Episode 97

The New “Funnel” Ecosystem

Rachel Tipograph - MikMak
November 20, 2019
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | YouTube

I recently saw Rachel speak at an agency event in New York City.  I was blown away. Rachel has quite the resume.

Forbes listed Rachel as one of its “30 under 30 Who Are Changing The World”, Fast Company named her one of "The Most Creative People in Business", AdAge named her one of "The Most Creative People of The Year," Entrepreneur named her one of the "50 Most Daring Entrepreneurs," Inc named her to the “Female Founders 100,” and the list goes on and on.  After being the Global Director of Digital and Social Media at Gap Rachel traveled the world for 100 days and then founded MikMak, the first native commerce platform for the social video generation. 

Here’s a look at what we cover:

  • Why big companies like Facebook and Google and Amazon are at war for first party data. 
  • Why Rachel believes in the philosophy that if you give up your first party data, you give up your brand.
  • Rachel believes that today’s funnel starts at the consideration level first and that true brand building and loyalty start after the first purchase.  
  • Lessons from Kylie Jenner and Native Deodorant
  • Rachel’s thoughts on Twitch and how it might be a glimpse into the future 
  • Social is the world's largest mall and point of end checkout...are you treating it that way?
  • Plus much more!

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