Episode 157

4 Keys to Effective Text Marketing

Arri Bagah - Conversmart
April 14, 2021
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | YouTube

Myth: marketing texts are annoying.

Truth:  bad marketing texts are annoying.  Good text messages foster customer loyalty and drive sales.  

Ready for the 4 Keys to powerful text marketing right now?  While text marketing isn’t overly complex, there is certainly a right way and a wrong way to approach it.

81% of all shoppers have signed up for text messaging from a brand.  Customers are clearly open to receiving texts from you.  If you approach text marketing strategically, your customers will even welcome your texts.  Arri B is here to show you how to effectively do that.  Here’s what we cover in this episode.  

Choosing the right text platform
No list, no bueno.  Learn the most effective ways to build a list fast.
Using your text list to build community
What to text?  Learning an effective content strategy for your text campaigns
Optimizing and split testing
Plus, more!

Arri Bagah

Via LinkedIn


Mentioned in this episode: 

Smart Marketer

Ezra Firestone



Episode Transcript:


Well, hello and welcome to another edition of the eCommerce Evolution Podcast. I'm your host, Brett Curry, CEO of OMG Commerce. And today, we have a returning guest and we're going to be diving into a topic that is extremely relevant, extremely important right now. If you're ready to finally scale with YouTube ads, I have a free exclusive event just for you. Our YouTube ad experts here at OMG, including myself, are partnering with our team at Google to deliver a power-packed virtual event. We're calling it YouTube ads for eCommerce, the winning formula for scale. During the event, we'll show you exactly how other eCommerce brands we work with are spending $5,000, $10,000, even $30,000 per day or more profitably with YouTube ads. You'll get to learn directly from Google, with information from their unskippable labs team. This presentation on what ads get skipped and what ads don't is amazing. I've seen it before, and it will definitely help drive more conversions for you.


You can also ask your burning YouTube ad questions to our expert panel, and as a bonus, fellow podcaster an eCommerce expert, Kurt Elster, will be talking about landing page optimization to add fuel to your customer acquisition efforts. When you sign up today, you'll also get access to the replays. Check it out at omgcommerce.com under events, or visit the show notes for this episode. And now back to the show.


And so with me on the show today, I have Mr. Arri Bagah. Arri and I met a few years ago now, several years ago, at a smart marketer event, so a mutual connection, mutual friend in Ezra Firestone. We were both speaking at this event. I heard Arri speak and thought, "Man, this dude is smart. He's a whiz kid of sorts when it comes to text marketing and more than text marketing, but he's known as the text marketing guy. And so we're going to be talking about how to use SMS and text marketing in 2021. What should we be doing, not doing? How does this all work? So with that in mind, Arri, welcome to the show again, and thanks for coming back.


Thanks for having me.


Yeah, absolutely. So we both work in the eCommerce space, or that's where we tend to play and of course the audience here is all eCommerce, and so we're going to be talking about how to use SMS and text marketing in an eCommerce environment. And so I think one of the first questions people think of is, yeah. Okay. So if we're sending marketing messages through text to prospects and customers, won't they just get annoyed? Won't they just be mad at us? Will we be worse off sending these than having not sent them? So what are your thoughts there? Are text messages annoying, and how do we make sure that they're not annoying?


Sure. This is one of the things that I hear all the time and it always comes up in every conversation, right? It's kind of going back to pop-ups, right? People think pop-ups are annoying, no one should be using popups. I think it's kind of the same conversation. So I think that people have had bad experiences with text marketing where you never subscribe, you go home, and then you receive a random text message and you wonder, "How did they get my number and how did they send this text message out to me?" So people have had about those bad experiences, right? And it's completely understandable for people to be skeptical of the text marketing channel.


But I think that at the end of the day, you are not your customer. And we've had many brands that thought text marketing wouldn't work. They try it. Revenue comes in within a week, and then they love it and they want to do more. So I think that you're not your customer. It's always great to test something out before making the judgment that it's not going to work for my audience. It's annoying. People are not going to want to receive text messages. And we've done a recent 2020 state of DDC text marketing report. And we found out that over the past year, over 81% of consumers have signed up to receive text messages from Shopify stores. And over 79% of consumers want to receive text messages. And most of them are already receiving text messages from presidential campaigns, two factor authentication, delivery notification.


So it's not something new that someone hasn't seen, most people already have text messages going to their inbox. So that said, people are already using it. You never know until you test it out, the data is there, that the revenue is there. So yeah, you might as well give it a try.


