Using Amazon DSP with a Full-Funnel Approach to Scale an eCommerce Pet Supplement Company
PetHonesty is a dog supplement brand that uses effective, quality, premium ingredients with benefits that are supported by nutritional science research and testing.

Month Over Month Growth
Increase in DSP Advertised Product Sales
ROAS maintained with increased spend
Increase in Total Units Sold
The Result
Our goal with DSP is to scale spend over time while maintaining consistent sales, and this account was a model performer. Over the course of 11 months we were able to scale the account from<$6,000 in monthly spend and $33,000 in Total Sales to nearly $60,000 in spend and $370,000 inTotal Sales. Lifetime ROAS for the account was 6.1x, with the last month achieving a 6.2x. For two products in particular, we scaled spend from $2,000-3,000 per month in the beginning to $15,000 each and $55,000+ Total Sales 11 months later with consistent results.