies are scared to, they don't want to bother their customers. But if customers love it, and you're asking them, hey, just fill in the blank. THINX is blank. Or, TUSHY.


This is my favorite, yeah. Just fill in the blank. TUSHY is, fill in the blank.


Fill in the blank. TUSHY is, blank. Just fill in the blank. And within 24 hours, we got 1000 responses. For things specifically, it was, THINX is Mary Poppins in my pants. THINX is strength, freedom and dignity for all women. TUSHY is...


One of them was, eye candy butt bliss. I wrote it down. I got the thing.


Yeah, eye candy butt bliss. It's like, TUSHY: you could eat off my butt hole. You know? And just like, my rusty starfish has never been so clean. Stuff like that, where it's crazy, hilarious, random.


Especially when you know that it was a real customer that said it. It's like, okay, that's super fun. And I'm now totally entertained by reading this.


Yeah, by real. And we always say, name of the customer, from a real pooping human. And so, we now use these campaigns, as actual campaigns and taglines for our company. Because our customers know what's best. And we don't have to oftentimes scratch our heads to ask ourselves, what creativity can we use? We can literally just reach out to our customer base, and they'll give us, and they're delighted in giving it to us. And if they see it in the world, they'll be like, oh my God, that's my line. And they now feel even more connected.


And then they totally will put that on the fridge. They will totally put that piece, and share with everyone they know.


And they'll share it with all their friends, tell everyone they know. And it engages people, attracts them. The same thing with PR. I talk about that a lot. Like, we do a ton of inbound marketing, inbound PR. And we've gone viral so many different times. And it's because, again, studying the psychology of people. Like, how do you create intrigue? How do you create mystery? Where, they want to complete the storyline. So often, people are like, send press releases, and hope that the press will write about them. But it just never works. It piles up on people's desks. Versus, you send these mysterious boxes where you have to assemble this thing. Or like, unscramble a riddle. So recently, we just launched our TUSHY Ace, part of our electric bidet seat with the most beautiful remote in the world.


It's the heated seat, right? Which by the way, if you've never experienced a heated toilet seat, it is pretty magical, it really is.


Heated seat, warm water, blow dries your butt. Best blow dryer on the market. It's not like where you have to still use toilet paper, because this is a nice strong blow dryer. And it looks an Apple product. It's the most gorgeous remote. Our design, it's just, it's the most beautiful product. And so, we were launching this. And our team, we were like, okay, we are going to create mystery around this product. And so, we put together these deck of cards. And these deck of cards that we made, we made actual TUSHY deck of cards, designed by hand, by my designers. And we had this instruction sheet for the press. And we said, pull out all the royal flushes.


Nice. Royal flushes.


[crosstalk 00:40:03] And so, they'd pull out the royal flushes. And they had to unscramble the royal flushes, based on the riddles that they were given. Like, for the diamond royal flushes, this is the riddle. And you had to unscramble it based on the different words. The letters that appeared on the 10, jack, queen, king, ace. There was a letter hidden, that then unscrambled based on the riddle. So then, it made the press have to work hard to actually unscramble and send the responses. And then once they get the TUSHY Ace product and install it, they're going to feel they've accomplished something. Like, they actually, they feel so much better.


And they're so engaged, and you've delighted them.


They're so engaged.


You've just made their day in so many ways.


Instead of just sending them a product, review it. You're almost like, dance monkey, dance. Versus like, let me bring you into this fun, mysterious story with us. And we're going to be surprised and delighted together. And we're going this extra mile for you, to make you just regale in the delight. And I think that, that is what people want in life. They want to be just surprised and delighted. They want to be regaled. And like, "Oh!". And giggle. They want their heart to flutter.


They want magic, they want mystery, they want excitement, they want to be kind of caught up in something. Right? Not just reading.


Who doesn't want to be caught up in this ,"oh', moment. And it feels so good and it just enlivens our being.


So, how did that work out? How was the press' reaction to that?


Well I mean, this one, we just sent them out actually last week, so we're still underway. But guess what? The fact that we had almost, I think it was like 20 press asked for these cards. Because first, we were like, we're going to send you a mysterious package. Are you willing to take it? We need your home address, because we're COVID times. And so we had, almost 20 press gave us their home addresses, to send them the mystery packages. And so that already means that they're hooked. And we did this before, for THINX. Where we had people go and smash bricks, and they had to open the bricks and look for these invitations. And 80 people showed up to our event, after they smashed the THINX. 80 press RSVPed. We had another event, where we poked a hold in eggs, and put these mystery scrolls in them. And then all 20 press showed up to our event, because they wanted to crack open the egg and look at the scroll. And we said, you can't open them until you come to the event.


So it's just, creating the mystery, creating the intrigue. It's human nature that, when they start something, they want to finish it. They don't like incomplete story lines, they like to complete story lines. And when there's an incompletion, there's still this intrigue, this mystery that keeps you wanting more. And so, we're in that storyline right now, with the TUSHY Ace, and I'll let you know how it goes, but I feel very confident.


Yeah. That idea of opening and closing loops. Once a loop is open, people want to close and they want to figure out. They want to solve the mystery. That's why cliffhangers work, and all of those things.


And in relationship and romance. When you're romancing, you're seducing. It's the same kind of storyline. It's so much fun, that game.


Yeah. And I know you've got to go, so I've got two quick things. But I also want to mention, just briefly. You talked about two stories, two events. Because you're the master of doing these just crazy, off the wall events, that also work. So, one was ButtCon, and one was the Funeral for a Tree, for TUSHY. Are those outlined in one of your books? Because even if nothing else...


Not yet.


They're not? Oh, dang it. Okay.


Not yet, but my next, maybe. I might have a Do Cool Sh*t sequel, and talk about TUSHY in that.


We'll highlight that, or I'll find the story, that I can put. Anyway, I'll let the audience [crosstalk 00:43:41].


I'm happy to share them really quick. I can share them over the next couple minutes, no problem.


Okay, just do it quickly over the next two minutes, yeah.


Sure, yeah. So again, it's all about creating unorthodox events, unorthodox gatherings. That make people go, "Huh? What are you talking about? What is this?" So we held two kind of events before COVID happened. And we're going to now resume them once COVID's now finally, hopefully at bay. But one of them was called A Funeral for a Tree. And the other one was called ButtCon. The Funeral for a Tree is, we actually held a real funeral for a dead tree at the Judson Memorial Church, which is the biggest memorial church in all of New York City. In Washington square park. We had a 400 seat capacity, and we sold out. And we had a 25 part choir. We had Matthew Morrison, the actor, is one of our dear friends, playing the reverend. We had his wife, Renee, who is one of my best friends as well, who played Maple, the wife of the dead tree. It was just the most wild experience. And the people who came...


People were reading eulogies. Which, I got to hear one. It was hilarious. Just super funny and well done.


I mean, it was just comedy. It was sad, it was beautiful, it was inspiring. It was all of the above, and people left so inspired to save trees. [crosstalk 00:45:14] And to do it by buying TUSHY, by doing all kinds. You know? But it wasn't a marketing...


It didn't feel like a sales pitch. It didn't feel a, "Hey, here's your coupon for TUSHY." As you walk out the doors.


For one second. It didn't feel like. It just felt TUSHY opened my eyes to these important things. [crosstalk 00:45:31].


We are killing a lot of trees because of toilet paper, and here's how we can help solve that.


That's right. 50 million trees are cut down every single year because of toilet paper consumption. 30 million cases of urinary tract infections, hemorrhoids. All these health hygiene issues, not to mention planetary issues. All these things could be alleviated by just using a bidet, using TUSHY, under $100 product. You know? But we didn't even say any of that stuff at our Funeral for a Tree event. That was, we just put on this amazing event, brought to you by TUSHY. And people just were like, this was the most inspiring theatrical event I've ever been to.


You get an insane press on it.


[crosstalk 00:46:07] ...

They said, "What are you doing?"


What are you doing here?


And the press you got from both those events, to pay for that kind of exposure would be almost impossible. But you got it because you did some crazy stuff.


Yeah. It was truly, again, another reminder that just, what you put in. When you put in, like, if you build it, they will come. And you have to build spectacles. Again, things that surprise and delight. Things that make people go, I need to go and see what this is about. And that's the most important thing.


I love that, I love it. So I know, you've got to go. So just kind of in closing. If people are listening to this and they're like, I need more Miki Agrawal in my life. And so, where can they, one, go to find your books? But also, just experience your marketing. Because hopefully, this has opened your eyes a little bit. Like, you need to pay attention to what Miki is doing from a marketing standpoint, you're going to learn a lot. So, how can people get more Miki in their life?


Yes. Well first, you can also always come check me out on Instagram where I answer most people's questions pretty directly. Like, people have questions, I'm pretty good about responding. So Instagram, just @mikiagrawal. You can also go to If you subscribe to my page, you'll actually get one disruptive move every week to do for yourself and for your business. So it's 52 disruptive moves. So that's just on And of course go to Check it out, get a TUSHY bidet. It's the best gift of all time. Holidays, it's the gift. It's just the best gift you can do for yourself. I mean, period, end of story. From a health high hygiene, confidence, feeling sexy, feeling good perspective. And then you can also, oh, if you want to learn about the strategies. I mean, definitely, Do Cool Sh*t, Disrupt-Her, check out my books. But then, if you want to actually learn about all of my tactics, of all of my strategy and building my companies from zero to $100 million plus, I built an actual course called Zero to a $100 million on Mindvalley.


Mindvalley, I'll link to that in the show notes.


If you go to my link in bio on my Instagram, I link to a free masterclass, a one hour masterclass which goes into a lot of these campaigns. But then, it also links to the quest, the Mindvalley quest, Zero to a $100 million. So, definitely check it.


Beautiful. Got to check it out. I got to check that out. I got to watch that. And I'm going through Disrupt-Her right now. I absolutely love it, I highly recommend it. I like the audio version. I'm an auditory learner. And you narrate the books, so I get to listen to more Miki as I'm driving around. So that's been awesome as well. So Miki, this has been fantastic. Thank you so much for doing this. I've been inspired, and got some new ideas cooking around in my head. I know other people have too. So, really, really appreciate it.


Yay. I was happy to be here.


Awesome, thank you so much. And as always, thank you for tuning in. We'd love to hear from you. What do you think about the show? What do you want to hear more of? Less of? Let us know. And until next time, thank you for listening.


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The Creative Process to Supercharge Your Facebook & IG Ads with Nick Shackleford
Nick Shackleford

The Creative Process to Supercharge Your Facebook & IG Ads with Nick Shackleford

Nick Shackelford was a pro soccer player for the LA Galaxy turned online marketing super star. You’ve probably seen him featured in FOUNDR magazine or speaking on stage of the wildly successful event he co-founded - Geek Out. 