I love that. So several lessons there that are really important. The first one that I'll point out is, yeah, you are not your customer. I am not my customer, right? We can certainly take our own experiences and learn from them and maybe apply them to our customer. But you have to be open to testing things. And even if you hate getting text messages of any kind, or you hate getting marketing messages via text, there's a lot of people, 81%, who have signed up to receive text messages from a merchant in the last year. That's significant, and I know for a lot of people that is their primary mode of communication. I think that's pretty far reaching. I think most people are avid texters now. And if it's not the favorite mode of communication, it's certainly up there.


I think the other thing, and I'm glad you use the analogy of a pop-up, right? We all hate pop-ups. Pop-ups are, that's a bad word, pop-up blockers, and the different browsers now have pop-up blockers in them, but really, we don't like bad pop-ups, right? If there's a welcome message that shows up on a site we really wanted to visit, and it's an offer for something we really want or a discount or something new, then it's welcome, right? Then we're okay with it. So I think the same is true with texts, right? Bad texts are annoying, but texts to the right people with the right message at the right time can be really, really positive. And so, can you kind of talk about that? How do we go about operating our tech smart messaging plan strategy so that it's effective and not annoying?


Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, you definitely got that one, that bad texts are annoying, and good texts are welcome, right? So I think one of the first things to do in order to start setting up text marketing is to figure out what platform you want to use, and not to say that platform mattered, because at the end of the day, everyone has access to the same platforms, but there is a reason why some brands are doing great and some are not. And that is because it's the strategy that really matters. So that said, platforms like Postscript, Attentive, Yappo, SMS, are some of the great ones out there that are built for eCommerce that you can start using today. And once you have that, I think it's really important to figure out some of the ways that you can grow your list, right? Because at the end of the day, if you don't have a list, you're not going to make any money.


I've had many people come up to me, "I've tried text marketing, it doesn't work." And I ask, "How many subscribers you have?" And it's like, "I have 250 subscribers." "Well, you can't do that much with that many subscribers. It's really important to keep growing your list." So we can get into some of the strategies to grow your list, but once you have your list, then it comes to content, right? What do you send? And we can break that one down to automated flows, campaigns, as well as customer support. And lastly, optimizing, looking at the data, and continue tweaking things with testing to continue improving. Those are some of the ways that I recommend people to start text marketing, right? But yeah, we can dive into each of those.


Yeah. I love that. That's fantastic. Let's talk platforms for just a second. I'm glad you mentioned that it's not so much about the platform as it is how you execute, right? How do you build your list? What content are you sending? What's your strategy, right? That always matters more than the platform. But any additional feedback on platform, you mentioned several, any places that are better to start for or better for people with small lists versus large lists, any additional context you would provide on platforms?


Yeah. Yeah. Usually people ask me, what's my favorite platform? I don't have one. I love all of them. They're all our partners. But if you're a new Postscript is a really great one, especially for Shopify brands, they only serve Shopify brands. Postscript is a really great one. The Apple SMS bump is also another one. I know my friend, Ezra, is launching his own text marketing app called The Connect for his audience that you guys are going to be able to check out soon. I'm going to be doing a few things here and there with Ezra. So that one is good. And then you have Attentive for bigger brands if you're doing hundreds of thousands of text messages per week, then I highly recommend Attentive. They integrate with more than Shopify, Magento, eCommerce, custom built platforms. So that's more for brands. Yeah. Attentive. That's more for bigger and larger brands.


Great. Okay. Awesome. Sounds great. So let's talk then, let's transition to growing the list, because if you don't have a list, you don't really have any text marketing abilities. So how does one go about building a list?


Yeah. So one of the first things is to figure out what's going to get someone to actually join the list, right? But what's the incentive? What are you going to offer someone? What is the value for someone to join your list? Because let's be honest, people are not just out handing out their phone numbers. It's very hard to get someone's phone number.


Yeah, they're not just saying, "I'm not getting enough texts right now. I'd really like to, if I could find some advertisers to send me some marketing texts, that'd be great."


Exactly. So people are not doing that right now. So yeah. What is the value in someone joining your list? And I think the value is the power of community. How can you build an engaged audience that when you launch a product and when you have a promotion, they go crazy, you sell out the product. So those are some of the ways that we're looking at text marketing. So I was just in a Clubhouse room with some brands, and they were talking about how they make it a little bit hard.


