Episode 39

Getting The Most From Amazon in 2018

Brandon Andrews - Freedom Shark, Chris Tyler - OMG Commerce
January 10, 2018
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | YouTube

Today we take a deep dive into Amazon from two unique perspectives – from that of a very successful seller and that of an Amazon Ad Specialist.

As we close out 2017 we do so with two record sales days under our belts.  Black Friday and Cyber Monday both set online sales records.  Amazon was a big driver of that online growth.

All signs point to continued growth into 2018.  In this episode, we’ll outline how you can get the most from Amazon in the coming months.

First a little about our guests…

Brandon Andrews is a successful Amazon seller and now the co-founder of Freedom Shark, providing training to up-and-coming Amazon sellers.  Chris Tyler is an SEO Specialist turned Amazon Ad expert.  Currently, he manages successful Amazon Ad campaigns for large and smaller sellers alike and is part of our team here at OMG Commerce

Here are a few things we cover in this episode:

– Takeaways from Black Friday and Cyber Monday and how to prepare for next year’s holiday sales

– The 1-2 things likely holding your Amazon advertising back

– The top 3-4 mistakes sellers make as they launch and grow products

– New opportunities

– Walmart vs. Amazon and how brands should capitalize on both

– The best Amazon Ad Advice for 2018

– Plus more!

Mentioned in this Episode:

OMG Commerce

Freedom Shark

Amazon Advertising


Cyber Monday hits Record-Breaking $6.59B in US Online Sale

Black Friday Rocks Up $5.03B in Online Sales, $2B on Mobile Alone

Amazon’s Ad Revenue to Hit $3.5B in 2017

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