I first met him when we both spoke at Ezra Firestone’s event in Denver several years ago and I’ve been a fan ever since. Nick is a master of media buying. He knows how to build agencies. And he has a really fresh take on creatives. We go deep into his creative process in this episode. Here’s a look at what we cover:

  • How a lack of diversity in your ads could be killing your results.
  • Nick’s agency’s creative process. This is pure GOLD.
  • How to use Amazon reviews to jump start your creative process - This strategy is so simple, so effective, you’ll kick yourself for not having used it.
  • How a tool called Monkey Learn can help you key in on the right words and hooks to use with your audience.
  • Why audience targeting is nearly dead and creative is KING.
  • How Nick uses Creative Strategist and why you should consider one too.
  • How to work with the algorithm rather than against it.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Nick Shackelford

   - LinkedIn

   - Twitter

Geek Out
   - Website

   - Events

Konstant Kreative

Structured Agency

Design Pickle

No Limit Creatives


Video Husky


Facebook Dynamic Creative

Josh Durham

Groove Life

Aligned Growth Management


Monkey Learn Word Cloud

Luca + Danni


Triple Whale

James Van Elswyk



Welcome to the Spicy Curry Podcast, where we explore hot takes in e-commerce and digital marketing. We feature some of the brightest guests with the spiciest perspectives on how to grow your business online.


In this episode, we talk about the creative process that will supercharge your Facebook and Instagram ads. My guest is Nick Shackelford. You've probably seen Nick on stage at one of your favorite e-commerce events, or you've seen him featured in Foundr Magazine or in a host of other places online. More about Nick in just a minute. In this episode, we talk about the fact that audience marketing is nearly dead and why creative is almost all that matters. We talk about how Nick uses creative strategists and how you should consider using one too. We talk about how Nick use Amazon reviews to kickstart the creative process. This approach is so simple, so effective, so powerful, you'll kick yourself for not having used it before. We'll also talk about a tool that you can use to choose the right words and the right hooks for your ads. Plus, we'll unpack Nick's entire creative strategy. So lean in, buckle up, and please enjoy this interview with Nick Shackelford.


The Spicy Curry Podcast is brought to you by OMG Commerce, attentive, One Click Upsell, Zipify Pages, and Payability.


Well, I am absolutely geeking out about this episode and this guest. That was a little bit of a pun, you'll find out more about that in a minute. But, longtime friend of mine, absolute rockstar in the space. If you're paying attention to digital marketing at all, you've probably heard of this guy or seen this guy or you've heard the name. And so, today I'm absolutely thrilled to have Nick Shackelford, aka The Shack, on the podcast. And we're going to dive deep into really several things related to marketing. And if you've been listening to this season one of the Spicy Curry Podcast, we're really talking about three things, right? Have something good to say, say it well, say it often. Regardless of what changes in the online world, you've got to do those things. And so we're going to talk about what's working now, what's not working now, how to crush it like Shack does.


And so a couple of interesting things about Shack for those that may not know, he was a professional soccer player for the LA Galaxy, and then decided, "You know what? I want my field to be online marketing rather than running around the soccer field." And so we actually met. We met at Ezra Firestones event, right, Shack? We both spoke at Ezra Firestone's event. I don't remember where that was or when that was. Was it maybe Denver, I don't know, three or four years ago?


It was. It was Colorado.


Yeah. Yeah. And I just remembered two things about you. One, you had an amazing strategy for influencer marketing on Facebook, two, you were rocking a killer hoodie, and three, you just had this swagger about you. And then as I've known you over the years, you always have a killer hoodie on. So what is the secret to getting great hoodies?


Oh man, I actually am wearing one of them right now. This is an appropriate hoodie when you're just working at home 24/7. So this is [inaudible 00:03:41], which is another e-commerce brand that if you guys are in the space, they definitely do some interesting things. You should definitely talk to Davies. He's a smart, smart guy as well.


Would love that intro, let's talk to him. You look like you're ready for a mountain expedition and/or you're ready just to chill at home and be super cozy.


I like options, so the fact that I'm able to do both at a will is what I want to play with. But no, what you do, it's been fun to watch the growth of this, especially with the people that are doing it for a long time, because sticking with your theme of say it often, those that are usually saying it often are able to continue to be around because they've been preaching the same thing consistently. It might change a little bit, which trust me, I think 2022 so far, I mean, we're only 19 days into it. But yeah, there are a lot of things that have changed over the times, but we haven't stopped saying the same things, right?


We talked about this at GeekOut. You came and you were like, "Hey, this is the consistent stuff that you have to do." And it's shocking... Maybe it isn't shocking, maybe it isn't. People forget what they have to continually do, and so reminding them over and over and over, they just might not be ready to hear it. So I always say, you always start with the basis so everybody's at the same page, but then you can get really to the nitty-gritty stuff, which you do so well, so I see you, brother, on this.


Love it, man. Love it. So let's do this, we're going to dive into all the stuff you're doing right now on Facebook and Instagram and other platforms and what your creative genius is. And got an episode in season one here with Justin Brooke, my man, talking GDN, but I know I've seen him publicly say, "If you're not paying attention to Nick Shackelford, you're missing out, because Nick or The Shack knows what he's talking about." So tell me about GeekOut, or tell the audience. I know about GeekOut. I spoke at the last one in LA, and it was fantastic. I had so much fun, so much fun connecting with your group, with your audience. I could really nerd out or geek out. But tell me about that event and kind of what's ahead for this year.


I absolutely will. Yeah, I was very fortunate you made it out there. GeekOut started five years ago now, and it started with the fact that I couldn't go to my partner and tell her, "Oh, babe, look at these campaigns. Oh my gosh, isn't this great?" Roll her eyes, she just didn't really care as much. And then [inaudible 00:06:04] James, he felt the same way. So we were geeking and nerding on all these things. We have a different vibe about ourselves, and what I mean... I literally have to explain this. We have the ability to deliver content and aggregate a room of people that want to learn, make money, and continue to build their business, but still feel open to talk about, "Hey, my employee just sued me," or "I'm going through this issue with my partner," or "I'm going...." these really intimate things that you don't feel comfortable expressing unless you're in a room that's safe and comfortable.


And it just started happening organically, because I'm that way, right? I'm okay with things being very public. There's a couple things that I don't want to have super public, but I'm pretty much 99% out there on every channel because I do believe building in public builds relation, and there was no better way for us to do this except doing it in person. So this started, again, five years ago, and I remember we did it in Las Vegas literally on a couch. We thought we were renting a mansion, of course. Like all things in Vegas, you thought it was, and we figured what it really was. We got there, and I remember there was a putt-putt. One of the selling propositions on Airbnb was, "Oh, use our little putting green, and it was amazing." It was two holes, and I'm like, "Oh my God, what are we're going to do?"


So we had a good run, but the thing that we never lacked was the quality of content. And so we've ran it back. We've done Tel Aviv. We've done Barcelona. We've done LA, Miami, New York, and we're gearing up for this year. We will be the only event that will do, I think, double digits of events this year. We're planning for 10. I think we'll probably, knock on wood because of where the world is currently at, get about six. And the first one starts in Dubai right before Affiliate World, and then we'll bring it back in for San Diego and Miami. Brett, I think I told you this before, it's the one business that I have that makes me the least amount of money but brings me the most amount of happiness, because you truly get a seed connection, and it's something that we've really, really gotten away from in the world for the various reasons that all of us are experiencing together, but it's just become way more important to me.


Yeah, it was just phenomenal. I can't wait. I've been talking to my team about it. I've been bugging you for dates, because I'm blocking these out. I'm coming to speak at as many of these as I can or attend those that I can't speak at. It was just an amazing place to be, other like-minded, super smart marketers. I know you've had this experience. You were talking about talking to your partner. You can't really talk about ROAS. She doesn't care, right? I can't talk about ROAS to my wife. She glazes over. But you become acutely aware of how many acronyms we use in this space, right? ROAS, LTV, AOV, CLV. It's never ending, but this is your people. You can geek out about any of those things, but you can also talk about deeper stuff, people stuff, preparing for exits, buying companies. It's an awesome group, testament to you and to James, but just high level people, man. I would put it on the short list. If you could only attend a couple events this year, make sure one of them-


[inaudible 00:09:22].


... is GeekOut. I can edit this out later if I need to. Is there a rebrand coming too? Is it going to be GeekOut, is going to be something else? Or should we talk about that?


Yeah, absolutely, we should. It's going to be called a GeekUp for two reasons. One, we have to level up, and so adding in that geek element is something that we still want to keep. And two, there was already a trademark called GeekOut Events. So as much of the branding I want you guys to be like, "Oh wow, that's so clever," I'm like, "Well, we kind of got into a situation."


We're geeking out and leveling up. We're geeking up. This is amazing. Yeah, that's [inaudible 00:09:58]. Well, its going to be... I don't care what you call it, but GeekUp is super cool too. So if you attend only a few events, make sure one of them is GeekUp. And so I'll link to everything in the show notes. You can google it and check it out and stuff like that too. So fantastic, man. Any other notes on the event itself?


Well, okay, so the segue into what I'm focused on a lot right now outside of the three businesses is we started GeekUp because it was about sharing and learning and getting that feedback of what's happening, and that led me to Konstant Kreative. We have almost our first year under our belts, and it's purely content because... Dude, you're a YouTube guy. You do good YouTubes. We don't do YouTubes, but we do a lot of Facebook, and we do a lot of Instagram, and we do a lot of TikTok, and we do a lot of Snapchat. And I used to be such a big teacher and proponent of strategies and hacks and tactics. I'll raise my hand here, I was one of the biggest people talking about various hacks and strategies 2017, '18, '19. 2020, I got a little quieter. 2020, I got real quiet. In 2022, I'm on that same quiet band because it just isn't as sustainable as it once was. I don't want to say we did this on purpose, but I like to think I did or had a feeling, my spider senses, for the new Marvel movie, which is fantastic, is tingling, and I was like, "Dude-


That is a good movie. And actually, quick side note, the new, or new-ish, depending on when you're listening to this, Spiderman movie got us into the whole Marvel series. We watched Spiderman No Way Home, and then now we're going back to the beginning. We're, I think, three movies into the... It's like 30 movies. If you do chronologically through the Marvel series, it's nuts, but my family and I, we're going through it all, so it's super fun.


Oh my God, I am not a movie person, but I will watch though. It's culture. It's so culture. Okay. What put us into this position was understanding that content was never going to leave us, and so we put so much time and effort into building. We weren't first to do it. There's Design Pickle. There's No Limit Creatives. There's Penjee! There's Video Husky. There's so many other people that do this content on demand thing, but we had to do it ourselves, because arguably, I've never gone through a pandemic. I'm 31 years old. I didn't know what would happen if I couldn't understand how much revenue was being driven by each one of our employees across our entire company because I didn't know what I needed to go potentially [inaudible 00:12:26] so I didn't know what loans I needed to go get.


I needed to know that I could do a dollar earned or average per each one of our employees contributing to the bottom line. Sometimes in just an agency space or sometimes in business space, you have admins or project managers that might not directly tie to bottom line. We know they impact it, but we don't really know what they drive. Designers are another one. Editors are another one. Copywriters are another one. Unless you're in this performance tower, you know each email or each thing you write, you get dollars back on. If you aren't structured that way, you're like, "Dude, I don't really know how much money's coming in from these people." So we actually built this service and fed it to ourselves. And I think the term is dog feeding ourselves.


Yeah, so this is a Google term. So it's called eating your own dog food. They borrowed it from Purina or Puppy Chow or something like that, where literally that company, they would eat their own dog food. It's a metaphor for using your own stuff, right?




You believe in your product so much, you use it. Yeah.