Quick side note, how are you liking Clubhouse? Has that been valuable for you? Have you made new connections? Are you using it well? I'm on Clubhouse, but not doing anything. So I'm about to change that. So if you want to connect with me on Clubhouse, let's do it. But how is it working for you?


Yeah, I just started using it too. I know you can connect with some top talent and great brands, great marketers, people that you don't have access to on a regular basis. So for me, it's been great to get those people into other sessions, have conversations, and then maybe take it onto the next level. So that's kind of how I'm planning on using it. I'm very new to it. So yeah. I mean, yeah, I've been in rooms hearing people talk, just checking it out functionality wise, how it works and everything. But I think it's a great platform to connect with people that you can't just email and get a conversation, but if you invite them to Clubhouse, they might join you in for a conversation. So yeah, you could even do this podcast on Clubhouse.


On Clubhouse. Yeah. Yeah. The podcast content is great for Clubhouse. I'm just, yeah. I'm still figuring out, but I'm going to accelerate that endeavor and hopefully be more active on Clubhouse soon. So I love this idea of building community and figuring out what kind of incentive are we going to offer? How do we get someone to give us their number? But practically speaking, tactically speaking, what does that look like?


Yeah. Almost turned into a Clubhouse expert for a second.


I was totally, I was making mental notes.


Yeah. I also, with text marketing, anywhere you can collect an email, you can collect a phone number. The only thing is that we're making sure that you're compliant, that someone is actually opting in to receive that text message. So if you have an email popup, you can have a phone number field as well and collect that phone number. I know the platform that I mentioned make it really easy to collect both an email and a phone number. This could be a whole nother topic, you focus on email or text.


So what I would say is that on mobile traffic, I prioritize text. And then on desktop traffic, prioritize email first, but also collect the phone number, because if someone is on their phone, it's super easy for them to get that text, whether you're offering discount or whatever it is you're offering to get them in, it's super easy for them to Optane. So on mobile, definitely prioritize text. Checkout is a really good one, too, if you're using any Shopify checkout, Zipify, CartHook, whatever you name it, you can get that customer's phone number at checkout and have them subscribe to receive abandoned cart messages, follow up.


And is that just as simple as just having a field for phone number, or are you explaining, or you're putting that field there and then saying, "Hey, here's why you should give us your number?" Or what do you advise there?


So you can have a checkbox that says, "Subscribe to receive our text messages or subscribe to receive offers, updates, early access to product launches, et cetera." So usually if you have Shopify Plus it allows you to add an extra check box at check out and that would allow you to collect them as a subscriber.


Got it. Got it. Okay. And are you seeing, what kind of percentages are you seeing or should you be seeing to get new text subscribers?


Yeah. So that's a good question. On average, we're looking at 5% opt-in rates, and people usually, say, "Okay, but I'm getting 15% over email," but we have a brand that's doing the same amount of revenue with email and texts, but they have 10% of their email list. So even had a brand that had 50,000 subscribers doing $1 million a month in text marketing, just via text alone. So the size of the list isn't that important, because the text marketing is very different where you're getting 99% open rates, you're getting 10, 20, 30% click through rates. So those numbers are pretty crazy. And you have brands that are selling out their products, just via tax even before sending it to their email lists, so even though small lists can do really large numbers of revenue just because of the reach and the engagement.


Totally makes sense. Yeah. And so even if you are getting 5% opt-in on texts versus, say, 20% or something on email, the responsiveness of that text list really balances it out. And it is true. When you get a text message, it's much more personal, it's a little more intimate, and you're going to check, right? You get a text message, you don't ignore that. Everybody looks at every text message, right? Maybe I opt out or something if I forgot I opted in, but I'm going to see it. I'm going to get it. So totally makes sense. So we're opting in by really, in the cart, in the checkout, anywhere we have an email opt-in, why not ask for texts as well? And I love the idea of prioritizing text for mobile traffic, and then maybe leading first with email for desktop traffic, certainly still asking for texts in both. And any other tips for how to get subscribers?


Yeah. I think when people look at texts marketing, they think that text is out to get email, or you're supposed to shut down your email service and just use text marketing, but we want both channels to be working together. So we're not looking to stop email marketing in any way. We're looking to leverage both channels and have them work together, because we've done this test where we'll send out just, for this brand, we're sent on one text message alone. I think that did about $6,000. Now, one email alone, and that did around $3,400. And when we send out an email and a text, and we did $15,000. So, because you're using both, you're generating revenue, so don't look at it as, "Hey, I have to shut out. I don't have to do email anymore. I have to focus on..." We want both to work together.


So that said, with collecting subscribers, you can leverage your own audiences. If you have Instagram followups, do swipe ups leading to texts. We've had brands that are now adding stickers to, let's say, their retail products. If you're selling on Amazon or Target, whatever, you can get those customers sooner. You can add a sticker that says, "Text this keyword to this number to get this offer." And that could be a great way to customers to come over to direct to consumer as well. You can leverage a Facebook ad to collect phone numbers. The possibilities are endless. So yeah, but those are some of the top ways that I recommend for brands.


Love it, love it. So this will be a good point then to kind of transition in, into content. What are we actually sending? And you talked about auto campaigns for things like abandoned cart and whatnot. So we'll have you break that down, customer support, and I think you had one other category as well. So you want to kind of talk that through? What are the main elements? What are the main content types that we're running with our text marketing?


Sure. Automated messages are a huge part of email marketing, right? Someone gives you their email, then automated welcome series. They go through an abandoned cart series, et cetera. So we want to do the same over .. When it comes to content, you don't want to just copy the same thing, email, and just paste it in text, because text in itself is different, is a one-to-one communication channel. When you talk with friends, family, coworkers, are you having a conversation with, it's not anything professional, serious. It's emojis, gifs, images, et cetera. We use it the same way, and kind of humanize the brand a little bit, instead of being too, more casual when it comes to text.


And when it comes to automated flows or a welcome series, and the purpose of the welcome series is to introduce your brand customers. And if you have an incentive, you can deliver that incentive in the first message. And over a period of 14 days, you can deliver text messages that convincing someone to buy. You can focus on the value of the product. A social proof over 250,000 customers are using this product. Scarcity because people are going to get that text, right? How can you get them to act right away when they receive that text message? If you're sending an offer, does it expire within the next 24 hours? So things like that, that you can add to your text messages that would get those customers to act pretty quickly. And then you have your abandoned cart flows. And the purpose of the abandoned cart flows is to get that customer to come back and complete checkout.


So what you can do is, many brands have abandoned cart set up over email already. So what we want to do here is maybe send a text out within 30 minutes to an hour after they abandon their cart, because when shopping, they, most of the time have their phone on them already. So it might be better to send them that abandoned cart within an hour to get them to come back. And if they don't purchase, then they can receive that email within four hours or so. So if you're looking at, how can I use both flows at the same time? We typically just stagger them, just send out the text is going to get the most.


Makes way more sense. Yeah.


Yeah. It will be way quicker. And then you can have that email go out. And obviously the platforms are connected to Shopify. If someone makes a purchase on text, they're not going to receive an email after. So that solves that problem there. And then post-purchase, order confirmation messages, we've had many brands say that the customers ask, "Hey, did my order process?" And their customer support team gets that every single day, many, many times. So what if you could send an order confirmation via text and be sure that someone is going to receive it so that you don't have them reaching out to your customer support team, asking if their order has processed. And one thing that we did find over the past year is that when someone is in buying mode, they're more likely to buy again.


So if you send them a thank you message and say, "Hey, here's another 10% off for your next order," they're probably going to come back and purchase again. So that could be a great way for post-purchase, to get those customers to come back. And then you have reviews, you can hit up those customers, maybe in two weeks after the product is delivered to leave a review. If you're using product, it integrates with their loyalty and reviews programs, so it makes it really easy to set up. And then you have your customer went back, right? After four or five weeks, you can send that customer, who have purchased certain collections, other products in the same collections that they're more likely to buy. And that can be a great way to bring them back. But those are some of the initial flows that I recommend in terms of setting up your automated flows.


Love it, love it. And then customer support also makes sense. And so order confirmation, do you like shipping confirmation as well? I know a lot of people really like to know when their item ships also.


Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah. Shipping confirmation. Actually from one brand, we had saw that shipping confirmation was generating a lot of revenue for some reason. So if you notify that customer and then maybe send them a link to check out another product or whatever it is, you might also see people coming in and end up buying the product. So yeah, those automated flows are a great, but you also have campaigns, right? Broadcast campaigns, what people usually find as spam. "Hey, don't send me any promotional offers," but those work really great. people always ask me, "What's the right cadence? Should I send once a week, once a month?" It really depends on your audience and how great your content is because it's not the channel, it's the content that people usually don't like.