Oh, so thank you. I actually didn't know where that was coming from, and I'm glad you [inaudible 00:13:29]. We built it for ourselves because content... If you're like, "Nick, what are you about right now?" it's content, and it's volume of content at a cost effective rate. Listen, before the pandemic hit, a lot of people didn't really open up their mind to the quality of support, quality of company building that you can do offshore. I'm not saying outsource. This is a complete different thing. Outsource to offshore is completely different. Offshore are full-time your employees, your people, your values, your systems, your processes. Outsource is white labeling. You don't know what's going on. They're delivering you something, you're going to wrap in a bow, you're going to deliver. So I'm going to be very clear on that.


This was something that when we started to understand quality of talent allowed us on the agency side to operate at 35, 40, 55% margin at times on various months, you can do the same exact thing on a content iteration, say. The only issue that a lot of people don't get right when they're like, "Hey, I need a performance editor," or "I need a performance creative person," it's because they themselves don't know what they want. Here's why. There's a subjectivity in this that everybody can't get away from in the romanticism toward a brand they own or towards the content that's being shot. I'm sure you experience this, or do you?


Absolutely. Totally. Yeah, yeah. Sometimes we are our own biggest enemy, or often the brand owner is their biggest enemy in terms of getting creatives that work, creatives that actually connect and compel and move people to take action. Yeah, sometimes we're romantic about what we think that structure should be or what we think that message should be rather than focusing on... Let's not do something that's completely off brand, of course, but let's do what works. And sometimes you have the brand, or sometimes the agency gets in the way of that.


It's so true because we're hired to do two things. Now, if you're hiring a branding agency or hiring a shop that needs to be really up here and be oh, really meta on things, God bless. I'm not in the space to where I can afford to create something that doesn't drive revenue. You're in the same boat. We have to validate the costs that we have for a lot of our partners. And so when you have this subjective idea of what happens, and I'll get into what testing, what we're doing now, what 2022, at least the bets that I'm making in this first quarter on how we're building out our testing and how we're building out our, at least our internal content structure. And actually, I'll fucking go into all the things, because I think the more that this information gets out there, it might actually spark some interest on your side, and you might have some interesting feedback for me too, so-


Totally, totally. We're going to talk about one thing really quickly, and then I want to dive into the specifics.




Actually, two things really quickly. What'd you say the name of the company was, the content company?


Oh, Konstant Kreatives. Sorry.


Konstant Kreatives. Awesome. We'll link to that in the show notes as well. But I could not agree with you more, right? I think in fact, back when we first met in Denver at Ezra's event, a lot of people were talking about hacks and here's little tricks and tips and things you can do to make Facebook and YouTube and all that work. And certainly, there's always going to be some hacks, but success is way more, way more about having great creatives, sticking to the fundamentals, and just being relentless, relentless on testing, relentless on looking for new angles, and then really just being consistent in what you're doing and doubling down on what's working. And so love that you're doing that. I got to learn more about your company there too so I can refer some people to you. But yeah, so let's dive in there. What is your process then for finding the right angle and getting that... Because you talk about volume of creatives too, right? You got to be testing pretty frequently, especially on Facebook. Not as much on YouTube, but especially on Facebook and Instagram. What's your process like?


This is something that we think is an ongoing debate, kind of ongoing analysis. Let's think of it this way, you used to go to optimize campaigns at an ad level or an ad set level or even the structure of the campaign level, and we're having to do a lot of this before we even get to the campaign launch. What I mean by this is, before the conversation of cancel culture or before the conversation of inclusion really was being had, a lot of the ads that we saw were generally white males, white females across every brand, across every company, thin, thinnish, and you didn't really think about, "What if [crosstalk 00:17:49]


Which is really just silly. But you're right, that's just the way it was. Yes, it was crazy.


Yeah, it was silly. Listen, I'm not ignorant to who I am and what I am, but when you look at brands that are buying this, brands don't have this data. You can't run a quiz to be like, "Hey, what do you... " I guess you could, technically, but I don't know how it would come across us. "Who do you identify with? Or what do you identify as? Or what race are you?" You can't necessarily ask that, but that's the type of [inaudible 00:18:17] that you have to get done. Say, when we give a shoot or when we give content for others to see, "Hey, what do we need?" We usually recommend, "Hey, we need two different races and two different genders, and we need sizes of those genders to be appropriate to what we actually think is our customers buying."


It's a great example, the Team Chubbies. Chubbies makes unbelievable male board shorts. I think they get an underwear too now, but makes male board shorts. And if you watch the progression over time of who was used in their content, fit male, white or black, fit male, white or black, little thicker, white or black, little dad bod, white or black, little larger, white or black. Do you know why? Because they're looking at all the-


That's their audience, right? How many fit dudes are out there? Right? Most of us have dad bods. Not you, you're a former soccer player, but yeah, dad bods are everywhere.


These are the frat guys that are buying it. And they literally... I've listened and watched the progression of this, and they're like... I'm sure that some people want to aspire to look great, but there's a point where you can get turned off by this, and you're like, "That's not really who I am." So it's this progression, this conversation of the testing begins at the inclusion of what's in the content. That's just a side note. I went on a tangent. I apologize there.


Yeah, but I love it. I'll just, I'll key in on that. And so it's a side note, but it's important. A buddy of mine runs an athleisure business and they sell a lot of leggings. And so their models are very diverse, Latinos, African Americans, whites, every race, but also normal looking people, right? These are not all 98 pound supermodel. It looks like normal people, but they're joyful and they're smiling. And they are killing it because people look at it and say, "Well, that's me. That's my body type. That's my style." And it's so needed right now, so I'm really glad you brought that up.


It's so true. And it kind of goes down to the typical structures that we run if I were to get a little technical in this. We still launch with dynamic creative. We still launch with... Dynamic creative is probably the first step. If we don't have a full hard belief, and this is the campaign structure, if we don't have a full hard belief in any one direction, whether it's like, we know this is worked in the past, but we're just trying to iterate on the value prop, or we're just trying to iterate on the USB, the box opening, we're just trying to iterate on a specific thing, we will still let Facebook choose or dictate the direction we need to go into up into-


So by dynamic creatives, you just mean you're... Explain that for people that don't know the Facebook platform well.


Thank you very much. So when launching a campaign, there's DCT, dynamic creative testing, which is a tool that you let Facebook choose. Essentially, you're going, "Hey, we don't want to impose any campaign restrictions to force spend," let's say on an automatic budget campaign, an ABO. You go, "I just need you to spend all my budget on these specific creatives that I, the media buyer, have told you I want you to spend on." And CBO can do that too with a little bit of limitations, but that's easiest communication I can give you on that. The dynamic creative testing [crosstalk 00:21:11]


You're basically saying, "Hey, here's our creatives, and Facebook, you go wild and you find the winner."


Exactly. We are not imposing a restriction on where money can be spent. We're letting the campaign dictate that. And that is... It's basically taking away the bias that we have of letting Facebook say, "Hey, we have this algorithm, we have this info, we have these consumers, and we're going to run this type of campaign on it."




Now I will have some of my media buyers look at me and go, "Chef, I won't always run this route," but that's the baseline that we start with, because if somebody has pushback on me, say, let's say David or Scott have a conversation, they're like, "Nick, I actually believe that's not the best use of this campaign, because we're only trying to compare two main concepts." And we'll say, Bernie says, "We'll use the athleisure brand here." We want to understand which color way of these leggings are going to be the one that hits or which price point of these leggings are going to hit. That doesn't need to be dynamic creative tested. That needs to be controlled and tested equally across the board. So that to me has probably been the biggest change. Before, I would launch all with minimum campaign budgets or some sort of structure where we're going audience testing, kind of put that after the fact, because it's not as impactful unless it's going to be purely based on the content or creative and the structure when you go live with it.


Yeah. I love that. And so really, I mean, if you look at what is our job as advertisers, whether we're agencies or in house or solopreneur, whatever the case may be, our job is to make great creatives, but to feed the algorithm, to let the algorithm, whether that's Facebook, YouTube, or Google, let... The algorithm's smart. And in the long run, the algorithm's going to do a better job than you are in a lot of ways, so how can you feed it and give it enough creative so that it finds the winners? Or how can you do a very specific test? Like you were talking about, right? I'm testing two creatives, because I'm trying to find is it black or is it pink on the leggings that are going to hit, or is it this price or that price? That type of thing, a controlled test, but either way you're trying to say, "I don't know the answer here on what creative's really going to work, but we're going to find out." And then once we find out, then we're going to go all in on that, so-


Because you and I both have these conversations with brands that talk about, "Hey, what's your brand book? What's your stance? What do you stand for? And they have the idea of who they want their customer to be, but it's not always what Facebook will agree to be or Google will agree for it to be. You have to let the replies come in. You have to let the data speak for itself. And I'm shocked. And I don't know if this is in your portfolio, we have about 116 brands right now, 117, I believe. The amount of post-purchase surveys on where you've heard from me or what information they're gathering is probably less than 15%.


Totally, a very few of our clients are doing them. I think you've got to do it though, because you're going to be surprised by the answers you find out.


Exactly, especially understanding touch points now the attribution is dropping a little bit, touch points and understanding where these people are coming from or how much I should be allocating per channel. We had a very, very intelligent brand, I'll say maybe 2020s, called Rove Concepts, which are a large... It's a larger retailer. It's a furniture, so purchase path takes a lot of time. You got to include your partner. A lot of it is generated interest on Facebook, but a lot of it is actualized on Google, XYZ. And these guys were making... This is the first company or brand that came to Jake myself and goes, "You know what? I understand that we gave you these [inaudible 00:24:37] a platform. I don't know if you guys are actually impacting the bottom line because it shows Google having way more conversions than you guys." I'm like, "Heck is going on?" I'm like, "Well, okay, I get it. I'm sure there's... It's an expensive piece. There's thousands of dollars. Can we just put surveys on the back of this? Or do you have this already live, or can you share this information?"


A lot of what we started to see was, although that might not have popped up in the platform, a lot of it was saying I heard first about you on Facebook or Instagram, yet the conversion value, all the revenue was coming from Google. And I'm going, "You can't tell me to stop or that's going to be lowered." So we did a hard test turning off paid social, top of funnel. What do you know? Numbers dropped. Yeah, we wouldn't have been able to cover [crosstalk 00:25:22]


Yeah, it's so true. I was just talking to a buddy of mine, Josh Durham, who used to be the head of growth at Groove Life and at an agency, and he talked about the same thing, doing those post purchase surveys and realizing that, man, 70, 80% of customers are going to say, "Hey, I first heard you on social, I first heard you on YouTube," or something like that. And I love Google, right? I'm a Google guy, but search and shopping sometimes takes the credit, especially branded search. You need to run it, but branded search often takes credit for a sale that, really, Facebook or YouTube generated, right?


Sure. Preach to the choir [inaudible 00:25:59]


Yeah, yeah. So, hey, I want to circle back to creative really quickly, and then we can talk attribution again in a minute, because there's some important notes there. As far as creatives go, what is your process? How are you guys coming up with hooks for the actual creatives, and what types of creatives are you launching with? I just want to give people ideas on what should they be testing next or how should they go about their creative process, or how should they talk to their agency to get them to do things more like you guys? Can you talk about your creative process a little bit?