So if you're seeing high unsubscribe rates, that means that you need to redo your content, you need to humanize it. You need to send something that is unique, something that they're not seeing on your website, something that they have not received through email already, because what's the point of me subscribing to your text list if you send me an email saying the same thing, right? There's no reason for me to engage anymore because I've already seen that message. So when it comes to those campaigns, you don't have to do sales all the time. Every marketer that I talk to is like, "Hey, text is a sales channel. People send the same discount every other day." So you don't have to do discounts. I think marketers think that they have to do discounts, but you really don't have to. If you want to send content that is fun, engaging, you can do that. You don't have to offer a discount every single time. And you can see super high open rates, click through rates and conversion rates doing that.


So I really think that, yeah, for your broadcast campaigns, if you're seeing high unsubscribe rates, find a different direction for your content. We've had a brand that was really skeptical about text. They were doing it, but they were kind of scared. They were sending one text every month. We took over, we started sending two text messages per week, and their unsubscribe rate went from 8.9% to 2.9% within four weeks. Although we increased the frequency, the content was better and they generated more revenue. So at the end of the day, if you do it right, it's going to be a great channel, you're going to get people engaged.


Yeah. And what's so interesting about that, because I'll think about this from a consumer standpoint. Sometimes I'll sign up for a text service, and then if I don't hear from that brand for a long time, I may forget that I subscribed, right? Or be like, "I'm no longer interested in this thing anymore," right? If it's four weeks after I signed up, so I can see where the scenario you just laid out, where maybe if you're sending too infrequently, that increases the number of opt-outs right? Where if you're sending a little more often, and you're building that relationship and that community and the messages are fun and engaging, and maybe there's a combination of education and fun with sales, and then also new product launches and stuff like that, I'm assuming that's a great place to use text, and for events and things like that as well.


Yeah. 100%. Product launches are great. That's probably my favorite part of text marketing because you have brands that are launching new products. What we typically do is we sending it early, maybe 24, 48 hours early to our text list, and some brands will actually sell out their products before even sending it to their email list. So if you do text marketing, right, and keep your list engaged, when you have those product launches, those promotions, they're just going to sell out quickly and you probably won't even have to send it to your email list. So typically, what I recommend is for a brand to keep their lists engaged. You don't have to do promotions all the time, but send out content that is relevant and fun. Use gifts. Gifts really help in keeping the user's attention for a lot longer. So instead of them just opening up the text and closing it, now they open it up, there's a flashy image showcasing the product. They know why you're promoting, and they're more likely to also click. So that's another hack that you can leverage for increasing your engagement.


Cool, love it. Well, final concept, final topic here as we look to kind of wrap up, let's talk about optimizing, split testing, how do we get better and better? Because as marketers, that's we should be doing, whether we're running YouTube campaigns, or search and shopping campaigns, or Amazon ad campaigns, we're always finding winners, we're identifying losers, we're adjusting, we're tweaking, we're optimizing. What does that look like from an SMS standpoint? How are you optimizing and improving?


Sure. Yeah. In eCommerce space, there's a saying that, "Set and forget it." I'm sure you've heard of it. So we tend to do the opposite. We want to set it up and look at it every single day. So split testing is a core component of what we do. And split testing allows you to really figure out, is it the messaging that could help me optimize, improve my campaigns? Is it adding an image, a gift? Is it the call to action? Is it the segmentation? Segmentation is a core part of text marketing. Especially if you're using Shopify, you have a lot of different segments that you can use. So I always recommend segmenting. And this goes into engagement, right? The more relevant the content is, the more engagement you get, the more revenue you're going to generate, So don't be one of those marketers who send out blanket emails to 500,000 people, get 8% open rates, and maybe half a percent click through rates.


And that is because they're not segmenting. They're not trying to create different content that's more relevant. If you do that through text, you're going to get the same result. You're going to have that big list and you're going to have little to nobody engaging. So what we want to do is we want to segment, send more relevant content. And although you might have a higher frequency, you're going to see that the content's relevant and you're going to get more people clicking through and buying the product. So split testing is part of that too, for your automated flows, split testing. The times that you're sending, split testing, the copy, the call to action, scarcity, different components that you can really split test to figure out what's going to drive up the clicks, what's going to drive up the revenue per customer, and looking at data, right? Every text that we send, we like to add UTM tracking codes, because let's be honest, every platform likes to over report on the revenue.


For sure. Every platform takes credit for one purchase. I've heard a lot of people say, "Hey, if I just added up all the conversions from all my channels, my sales would be double what they actually are." But that's just the nature of the platforms. You have to understand that nobody's being nefarious. It's just the nature of the way the platforms tracking works. You just got to know it going into it.


Exactly. So we add a UTM tracking code so that we can double check in Google Analytics and see what the last click attribution in Google Analytics says, so that you can take a look at that data and really know what's working and what's not, because obviously the results would be inflated in the platforms. And using UTM tracking codes, you can really see the conversion rates for all the campaigns that you're launching, and then looking at the trends, right? I sent this text with my CEO holding the product, it's very humanizing versus a very salesy texts. What performed better? What made it perform better? And kind of taking what has already worked and then creating different versions of it and continuing to improve.


So typically that's how we do it. Data is really important. And also sometimes in Google Analytics, you can create a user profile. Who's engaging with us via text? Because sometimes people think, "Hey, it's only people who are 18 to 22 years old that are engaging." Yeah, exactly, "that are engaging via text." And we have these brands doing over a million a month via text, and their audience is 55 plus. So it's not really a specific demographic that works. It's relevance, community, people who are engaging with your brand, that's what works. So that's another thing when it comes to data, look at that customer profile and continue to create content that's more relevant to them.


I love that. Watch the data, always be split testing, always look to get better segmentation so that you can increase your relevance with your message and your offers. And it just works. I mean, when you put attention on these things you're going to improve your performance. No doubt about it. So, Arri, let's do this to where we're kind of wrapping up here. I'm sure there's a lot of people listening, saying, "Man, this is good. I love this. I've got to do better with my SMS marketing." Where does Converse Mart come in? So what can you do? How can you help people? Because I'm also guessing there's a lot of people watching and saying, "I like the idea of doing more SMS marketing, but I don't want to do it myself." So where do you guys come in?


Sure. We come in. Usually when someone wants to work with us, they just want to offload everything to us, which we really love, because we want control of the channel. Usually what I don't like is when some, and then they try to tell you what to do. You hired the experts, do what they're supposed to do. So that's how we approach things at Converse Mart. So we come in from, you're picking out your platforms, subscriber migration, your strategy, your automated flows, the copywriting, the creative. We do everything. Hiring us is like 10 people at once to do your text marketing. So those are some of the benefits that you're looking at. So manage all of it, you really don't have anything to do besides approve the content, and we're very transparent with our brands, come from an eCommerce background.


And at the end the day, revenue is what really matters for eCommerce brands. You can create beautiful looking text messages, a beautiful looking image. If they don't have to generate revenue, then who really cares, right? So that's the mentality that we're bringing for the brands. So revenue is always in the front of our mind. What can we do to increase revenue for these brands? And thus what we really focus on. So that's that for, we got into email marketing too seven months ago, and I know what you're thinking, "Hey, this guy, text marketing, getting into email?" Yes. Email is a great channel. Brands have requested for us-


The two go together so well though. I mean, they just compliment each other. They work well together.


Exactly. Yeah. So it just made sense for brands to offer as a service. So we're running the most lean and effective texts and email marketing services, helping brands reach their customers on those two channels. So we come in same way, fully manage white glove texts and email marketing service. So that's what we can help eCommerce brands.


Love it. That's so good. So Arri, how can people best connect with you? Just through the website? On socials? What's the best way to connect with you?


Yeah, that's my favorite question on any podcast. Go to conversemart.com, C-O-N-V-E-R-S-E-M-A-R-T.com. And you can reach out to me at arri@conversemart.com. That's A-R-R-I. This podcast could be eight hours long and I could be here talking about text marketing. So if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me, I'm more than happy to help you out.


Hit up the text marketing guy, the text and email marketing guy now, to rebrand that just a little bit, but yeah, reach out to Arri. Awesome guy, and can help you guys a lot. And so with that, Arri, man, thanks so much. Thanks for coming back on. It's been a lot of fun, and you're right, we could have gone another several hours and then this still would have been engaging.


Awesome. Thanks for having me, man. It's always great to meet you.


Absolutely. And so with that, as always, thank you for tuning in, and we would love to hear from you. So give us some feedback. What are topics you want us to dive into on the show? What do you like? What do you not like about the show? And with that, until next time, thank you for listening.

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