I can, yeah. We have one baseline process that we run with or usually use outside of if someone already gives us [inaudible 00:26:39]. Say a brand was coming to us and they already really had, "Hey, we know who our girl or guy is. Here's what we've learned outside of optimizing and looking at the current campaigns," we start with this process where we begin on Amazon, we begin with Reddit, and we begin with competitors. We don't go to the own brand stuff just yet, because we don't want any biases coming in from marketing messages that consumers might be regurgitating back. If you look at Amazon, there's very honest reviews at one star, two star, and even the three star, very honest reviews that use layman's terms that are common, that they're looking for solutions or points. And a lot of it on Amazon, actually, they don't really care about the brand itself. From the experience, from the information I have, they're not necessarily going to Amazon to find Lulu Lemon, they're going to Amazon to price shop. They're going to Amazon for the efficiency and the effectiveness of getting that product as quick as possible.


You're not going there looking for a specific brand. You're usually typing in the product in which you need. Hydration packets, coats, clothing, that's the things that you're really searching for, so you usually get people that don't really about crap about who the brand is or what, and they're not going to hold back from you, because it's pretty anonymous at that point, or what have you. So what we started to find out is, before a brand would come to us and before they're like, "I don't know what talking points or hooks or explanations that need to be in this piece of creative," we go to the Amazon reviews. We probably export between 50 to a hundred. We drop it into a word cloud.


So you're looking at the actual reviews from those customers or from competitors and from that category as a whole?


Correct. Thank you very much to the clarification. We do not go to the brand own yet. We go from the competitors of the same exact product. So if I'm selling leggings, I'm going to the number one competitor with the most amount of reviews, similar in the legging side. I want to know why this product is winning. I want those five stars and four stars, isolate those by themselves. And I want those one stars and two stars, isolate them by themselves. I use three as a lever if I don't have clear messages of things to say or not say based on the four and fives, and the ones and twos.


Got it.


Four and five might be skewed.




One to twos might be skewed, but the threes might you my answer if I don't find it in the two buckets tracking with me.


Totally. And this is brilliant by the way. I absolutely love it, yeah, because you're looking for real pain points, real motivators, real things that customers care about, and you're looking for their language, which just makes all the difference in the world.


Because we are going to do market stuff. We're going to try and be cool and cute and playful. We'll do our best to not, but we sometimes fall into these categories. And I'll use one brand for this called Necklet. Necklet created a latch system that's magnetic that allows for stacks of jewelry to not get tangled. Brilliant. For women, or men, mainly for women that are wearing necklaces that don't want it to be tangled because they want to wear multiple, it's absolutely brilliant. It's genius. And the mechanism is a magnet on the back. What is it solving? Is a magnet strong enough? Is it latching? Does it pull your hair? These things are questions that the brand might not necessarily know. But guess who's going to know? The people that are buying it and the people that are leaving those reviews on Amazon. They [inaudible 00:29:51] will tell you exactly how feeling, whether this is a dumb concept or not.


So we found out a lot of this. No matter how beautiful it might look, no matter how the feeling of joy might be portrayed, the mechanism is still the most unique value proposition for them, so we better go speak specifically towards. That, to me, was after we got from a competitors, put it into a word cloud. I think the easiest one you guys could use is probably Monkey Learn. It's called monkeylearn/wordcloud. I think you have to potentially set up an account. It's free, but if anybody else has a word cloud generator that is better than that, please hit me up. I'm always looking for more tools.


Monkey Learn, and you're looking for... And this is like a word cloud builder?


Yeah. So it's called Monkey Learn, and then it's a forward slash word-cloud or wordcloud. I'm not sure exactly on [inaudible 00:30:36], but I can pull it for you right after this. And that way, I'm able to aggregate all my star reviews. I would say it's easier if you... The more, the better. The more, the more accurate. Drop it into this word cloud, and it's going to generate and pull up the most commonly used words and tones. And that way, now here's your messages. Here's your information. Here's the things that you need to use. This, Brett, I'm telling you, this thing has allowed processes. Because if you don't know where to begin, that's where you go right away.


Yeah, because if you don't have something like this, you're just going to begin with that discussion around the boardroom. It's going to be virtual, right? But you're talking to the client, you're talking to the brand owner, you're talking to the marketing director, and you're like, "Well, hey, our customer is this, and they believe this and they want that." And that's valuable, but this is amazing, where you're saying, "Okay, let's see what the people, the real customers are actually saying, and let's aggregate that. And let's look for tone and let's look for actual words." Yeah, just absolutely brilliant. I love it.


The next step that we take from is... Say we already have this, say somebody already has this understanding, the next step that we have here is, where are you lacking? Where do you think your brand or your audience has not been addressed? This is usually right where we get in the conversation of inclusion, usually where we get in the conversation of, it seems like we're over indexed on a certain demographic, a certain gender, certain size. That, to me, is something that we really, really spend a great amount of time. We're very fortunate. We're in LA, so we have a melting pot of people to pull from, and that's something that we know, as a unique advantage, we have to leverage. So that generally is our second conversation that we have, of like, where can we do some tests to where we're not doing something that's not on brand, we're not doing something that we have fear of isolating a consumer, but we have the ability to actually get real learnings in a direction that we never ran before. Here's an example, Luca Danni, which is [inaudible 00:32:29]. It's a bangle and accessory company, bracelet.


It's called Luke and Danni? Did I hear that right?


Yeah. It technically reads Luca Danni, but Luke and Danni is what it is, and they sell bangles, they sell bracelets. Well, in this test, they usually always show the wrist, and it's the wrist of the woman buying it and the various women buying it. And they actually started seeing a little bit of a performance increase on the thicker in which the wrist began to [crosstalk 00:32:59]




And I'm like, why is this? Then you look at the export of the purchasing behavior of the people buying it. You have the strong representation of the Bible bell, strong representation of the south, strong representation of a little bit of the east coast. But you're like, "Wow, okay. I think some of our demographics are not the assumed thinner audience that we once believe there to be, so how do we mix this up?" So now we have wrists of all shapes and sizes. You hear me?


Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're there. I thought I lost you for a minute. Yeah, so wrists of all shapes. This is so important. What's really interesting, I going to key in on something that Ezra Firestone mentioned to me a couple years ago, where they notice, BOOM!, their brand BOOM! and Cindy Joseph, it's really women over the age of 50, skin care, makeup, and really good stuff, but they found... They thought, "Well, what if we went a little bit younger with our models, or a little bit younger with our ambassadors that we have in the videos." And they started getting complaints. People were reaching out saying, "That's not me. This person is younger than me." Right? We sometimes forget that people really are looking for, "Can I see myself in this video? Can I see myself in this product. And is this for me?" And if it's not, then they're likely not going to buy, right? And so fascinating test, that, hey, thicker wrists, bigger wrists lead to better results. Diversifying your models leads to better results. You got to explore and got to test. That totally makes sense.


Anybody can do this too. That's probably the biggest thing that I want to drive home, is those testing of using Amazon first and Reddit first because the natural communication, community already being built there within your competitors. It's not rocket... The way you present that information, the way you speak to it really will pull in on the expertise that you have, but this isn't rocket science, man. We have anywhere between 100 to 150 brands at any time. And if anybody's looking for analysis of their creative or performance or angles or whatever they're taking, they go this direction, because they know they can get it, they can get it quick, and they don't need to wait on other people to do it. So it's something I would definitely like to pass that forward.


Yeah. Love it. What else? What do you see working on Facebook right now? And I know that this stuff has a tendency to be short lived, but in terms of length of videos, what are you finding that's working, or maybe, maybe there's different links, different angles for cold traffic versus remarketing? What are some of the kind of tips and ideas you're seeing there?


Well, I'm going to caveat this [inaudible 00:35:25]. We are using two tools. So we're using North Beam and we're using Triple Whale, because we are making-


Both fantastic tools.


I completely agree. We have to make sure that we're looking at the correct amount of information or data and it's purely based upon a third party tool that's giving me the direction of, okay, this campaign, this ad set, this purchase path is making the most sense for us, so-


Yeah. And just a quick note here, because I know the guys at North Beam and at Triple Whale, great platforms, but I'll talk North Beam for just a second. The way it works, it's basically first party data. So they put a first party pixel on your site, they put DNS record there where now they can have an infinity timeframe-




... click attribution, right? So instead of attribution being only seven days, right? So after click happens, and after seven days, Facebook can no longer track it. With something like North Beam or Triple Whale, you track it forever, right? And you can go back and say, "Hey, this one YouTube click or this one Facebook click led to a customer who bought 20 times." Right? You can see all that data, because then these tools integrate with Facebook, Google-




... Shopify, your email platform. They pull all that stuff together. So anyway, this isn't a commercial for those tools. We don't make anything from those tools, but you need that data to know what's really working and what's not.


Well, we never used to have... We always needed this.


We both needed it, yeah. And [crosstalk 00:36:42]


We can get close without it. And now we can't. So now when I'm looking at campaigns, so I'm looking at what's working. Right now, let's go January 19th, 11:50 AM, Wednesday, 2022. What's working right now is images. I'm now getting images with plain background colors, bold colors. I'm saying yellow blues, pinks and purples, and big bold text. Call outs of the pain points of the consumer. And if I were to be more specific, this is primarily top of funnel, and we're having very minimal branded elements here, because all I'm trying to do is build engagement, build a little bit of direction that I'm trying to go in this place, it's just the right path for me to go down towards, and it is the quickest thing that can be launched. It is the easiest thing that can be made.




Pain points, value propositions, big, bold colored text, and maybe, if you really want to include it, what does the product look like? Is can just be a product on a white image or somewhere the left or right side of things. We're using this top of funnel aggressively for two reasons. One, if we can get the engagement, and if we can get some sort of understanding of people agreeing with it, or maybe it say other way, not agreeing with it, but that you're usually just seeing the comments, the shares or the engagement overall, I know I'm on the right path. I need to make an image or a more detailed image, shorter video or longer form video to run top of funnel. This is Facebook specifically. So our launching period right now is major callouts with the value propositions or with pain points that we believe for each brand with that color text to kind of pop off page. Second, if that is already being done or something that's already going down that path, we are going with 30 to 45 second videos.


I was a huge proponent of sub 30, generally around 15 seconds, but I need this bigger audience for people to pull from, because things on platform, the pools of remarketing are not as quality as they once were because of the drop in reporting. So the more that we can have people engaging or watching the videos longer, I'm running all of our remarketing, or at least our reengagement middle of funnel, off of these audience and pools of creative that we're actually spending more time, that these consumers are spending more time on.


Got it. So you're running... So yeah, I remember, and I'm not a Facebook guy, but I remember people talking about, "Hey, shorter creatives are working 15 seconds and things like that," which I'm sure is still the case to a certain degree. But what you're saying, and this totally makes a lot of sense, is 45 seconds, 30 seconds to 45 seconds to your cold traffic audiences, because then you can remarket to people that have watched half of that or all that or whatever the case may be, and now that's a much better audience than maybe the remarketing audiences you would get from someone who engages with a 15 second video. Did I understand that correctly?


You did, because we need the... Well, for just a stronger audience. And I don't know what happened. I think the biggest thing that we've seen, if we're talking remarketing, the content, I'm not too sure. I wouldn't feel comfortable speaking about what's working across the board for our brands because it's very [inaudible 00:39:44] and very particular.


Yeah, yeah.


But one thing that is been a constant is, we need more periods of time. We used to be able to be very segmented, and like, "Cool. One to seven day, you're going to get this message. 8 to 14, you're going to get this message. 15 and on, you're going to get this. It's not working for us. We can't get... I hope it is for others because it was so incredible to push them down a purchase path, but we're going 30 days, 45 days, the largest pull in which we can get from, I think the largest pull is probably around 90, but the biggest pull that we can pull from, I want that to be my remarketing pull, and it's just a mixture of various engagement testimonials of videos of them reinforcing the product or the brand. That's the only thing that I know I can get some consistent benchmarks on, because other than this, there's just no consistency.


Yeah. It makes a lot of sense. And as platforms are being more restricted on audiences they can build and how they track and how they report, I think in a lot of cases, we're just going to have to simplify, right? Some of the hyper segmentation of this seven day audience, 14 day audience, 30 day audience, some of that is going away. We're seeing that on Google too, actually, so I think that's probably pretty widespread at this point. Going simpler, going broader makes sense. How are you coming... Because I know, especially on Facebook, Facebook is hungry for new creatives, new concepts. How do you go about refreshing content so regularly and finding winning angles? Any insights there on process that you can share?


So I don't have a... Ah, I got some stuff. So I don't have a firm one on this because it really is going to depend on budget. So I'll put a caveat there. The more money you have, the general amount of testing that you can do at higher volume. The only difference between a big budget and a little budget is that a big budget learns quicker, so it's no difference. The process is [crosstalk 00:41:37]


You're doing the same things. It's just the speed at which you're doing them is what the budget really dictates.


Exactly. Exactly. So I want to put, "Oh that's my brand is not spending 25,000, 50,000, whatever it is." I can't do that. You can, you just can't do as much or as quick. We did start the Konstant Kreative, why we built this is because we believe that there's an internal revision of content. There's an internal revision in planning of strategy for content. And then there's a marketing message. Generally, if it's evergreen, without talking about mother's day, father's day one-off moments, if the general process is happening, we are iterating on a seven day and a ten day window. Let me explain. Our current organization structure is, we operate in a pod system. So we have our copywriter, our senior media buyer, junior media buyer account manager, and channel specific buyers that we need to plug in.


But the general makeup is admin, media buyers, strategist. We then started to build a new department, which is our creative strategist. Their core role is to analyze campaign performance on creative specifically. They don't care about the audience. They don't care about interests. Just the performance of the creative. Give that feedback into the client. Give that feedback into our creative director to shoot more content. And their job is to come up with the concepts of, "Here's why here's where I think the angles are going to be going towards." Now, it's various and different for all because the budget's going to be different for all, but it's usually out of two things. The increase of quality of life, that's one core concept, core understanding. Why is this product going to increase the value of my life or make my life better? Then, in the same flip side is, if I don't have this, how terrible or how poor or how unfortunate or how much struggle will my life have?


So with those two deciding factors of how much I'm going to increase or how much I'm going to decrease, then we come into the concepts of positioning for each one of these products. So with that frame of mind, we have a seven day sprint to a ten day sprint of analysis, seven days to get the campaign running and live. First two, generally speaking, are not spending a tremendous amount of money, unless something works or unless we have... This is a commitment that the brand or us have [inaudible 00:43:48]. We are spending this money. We got to learn. I say 10 days because there's a little bit of updates attribution. You know, if you're running Facebook, data comes in very sporadically, so we want a little bit more time to run this. It's unfortunate because, at least for our team right now, gone are the days of launch a campaign on one day, slam budget on the second day, turn the campaign off on things that didn't work by the third day. That's more drawn out to a five day, seven day [crosstalk 00:44:14].


Yeah. Totally.


So if I sat there and go, the analysis that the creative strategy team needs to be doing is on that three day, five day, seven day, ten day window, because that's going to include a full week plus weekends and give you back on that Monday, because you're usually not going to get that launch data on that early, early day. To me, this is an ongoing iteration, it's an ongoing sequence of conversation with the brands, and I'm actually doing a pretty decent case study on what's happening on this. I'm going to unveil it live at Affiliate World, because we're working with Motion app-




... which has some really good data on what's happening, where it's happening, and what insights that are having on their campaign, elements needed in creative. And then we have a large volume of assets on the constant side. So I'm trying to pull all the assets that we've seen perform before and all the assets that we've seen being requested, trying to pull a correlation between the two. And it should be some interesting stuff that we're going to find out, because a lot of this that people don't have, and I hate to hate to call it out, but they don't have a process of feedback loop. They don't have the understanding of when they need to go back and analyze and launch it. They can come up with great ideas, but how long does it take for them to make that test, or how long does it take for them to get information back to the people to create more?


Just absolutely fantastic. So unfortunately, we're kind of running out of time, which is a bummer because I would like to continue to geek out or geek up here with you, but I want to kind of go high level for just a minute and just a few questions that I think will help anybody. And I think as people have been listening, hey, we got really technical, we got into some details, so pass this on to your media buyer. If you are a media buyer, I'm sure you're just salivating and loving every second of this. Let's talk high level, Nick. What should people be focusing more on in the coming year? And what should they be focusing less on? Meaning, kind of how are things shifting? What do we need to be really keying in on to get results? And maybe, what are some things that used to be important to pay attention to that now aren't?


Great question. Fantastic questions. If you're media buyers or your agencies or your team is coming to you with audience insights or campaign structure insights, I would encourage them to let that go and encourage them to stop spending the time in finding structures and more spending the time on the research of what are these campaigns doing? What are the messages being said in the creative or content? And it has always been content first.


All right, Spicy Curry listeners, here's the deal. Nick's audio cut out towards the end. Now, the good news is you heard 99% plus of what Nick had to say, but what you missed is kind of important. You missed how to get a hold of Nick. How can you follow him? How can you learn more about him? How can you get in touch with his agency? And so I'm going to tell you right now. The first thing is you have to follow Nick on Twitter. His Twitter game is an A plus. If you're in the DOC space, e-comm space at all, you got to follow him. And his handle is @iamshackelford. So letter I A-M Shackelford, so check that out. His agency is Structured. So, check it out. They cut their teeth on paid social, but they also, Nick and Chase Dimond run an email marketing agency, so check out structured as well.


And then one of my favorite events now. I think you should check it out. The events do get a little bit technical and nerdy, but GeekOut that Nick runs with James Van Elswyk, great event. So that's So, check that out. You will not be disappointed. And as always, we want to hear from you. If you found this episode to be helpful, please share it with friends. Also, this is a brand new podcast, so go give it a rating on Apple iTunes, if you don't mind. It will make my day. It will allow other people to find the show. And with that, until next time, thank you for listening.

Crafting Irresistible Offers & Building Acquisition Funnels with Molly Pittman
Episode 4
Molly Pittman

Crafting Irresistible Offers & Building Acquisition Funnels with Molly Pittman

Few people understand Facebook Advertising and Direct Response Marketing like Molly Pittman. You’ve probably seen Molly on stage at events like Traffic & Conversion Summit or Social Media Marketing World or you’ve seen her and Ezra Firestone create amazing content through Smart Marketer. In this episode we dive into a subject that is often glossed over - creating great offers and building acquisition funnels. Without a great offer, your ad efforts will fall short. And great offers aren’t just about discounting. 

It’s the perfect subject to help you win in a privacy-first online world. 

Here's what we cover:

  • How Smart Marketer and BOOM are building and launching new acquisition funnels every month.
  • How to test offers via email before investing in ad dollars.
  • What metrics we should pay attention to in a post iOS 14 world.
  • 3 ways to get more testimonials.
  • What is likely to change in the future and what most likely won’t. 

Mentioned in This Episode:

Molly Pittman

   - LinkedIn

   - Instagram

Smart Marketer

Smart Marketer Podcast

Ezra Firestone

Traffic & Conversion Summit

John Grimshaw

BOOM! by Cindy Joseph

“5 Makeup Tips For Older Women”

“The State Of Paid Ads In 2022”

“Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert

“Good to Great” by Jim Collins

“Turning the Flywheel” by Jim Collins



Welcome to the Spicy Curry podcast, where we explore hot takes in e-commerce and digital marketing. We feature some of the brightest minds, some of the spiciest perspectives on how to grow your business online.


Season one of this podcast is built on the old business adage that all it takes is three things to grow. One, have something good to say. Two, say it well. And three, say it often. My guest today is Molly Pittman. She's the CEO of Smart Marketer in partnership with Ezra Firestone. We're talking about crafting irresistible offers and building acquisition funnels for e-commerce.


So, lean in, buckle up, and enjoy this episode with Molly Pittman.


The Spicy Curry podcast is brought to you by OMG Commerce, Attentive, OneClickUpsell, Zipify Pages, and Payability.


My guest today really needs no introduction, but I'll give a quick introduction just in case. Today, we're talking about a variety of things. We're going to talk about getting the right offers, and we're going to talk about acquisition funnels. We're going to talk about getting the right mindset as a market, as a media buyer, and as an advertiser.


I have the one, the only, Molly Pittman joining me on the show today. Really, if you haven't had the privilege of hearing Molly Pittman, well we're about to fix that, but you've missed out. Molly is a legend, debuted at Trafficking Conversion Summit. It's been years and years ago now, I don't even know how many years. But just blew up and everyone was like, "Man, Molly Pittman is the best," and she is.


Now she's partnered with my buddy, Ezra Firestone. Molly is the CEO of Smart Marketer, and I get to observe what she's doing there, what the team is doing there, and they're cranking out amazing content, amazing training that I get to be a part of at some level, which is super fun for me. We're going to dive into what's working now and a variety of other things.


Molly Pittman, welcome to the show, and thanks for taking the time.


Hey, let's do it. What's up, Brett Curry?


What's up? What's up?


I'm so happy to be here. I'm so happy to be here. Hello to all of you listers. You're listening to an awesome podcast, huh? When Brett reached out to do this, I was like, "Hey, it's about time." I know you've had podcasts in the past, but excited to hear you more regularly. Yes, love working with you Brett, from the agency side of things, the faculty side of things at Smart Marketer. All of our students love everything you have to share. So, thank you for having me.


We get to collaborate on some content. Any time I can go somewhere and hang out with you, John Grimshaw, and Ezra Firestone, I am saying yes to that. Anytime I can make it happen, I'm doing that, because you guys are awesome. [crosstalk 00:03:14].


I don't know how much work we get done, but we have a lot of fun.


A decent amount of work.


I'm kidding.


Totally. When we get together, like the last time we all met at Ezra's house, Ezra just cooked some really fancy, simple... He went into full-on chef mode for everybody, and it was pretty amazing.


Hey, Ezra is the servant leader. I think we were there-


He really is.


... hosting a live workshop, and Ezra was like, "Hey, my job right now is to cook and make sure you all are fed." Good example of leadership right there.


[crosstalk 00:03:49] make some lattes, or pour some espresso shots. He had this amazing espresso machine-


"What do you need? I got it."


Yeah. The funny thing is, I'm like, "So Ezra, are you going to drink some espresso?" He was like, "No, I gave that up." He quit. All right, so you're just making for everybody else.


That is something that I love about what we're doing at Smart Marketer, is its different from any culture I've ever been a part of, even if it's a day of consulting inside of a business where we really do have fun first. We get our stuff done. We meet our goals. We serve the world. I think that that fun part is what a lot of people are missing out on. It is okay to have fun, and it actually makes the rest of it way more enjoyable and profitable.


It's stress relief. It allows you get the right mindset, like fosters creativity when you're having fun and enjoying what you do, and enjoying who you're doing it with. Yeah, you guys do such a good job with that, and Ezra kind of drives that forward where it's like to serve to the world unselfishly and profit that mantra is true. It's not just something that sounds good, or sort of feels good, or looks good on a shirt. It's the way you guys live and the way you guys operate.


I think it's part of the reason why we get along so well. We're huge advocates of culture, and putting people first, but also letting people shine and be themselves. You should enjoy working with one another. It makes a difference.


Have more fun, y'all.


And have more fun.


It also allows a lot more longevity in this business. This year, I've been doing this 10 years, which isn't as long as a lot of you, Brett, or people like Ezra, but it's still a decade.


Wait a minute. That sounded a veiled "old person" comment there.


Well no, I just know your story.


It's all good.


You have seniority.


A little bit. A little bit, yeah. In Internet years, a decade is forever. Yeah, I started like 2004, so I'm definitely the old dude when it comes to all that.


Yeah, but you know a lot of my story where I had the opportunity to intern, and then become the VP of Marketing at Digital Marketer, and had an awesome time at that company. But man, I was grinding then. A lot of times, I felt like crap. To be in a situation where I still get to serve the market, still get to teach, still get to be in this business, but feel really good about it, the best part of it is I know I can do it for so much longer now.


Yeah. Yeah.


It's a long game. It's not a short game, y'all.


I'm really glad we brought this up. It was not planned. That feel good, have fun, and it will bring out the best part of you when you work as well. You'll be able to produce better when you're doing those things.


Let's dive in, Molly Pittman. We've got a lot of ground to cover. We're going to talk mindset. We're going to talk tactics. We're going to talk strategy. I also want to talk about your dog rescue. We'll get to that in a little bit. Let's talk about offers for a minute. Those that have been listening, and hopefully you're listening to every episode in season one of this podcast, we're talking about something good to say, saying it well, saying it often.


One of the things you and I were chatting about, and I love this, is that you're really focusing on your offers right now, and what offers are working, and what offers are not working. It really digs into that saying things well, and also saying them often. Talk to me a little bit about... We have two angles we're going to look at. We've got Boom on the e-commerce side, Smart Marketer which is kind of on the info training side, but what offers are working right now?


Yeah, great question. First, I want to talk about what an offer is. I realized during our Mastermind call last week that people use this word to describe a lot of different things. That causes confusion in itself. There are a few different ways to talk about an offer. Really, what I'm talking about today are acquisition offers. Essentially, what vehicles are we using to start a conversation with someone who's never heard of our brand before, and turn them into a buyer?


A lot of times, that means a lead magnet, or a pre-sale article, or some sort of coupon. It definitely depends on the business and where you are currently. The more, especially post-iOS 14 with all the crazy stuff happening in paid media right now, the more that you can focus on your offers, the better that everything is going to go. I mean that in a few ways. Number one, putting more time into offer creation. I would say in both businesses, other than making sure our products, the things people are buying, are good. Other than that, I would say offer creation is where we spend most of our time, at least at the C level.


When it comes to marketing strategy, offer creation is where we spend most of our time. Sometimes, we'll release an offer that John, Ezra and I have maybe spent 15 hours discussing. It looks like an opt-in page that took 30 minutes to write, but so much time and effort went into the psychology of what it is, and the delivery of what it is, and how it sets us up to sell. It's really, really spending time here. As the CEO, I'd be like this is one of my still most important duties every single day.


The second part of it is thinking about the way you deliver it. People miss out on this part of offer creation because what we don't realize is that someone might be interested in solving a particular problem, or they might be interested in a particular topic. But they may not be interested in the way you're delivering it. Let's take Boom for example, a pre-sale article that Ezra has been using for over five years, that's the best acquisition offer ever created for that business is five makeup tips for older women. Simple pre-sale article, we optimize for purchases, there are different products on the page. It's an amazing, amazing pre-sale article.


Well guess what? It also works really well as a lead magnet. A way we've been able to scale that business is to take that pre-sale article, turn it into a simple PDF, and put it behind an opt-in wall. There are some people that would rather give their email in exchange for an asset, and see that as higher value. There are some people that would rather read an article. So, this isn't just about the creation of new offers, but also the repackaging of assets that you already have to deliver them in a way that's going to reach more of the market that you're trying to reach based off of how they like to consume information.


It's why videos and still images are equally as important on a paid traffic platform, because there are some people that like people. There are some people that react images. It's important to keep both of those in mind.


I love that. So, what is the offer, and really crafting it and thinking about how do we make this offer irresistible, how do we craft this article so that someone says, "I have to have that. One, that designed just for me. Two, that's solving a real problem or it's meeting a real need. Three, I got to have it right now." [crosstalk 00:11:29] those things. Then also, how you actually deliver it.


I want to break that down just a little bit. You had mentioned that sometimes you, John, and Ezra spend 15 hours crafting an offer where it looks like just a simple page, but you're really thinking about this. This goes way beyond the, "Oh, should we do a 10% discount? Or a 15% discount?" That's what I want to talk about here.


Yes, but it's also different. What I would see, I would say, in 90% of students, is they spend those 15 hours on the ad, and "Oh, the offer, I'm just going to throw a page up there." It's like, no if you have to choose, it should actually be the other way around.


The offer, yeah. Yeah, it totally makes sense. Walk us through a little bit. What is your process as you're thinking about crafting an offer? What questions are you asking? What are you thinking about? What do you want to have in front of you as you're building that irresistible offer?


Of course. The first question is, what do we need? What need is there in the business that we are solving with this offer? So, the need might be "It's Q4 and we want to monetize, we need a sale, we need a promotion." Or the need might be, "Hey, we need more of an evergreen acquisition offer-"


[crosstalk 00:12:48] need as business [crosstalk 00:12:49].


As a business, exactly.




So, is it more promotional? Monetization? Or do we need something more acquisition that's evergreen that's going to continue to bring new customers in? It always starts with what does the business need right now? We try to create one of these in each business once a month we're creating a new offer. A lot of times, we're using other offers that we've created in the past, but we try to create one new offer every single month. It first starts with "What do we need? What does the business need right now?"


Awesome. Then what comes next? You understand "This is what we need. We need something evergreen. We need a quick hit in this area. This is what need as a business." What do you look at next?


What are we going to sell? What is the true end goal of this offer? Maybe the end goal is for Smart Marketer, we're going to sell our Smart Paid Traffic course, and we want to do that on an evergreen basis. We always work backwards with offers. If you don't, you're going to end up with a funnel that doesn't really make a lot of sense, that might have a really attractive front end offer, but doesn't transition to the sale, which is the opposite of what we're looking for.


Yeah, totally, totally makes sense.


Then we pick-


[crosstalk 00:14:10]. Yeah, please keep going.


Oh, sorry. Go ahead. Then we pick the medium, so what medium do we feel is best suited for this particular scenario? That definitely comes down to business type. It comes down to what's already working in our business, what can we do more of, also what can we do that's different from what we've done in the past because maybe we have four or five evergreen acquisition offers running in our ad account. To add another, we either need to go after a different audience or we need to have a very different offer type that isn't going to compete with what we're currently doing.


Yeah. Yeah, I love that. Let's look at some examples here related to Boom that I think will help people a lot. You guys are working on an acquisition funnel every month, and that acquisition funnel I would assume, starts with an offer. Is that where that begins?


Absolutely. Absolutely.


What does that look like? Can you talk about any examples there for Boom?


A great example of this is going back to "Five Makeup Tips for Older Women", the pre-sale article. We know that that works, so we know that this audience wants makeup tips, or they want to have discussions around makeup. What is something similar but different that we could do? Last year, we launched a lead magnet. We switched the delivery. It's not a pre-sale article. It's something you're opting in for. We're collecting the email address, and then going for the sale.


So, using what we know works, but changing the conversation a little bit. Instead of five makeup tips, it was, or is, a 10 Minute Makeup Guide. So, still speaking to makeup, but now speaking to women who are less maybe concerned about the tips, but are more interested in the fact, "Holy crap, this only takes 10 minutes." That's an awesome speed and automation hook. That would be a good example of saying-


[crosstalk 00:16:16] how to take care of your makeup, or how to do your morning makeup routine in 10 minutes or something like that, that's kind of the angle or the thought?


Exactly. That came from a need of we have scaled the current evergreen acquisition offers as much as we can across our paid traffic sources. We need something new to talk about. We need to be able to walk into the party and have a similar, but different, discussion. Okay, let's change the topic and let's change the vehicle in how we deliver it.


Yeah, that's awesome. The five makeup tips, and yeah we've had the privilege of running that on YouTube for four years or five years or something, and it still works. The five makeup tips is great. It does appeal to the curiosity. People are like, "Okay, well I would like makeup tips. I'm over 50," and I should not, by the way we were talking old jokes, I'm not over 50, and I'm not a woman either, so you're thinking "I want to know what these tips are," so there's a little bit of curiosity and there's also some benefit there that you want to get, which is cool.


But this 10 Minute Makeup Guide, that's speaking to someone who says... It really resonates well with that over 50 powerful women audience that Boom is after, is they're like, "I don't have time for makeup, and I don't want to take the time. 30 minutes getting ready for the day, no way." How did you guys land on that? Was that something that you heard consistent feedback from customers? Is there something you guys started to pick up on, because you know the customer? Where did that come from?


In both businesses, these ideas usually come from the customer, or feedback to anything that we're doing from an organic standpoint. In our businesses, that's the benefit of social media. It's not that we're going for all this organic traffic, which is nice, but not always sustainable. We use social media as a way to test different conversations with the audience. Usually, this starts, for Smart Marketer, as a blog post, for example, and Boom, too.


Last year, we've released a blog post about our "Love Demo Love Formula" which is a formula we teach to [crosstalk 00:18:23]-


Formerly known as "The Testimonial Sandwich", so there was the artist formerly as "Testimonial Sandwich", that "Love Demo Love". Feels better.


It's a formula, a template that we teach for ad creatives. We see that that does really well on the blog. The email has high open rates. People are spending a lot of time on that page. They're clicking on whatever call to action is within that blog post. Wow, this is something our audience is interested in. Can we turn this into some sort of acquisition offer? Sometimes, it also comes-


Yeah, [crosstalk 00:18:54] clarify, just so people understand because you may be lost like, "What are you talking about? Love Demo Love, and with Testimony? What the heck?" It's Ezra's tried and true ad formula of starting with a testimonial, a real user-generated content testimonial, or maybe a couple, like one to three, product demonstration in the middle, product video demonstration in the middle of the video, and then you close with more testimonials or more love. So, "Love Demo Love", and also what used to be called the "Testimonial Sandwich".


So, anyway, I just wanted to clarify for those that are like, "What are you talking about?" All right, go ahead.


A lot of times, it comes from conversations with the audience, a response from the audience. Then sometimes, it comes just random inspiration. For Smart Marketer, an offer we're working on right now that's going to happen soon is the "State of Paid Advertising in 2022", which is a free four hour workshop. It will show an analysis we did of over $60 million in ad spend. That just came from a random idea I had in the shower, what would this audience be interested in, how can I help set them up for 2022? It's not always coming from the customer. Sometimes it's just a random idea that comes in when you give it space.


Usually, it is coming from something that already exists, or that we see from competition, or other people out in the market.


Just an interesting side note, are you an idea in the shower person? Is that where your ideas come from? I'd just be curious to know where do your good ideas come from? What's the space where disproportionately you have good ideas coming from that space?


It's really whenever I give it space. That's the key. It's usually, in today's world where things are so busy, forced space, time away from my phone, which is the shower, which is driving in the car, or hiking. If you guys are interested in this topic, read "Big Magic" by Elizabeth Gilbert. It's one of my favorite books. I read it in 2015 or '16, but she basically explains how this works, like how does creativity actually work and how can you set yourself up to be more open to cool ideas? The cool ideas are out there. Most of us are just too shut off, too busy, too addicted to what we're doing to allow the ideas to actually come in. So yes, any time you give it-


What was the name of that book again?


"Big Magic".


"Big Magic". Love that. I'm going to check that out. Just a quick note here, because I've always found this fascinating, I have zero good ideas in the shower. I really don't know that I've ever had one positive, useful, meaningful idea from the shower other than "Hey babe, we're out of shampoo." That's all I think about in the shower. However, for me, two places that I get disproportionately high amount of good ideas, one is if in the morning if I get up when it's still quiet, and I have eight kids so it needs to be early in the morning when it's quiet, but if I feel like I'm ahead of the game, if I feel like there's nothing that I have to do right that second and I can just kind of sit in the quiet, good ideas come from there.


The other place, and this is an odd one, but on airplanes. I sit on an airplane. They shut that door. I never pay for WiFi, I just don't want to. Some of the ideas that have shaped OMG, that have shaped the agency, came from me sitting on an airplane. I don't know why. That's my shower time. I even said a few times, I'm like I should just go fly somewhere and then fly right back, and I'm going to get great ideas.


A lot of people do that. I have a friend who took a flight to Hong Kong and back, and never even stepped into the city just to write a book. The reason for that Brett, those are different forms of meditation. It's the same thing. It's essentially cutting off stimulation that is-


Right, there's nothing else.


... keeping your brain busy so that your mind and your soul can be quiet, so that these ideas can really formulate. That's the key.


I love that. I love the fact that I'm not the only one that loves... I don't even like sitting on airplanes, but I get the best ideas. Anyway, cool. That's awesome. Cool, so thank you for chasing down that rabbit trail. I think that's so useful. Where were we though?


We were talking about offers that are working right now, and I was chatting about the 10 Minute Makeup Guide, the workshop we're doing for Smart Marketer, and just saying that lot of the ideas comes from what you guys say, what we see as a need out in the market. A lot of them are random, unique, creative ideas, which are fun too.


So, really fostering both, so you kind of need a vehicle or a mechanism to collect that feedback from customers, and then you need to create space for yourself to have these good ideas, and then bring it together with your executive team to get the idea when you're relaxing or whatever, and then you bring it to the rest of the executive team and you hammer that out. It may be 15 hours, but at the end of that time you've got a killer offer that you can really use to grow the business.


Yeah, Brett, and some other steps that I didn't mention there, just to sort of round out the actual tactical, how do we get it out the door. Once we have the idea and we feel good about the offer, we feel good about its ability to do what we need it to do in the business, then we go into action mode actually creating this thing. That usually looks like a brainstorm call with our copy team where we discuss what is this, and how is it going to be presented?


We talk about the big hooks, what are the big selling points of this offer, what problems does this offer actually solve? Of course, how do we want this to be delivered? Is it a PDF? Is it a pre-sale article? Is it a simple opt-in page where we're giving a coupon, like you said? How will this be delivered. Then they're able to go and make it sound good, not only the page in which we're selling the thing, but also the delivery of the thing. Then of course, that's passed off to design, it's passed off to our ads team and everything starts to get into motion.


It's so good to get copy involved early, because that's such an important part of everything else. You have to be able to really strike that cord and make people want it, and copy is such a huge part of that. I love that you do that fairly early on.


Yeah, and it's not just writing the copy that is the offer. It's also the selling of the offer. Even if it's a free thing, you're still selling someone on the idea.


Totally. Totally, yeah.


Every new acquisition funnel is first tested through an email promotion to the list, because we don't want to go out and buy-


Okay, so you build the product, you test the email, email to the list first.


Yeah. Of course, it's always going to convert better to your list than it will to paid traffic. We want to test it to the list first before we start to buy ads, mainly because we want to see of course, what's the conversion rate on this thing if it's free, and does this actually generate sales? We can create offers all day, but if it's not meeting the need of the business, then it's not going to work. It's first tested to email. That also gets some good traction going on your pixel so that Facebook and Google can start to see what types of people are taking action on this page, get some momentum.


Then we stop for a second. We look at heat maps. We look at conversion rate. We look at the performance from a data standpoint. We make any optimizations that we might need to make, and then it's ready to go to you and your team, and hand over to our media buyer for paid ads.


I love that. I love that. So, you're testing to the email list first to understand does this convert. And hey, if it doesn't convert to your list, it's not going to convert to cold traffic.




So, does it convert, and at what level, and kind of understanding that a little bit. Then you're going to run some ads and start getting conversions, trying to pixel, finding out what's what. You pause that. You then look at heat maps, make some tweaks/optimizations to the funnel itself. Then you go ham on the advertising at that point.


Then it's hopefully ready for scale. Probably half of these that we create don't work still to this day. That's okay. We say, "Let's put it on hold for a second." It's never that this just doesn't work, and we're not going to use it ever again. It's "Hey, let's put this to the side and try to figure out why it didn't work, and maybe we can use it later." There are a lot of times that we just can't get it to work, and that's okay.


Right. Really, you guys are the best. You're the best in the world at some of this stuff. If you've got a 50% success rate, what's everybody else going to have? That's likely to be 50% or maybe less even. What's interesting, we just walked through that four step process you guys go through, most people it's like think for five minutes about an offer, maybe it's more than that, but think about an offer and then "All right cool, let's throw a bunch of media behind it to see how it does," where you guys are testing with your audience or email list, you're running some small tests and ads, you're getting data, you're optimizing and then you're going big. I love that so much.


It kind of goes back to one of my favorite business principles that comes from Jim Collins, the author of "Good to Great", and a book called "Turning the Flywheel". He's an awesome... I'm sure everybody's heard of him. He talks about this concept of firing bullets and then cannonballs. He used kind of this old warship analogy. The idea is fire bullets to make sure you got something that works, and then fire a cannonball rather than a lot of people fire a cannonball and they use up all their gunpowder, and all they've got available, and they're like, "Well now I've got nothing."


So, test small and then go big.


Also, understanding that these offers are not channel-specific. A lot of people create an offer, which they don't spend a lot of time on. They set up a Facebook campaign. They run it for a few days, and then scrap it all. "Oh, this offer doesn't work, and Facebook ads don't work." It's like guys, no it's so much deeper than that.


Totally. Totally. Your kind of creating these acquisition funnels then for Boom, and spoiler alert, Boom is going to be releasing new products this year, which is great. Your kind of creating one of these acquisition funnels for each product. That was another thing too with Boom, and Ezra talks about this a lot, that it was just the Boom stick trio, or just the boom stick, that's all that you really use for cold traffic. Now you're building these acquisition funnels for other products, which is huge, and which is going to be a game changer.


Look, honestly acquisition funnels are way easier for e-commerce than info or services.


They are. They are. No doubt.


Info and services takes way more of relationship buildup before someone purchases. It's mainly lead generation through a workshop, or a webinar, or a lead magnet, or a challenge, or a mini series, or whatever the hell people are doing today to try to convert someone into a customer or client. It's a little bit of a different ballgame than e-commerce. A lot of the plays with e-comm can be easier. A lot of the offers that Boom runs are simple. It's direct to a product page for a lip gloss, direct to a product page for a mascara, direct to something that's a direct sale essentially. Where with info, we've got to dance around it a little bit more. The offer creation is even more intensive for that business type.


Yeah, it is.


Like me. Good lesson, what Ezra has been able to do with Boom I think after working with us at Smart Marketer, is realize that there is a huge hole in the e-commerce space for offer creation that isn't just a giveaway, that isn't just direct to product page, that isn't just a coupon. That is a big reason Boom is able to excel, because we do understand pre-sale articles. We do understand lead magnets.


Boom is even doing webinars. They're called "Ladies Night". These principles work for both business types, and there's actually a much bigger opportunity in e-commerce to get more creative with your offers because other e-commerce businesses are simply lazy or don't know how to go about it.


You nailed it a little bit ago when you said that in a lot of ways offers for e-commerce, it's simpler. It's more straightforward than it is to do info products. Info products, you really got to get to the core of what this thing, and what is it going to unlock, and what are all the emotions we're trying to tap into here, and uncover here.


And give way more value first.


Yeah. Yeah. How do you do that? So kind of blending some of those principles, it's super powerful and it's definitely helped Boom get to where it is today without a doubt. Cool. We've got a few additional things I want to talk about, and not a whole lot of time to do it-


Brett, hold on. I want to add one more thing. This is one of the biggest reasons that you might be failing to scale as an e-commerce business. If you are only relying on the people that are clicking from a Facebook ad, and directly converting and buying a product, you're missing out on a huge part of your market that just isn't ready to buy in the moment. If you're able to generate the lead, if you're able to nurture them via email, if you're able to set up a funnel where they get some sort of discount, especially if you add some scarcity, your scalability will increase in a way that you never understood, and it has absolutely nothing to do with your advertising. It's just that you are having a conversation with a different part of the market. That's all it is.


So, if you are struggling to scale, it's probably not the ad platform, and B, the e-comm company that is willing to go outside of the box.


Yeah, totally agree. It's not just I need to bid differently, I need a slightly different campaign structure in my ads manager or inside of Google Ads. Those things may be true, but often it comes down to offer and having the right funnel. Are we actually getting people to give us their email address and get a direct conversion as well? Do we have a nurture sequence? Do we have a remarketing sequence built in? All of those things really unlock the ability to scale rather than just "How do I bid differently or change my campaign structure?"


Brett, I would say that your most successful clients, and the ones that you like working with the most are probably strong in this area. As an agency, that's a dream.


No doubt. No doubt.


The issue you usually have an agency is that you're great at running ads. You only have a few places to run ads to. There's only so much you can do.


Yeah, that's one reason we love working with Boom.


Just emphasize.


You guys get it, and we're just able to work together and crush it. That's fantastic. Cool. Any quick insights, and I kind of designed this podcast series to have a long shelf life, but let's talk about a few trends. What's working right now, or what are some trends inside of Facebook ads that you're seeing right now?


Good news is, as we do each year, we're seeing a huge decrease in ad cost at the beginning of the year. Almost 50% cheaper in most of our ad accounts in the analysis. We did over $60 million in spend than what we were seeing Q4, which is a huge relief with the dumpster fire that Facebook was the last six months of 2021.


No doubt.


That's a huge sigh of relief. We're also starting to see more accurate reporting, or at least I think we're all getting better as marketers getting our stuff together from a tracking standpoint. So, things are looking up, and we are working on offers, working on creative and copy right now so we can really take advantage of the next few months of cheap traffic, and try to do everything we can to set us up for a big Q4 again this year.


I love it. Just one thing to keep in mind, this is going to likely always be the trend. Advertisers panic in fourth quarter because costs are going through the roof. But the costs are going to come back down in Q1, so be planning, and be thinking about that, and what's your acquisition strategy going to be in Q1 and then as you lead into and get ramped up for Q4. So, that's awesome.


Any other specific trends you want to talk about now? I also want to dig into a mindset just a little bit, which will be fun.


Really quick, I wouldn't say this is necessarily a new trend for right now, but it's something we've been preaching for a few years that I just literally cannot emphasize enough. I was actually just on a training call with some of our students, and one of them sells physical products. He's in the snack and wellness space. His Facebook ad results that I was looking at were incredible, $0.04 clicks, 15% click through rate, $3.00 add to cart, numbers I have not seen in years.


Guess what he's doing from an ad perspective? It's native advertising. It's user-generated content. It is simply telling stories about people in their own words the experience that they had not even specifically with your product. This was a weight loss product. So, his best performing ad was a picture of a beach with an arrow to a certain area of the beach. The copy was telling a story from the customer's standpoint of, "Last year I went to this beach and I couldn't even walk up the stairs without getting out of breath. I felt terrible, and my health wasn't great. This year, 12 months later, I've gone back to this beach. I've lost 90 pounds. I was able to run around, and I really enjoyed myself."


Those weren't the exact words, but that's how simple it was. It wasn't an ad about the product. It wasn't an ad about how great this product was. Absolutely nothing about features. Really, not even a lot of benefits other than the benefits that were woven into the story. This isn't necessarily new, but it's what people are still missing out on when it comes to Facebook and Instagram. These are true social platforms. People are used to engaging with stories from family and friends. Use imagery and copy that is that. It's really that simple.


I love it. I don't really ever see that changing. We spend a lot of on YouTube and running YouTube ads, and we're seeing similar things in that videos, and usually you need slightly longer videos on YouTube than you do on Facebook in most cases, but still that user-generated content, those testimonial videos that you could weave into your YouTube ad works there too. I think it's always going to work. As long as it's an authentic, genuine testimonial that really hits on "Here's how my life has changed. Here's why I love this product. Here's my story," people eat that up. I think people will always eat that up if it rings authentic.


Because it's a testimonial, that's not what makes it work. We chat about this and then students submit a testimonial, and the first line is "I love this product so much." It's like, guys that's words of customer, but it sounds like an ad. We need to start with things like, "As a mom of two, I didn't think I would have time to do X, Y, and Z." How much more relatable is that? It doesn't feel like you are being sold to.


Yeah, one time we had a prospect, and we ended up not working with him. He submits these videos and you could literally read the people that are supposed to be customers. You could watch their eyes reading from a teleprompter. I'm like, "Guys, this not going to work." You want people to be sharing real emotion and their real story.


Yeah, well sharing a life story. It's not about why the product's great. It is sharing their story and how it fit into their lives. So, we ask three important questions to get really good testimonials. If you ask these questions, it will set people up to give you really good answers. What was life like before you bought this product? That has them describe that undesirable before state, starts to tell their story. What is life like afterwards? Now they're talking about the after state, the benefits, how much better they feel. Then if you were to re-commend this to a friend, what exactly would you say? When you say it like that, they take off their "I'm a salesperson for this company" hat, and they put on their "Oh, I'm writing a message, or speaking a message to a friend. I'm going to be real about how this product helped me."


Love that so much. Actually, since I'm such a believer in testimonials, but getting authentic ones, I created "The Ultimate Guide", I don't remember what I called it, but how to get authentic customer testimonials. It's on the OMG Commerce website. Check it out. I'm not sure if I have those exact [crosstalk 00:40:34]-


That's sounds like a good offer for your agency, Brett.


It's a good offer. Yeah. We can do that as an offer too for Smart Marketer. It's so true. The difference between a really good testimonial and then an average testimonial is two different planets, two different universes. Getting a good testimonial is worth it's weight in gold. Having one that's average, is really going to do nothing for you, or one that's weak. Anyway, I love that.


What was life like before? What was life like after? What would you say to a friend? I love that so much. It's also good, you want to give someone a little bit of help as they're creating a testimonial. Otherwise, it feels like they're staring at a screen and not knowing what to say, or looking at a blank page or whatever. So, giving them some help is key, for sure. I love that. Love that.


Let's take just a couple of minutes, and we're going to be short-changing this topic for sure, but I wanted to take a couple of minutes because this will be fun and I think it's useful. It's been a difficult road the last couple of years for e-commerce, entrepreneurs, media buyers, online advertisers, not rough [crosstalk 00:41:47]. E-commerce has grown tremendously. That's been good. E-commerce has grown, so no complaints there.


But it's challenging times. I know you train a lot of people, you train a lot of entrepreneurs and media buyers. What are you teaching people about mindset and how mindset impacts results?


Mindset is everything in this game. I don't think any of us are maybe even better marketers than one another. It's your willingness to stay committed, and to continue forward. It's what we talked about earlier with us being okay with half of the work we do not actually being used. Or as a media buyer, it's not even about who can set up the best ads. It's about who can continue to troubleshoot and optimize to make each piece of the campaign better so that they can move forward.


This is personal development, a concept that most of you have heard of before, but it's really the difference between having a scarcity mindset, or having an abundance mindset. For me, I choose to be grateful. I choose to not get upset with these paid traffic platforms. I choose to look at things with the glass half full. I think that if there was anything unique about our culture at Smart Marketer, that is it. We have all chosen this mindset.


There is going to be trouble in anything you do. I think as a human, the last few years have been hard. It's easy to get down. Of course, I still get frustrated, angry, depressed. All of those things occur. But I try to choose to bring positivity to our business, try to bring it to our employees, to our offers, to the trainings that we provide. It really is a completely different experience when you choose to do that.


Yeah, I love it. I'm a really positive person. I'm naturally upbeat. I'm a glass half full kind of guy. But I have my moments. I have moments where I want to curse Tim Cook for the latest iOS update, and why are you killing a good thing, Tim Cook? Or whoever else is making the decisions at Apple. We can get in that mindset. It's okay to be frustrated and complain a little bit, but don't stay there.


Get to a better place, because you're right, it's not just who's the smartest, it's not just who has the best campaign structure, but who can show up consistently and do the right thing, and who can be okay with "Okay, I got one, two, three campaigns that I wrote that didn't work, but then I had an offer that hit and then it scaled to the moon." Who could handle that?


And who-


Yeah, please add to that.


[inaudible 00:44:31], and who actually cares? It's why I so believe-




... in the mission of our business that Ezra initially set out, serve the world unselfishly, and profit. If you truly care about the group of people that your business serves, and you care about the way that you're changing their lives, even if you're selling a toothbrush and you're helping their mouth to be cleaner, it doesn't matter. If you truly care about that, it changes the energy of the business.


I can tell you, if you asked me "Molly, what is the difference between students that succeed or don't succeed, or friends that I know in the industry that have done great things, or people that are struggling," it really comes back to mindset, and it comes back to an authentic, genuine, caring for the group of people that you're serving. If you have that, and you stay consistent, there's no way that you can't make this work.


Yeah, it's so true. If you can really be passionate about your customer, and I would even say about your team, then that's way more powerful than just being passionate about your product. I think both are important, but being passionate about your customer and about your team, that's really where's it at. One thing I discovered for me, and hey I've got lofty goals, I want my business to succeed and I want to it to grow, I think entrepreneurship, and businesses, and capitalism offer a lot to the world. If it's just about money, I burn out quickly. I get to a point where I'm like, "I don't really care anymore."


But if I think about who I'm serving, and I think about that business owner that my agency is helping accelerate growth for, if I think about team members who were helping accelerate their individual growth, and I get to see someone step and lead a call, or mail a presentation, or come up with a strategy.


Nothing better.


I'm like "Whoa, I never thought of that." That is so fun for me, and so rewarding. Then when you key in on that, then guess what, the profits are better too, and then the business grows better too.


Brett, aside from the money, I saw a study last year that rated digital marketing as the most stressful job or career path out there, even above brain surgeons, or people working in the medical field.


That's crazy, yeah.


I believe that. Think about it, we're basically day traders.


[crosstalk 00:46:47] so much out of your control, and that's a scary thing. There's so much out of your control, it's scary. Yeah.


Exactly. To be able to sustain that, and the changes, and the stress, and the fact that what we do never really turns off unless you choose for it to do so your mindset and who you are as a person, and how you treat yourself and the people around you, that is will what will sustain you moving forward more than anything else.


Love that. So good. So good, Molly Pittman. All right, so people that are listening that are like, "Holy cow, I need more Molly Pittman in my life," where do you suggest people go? Obviously, there's lots of stuff people are going to enjoy at, but where should someone get started, or what are some cool things, what are some offers you got going on right now?


Yeah, check out There are some free resources there, depending on what we have going on at the time. I know this is coming out a bit later, Brett, so we do have that State of Paid Advertising in 2022 workshop coming up. We have lots of free resources on our website. If you want to follow me, I'm most active on Instagram @MollyPittmanDigital. I also read all of my DMs, so if you have questions, thoughts about this, I love hearing from you all and I would love to hear from you on Instagram.


Instagram, check it out. What's your handle again?


One more quick thing, Brett.


What's your handle again on Instagram?






Of course, if you like this format, you like podcasts, John, and Ezra, and I do have a podcast, The Smart Marketer Podcast. So, check that out.


It is an intact podcast, where you get to be a guest for a couple of episodes. It was tremendously fun. Check out the Smart Marketer podcast. I'll link to all of this in the show notes as well so it's easy for you to access. With that, Molly Pittman, any final words? Any final words of wisdom, re-commendations, or asks of the audience?


Keep doing it. Just keep at it. Take care of yourself. Maintain that balance in your life. Don't get sucked into this world so that you lose who you are. Or if you do, quickly bounce back from that. Just enjoy. We're living in a really cool time as humans, and there's a lot of crazy stuff going on. When have we ever had the opportunity to do what we're doing from a business standpoint?


It's complicated, but also the world is truly at our fingertips. Find a group of people that you align with, that you're interested in, that you want to help, and figure out how you can serve them, and figure out what you can sell to them. I just always go back to being grateful that we are able to work in this way. It's really, really cool. Hopefully, you guys enjoy it too.


I love it. It's a super challenging industry. It's always changing. It's very stressful. But man, it's fun. It can be fun, especially if you have the right community around you. If you can find that balance man, it's an awesome place to be. Check out Smart Marketer. Check out the community. Get to know Molly Pittman. Follow her on Instagram.


With that, thank you so much for tuning in. This show would be nothing without you who tune in and listen faithfully. If you haven't rated the show, please do that. Leave a review. It helps other people find the show. If there's somebody that you're listening to this and you're like, "Whoa, this person needs to hear this episode," then share with them. That would mean the world to me, and I know it'd make a difference in somebody else's life as well.


With that, until next time, stay spicy.